The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 318 The Crisis in the Night
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Chapter 318 The Crisis in the Night

The thing that Qin Ya mentioned was naturally the jade bracelet that Chen Hao gave to her as a gift


“From now on, we are through with each other. I held on to this bracelet because I originally thought

that since we could never be together, I wanted to keep it as a token of remembrance. However now,

there is no need for that anymore. So, I will give it back to you.”

Qin Ya put on a stone-cold face and gave the jade bracelet back to Chen Hao.

“I think it’s for the best.”

“Chen Hao, one more thing. I hope that you can delete my contact number as you have Su Tongxin

now while I have Shaoyun. After you have deleted it, then we will be considered complete strangers.”

“Ok then.”

Chen Hao did not say anything anymore. He took the jade bracelet from her. Then, after

acknowledging Zhao Tongtong and the rest of them, he left the Qin household.

“Why Qin Ya? Why did you let Chen Hao leave just like that? What happened between you two?”

Zhao Tongtong asked her quizzically.

“It’s nothing. Please don’t ask me anymore. By the way, this afternoon Shaoyun gave me an expensive

gift. Let me show it to you all.”

With that, Qin Ya wiped away the tears that formed at the corners of her eyes and tried her best to give

her friends a happy smile. “Wait for me. I will go and get it.”

When they saw her forced smile, Zhao Tongtong and the rest of her friends could not continue their

meals any further.

“Qin Ya, please don’t act like this. Since you don’t want to talk about it, we will not ask you any further.

However, please don’t torture yourself. We know that you love Chen Hao, not Long Shaoyun. Why do

you have to deceive yourself?” asked Zhao Tongtong.

“Pfft! No I am not. You guys really think too much. I only understand now that I don’t love Chen Hao,

instead I think what I have for him is just sympathy. It might be due to the fact that he was poor in the

past. Hence, I felt that he was a pitiful guy. However, I realize now that the person I love is definitely not


“Besides, I am really happy, and I feel very relaxed now. Do you all know that from now on, I don’t have

to feel the pain of worrying and yearning for another person anymore. Moreover, I get to be with Young

Master Long and become the Young Lady of the Long family. Haha! To be honest, are you guys jealous

of me?” asked Qin Ya with a smile.

Zhao Tongtong and her friends looked at each other, and they remained silent.

As for Chen Hao, he finally cut ties with Qin Ya.

To be honest, he did not know how to feel about it.

He was neither happy nor sad.

In short, his feelings were in a turmoil.

After he brought Tian Long and Di Hu back to the hotel, he received a call from Li Zhenguo. Li Zhenguo

wanted to talk to him about the search for the person who was hiding in the guesthouse today.

As they suspected, the person was quite capable, and he was an expert in rock climbing. Moreover, he

was a cunning person.

Li Zhenguo had mobilized a huge amount of resources, yet they still couldn’t find him.

President Liu had already cleared up the misunderstanding that was a result of Chen Hao being framed

this time, and the matter had almost been resolved, yet Chen Hao was still determined to find that


Chen Hao advised Li Zhenguo not to be too impatient when he saw Li Zhenguo blaming himself for not

being able to find that person.

Chen Hao turned in early that night.

Although the night seemed serene, a storm was brewing in the distance.

At this moment, a person was seen sitting by the river bank.

“Young Master Long, I have completed my mission. However, the money that you promised me is not

here yet,” said a crafty-looking person.

“Hmph, why are you being so impatient? Didn’t I ask you to find a place and hide? Don’t worry, I will

definitely give you the money.”

A cold voice rang out through the phone.

“The thing is, I am worried, Young Master Long. This time, because of you, not only did I offend the

Ouyang family, I have also offended Young Master Chen as well. Today, Young Master Chen’s men

nearly turned the entire Jin Ling inside out to find me. What if Miss Ouyang Ru wants to investigate this

case in the future, then I am doomed.”

That person continued by saying, “I have already put myself on the line for you this time. So, you have

to give me the money quickly. I need to leave this place before I get into trouble. Otherwise, the

Ouyang family will soon know who came up with the idea to trouble Ouyang Ru in the first place. Hehe,

it will be quite a lively scene then since the Long family has a lot of business dealings with the Ouyang


“Damn it! Hou San, how dare you threaten me?”

Long Shaoyun snorted coldly.

Indeed, in order to find a capable helper this time to smear Chen Hao’s name, he thought of using

Ouyang Ru. After all, the Ouyang family had the same power and influence as the Long family. As a

result, if Chen Hao met his downfall, then not only would he be able to bring back a beautiful young

lady, he could even help his family to reclaim their businesses in Jin Ling.

He would then be able to help his family exact their revenge on Chen Xiao, who had kicked his family

out of the Jin Ling marketplace in the past. With that, he could pave the way for his future succession of

the Long family.

Obviously, Hou San, who was a meticulous person, knew very well about the grudges between the

Long family and Chen Xiao.

Of course, the fact that Long Shaoyun could amass such a huge number of helpers in Jin Ling within a

short period of time was definitely due to the involvement of the Long family in Jin Ling in the past.

“I don’t mean to threaten you. However, I don’t have a choice because if you don’t give me the money

soon, I will not be able to survive any longer! Besides, Young Master Chen’s sister isn’t back yet.

Snigger. If his sister comes back, and finds out that you and I had an alliance to smear her brother’s

name, then you don’t need me to remind you how she managed to destroy the Long family in Jin Ling

in the past, right?” said Hou San.

“Fine, where are you? I have already ordered my men to send you the money. After you get the money,

I want you to shut your mouth and leave this place as soon as possible,” said Long Shaoyun coldly.

At that moment, Hou San told him the location.

Not long after that, two Maybachs stopped by the riverbank.

An elderly gentleman got down from the car, along with several other bodyguards dressed in black


The elderly gentleman was carrying a box in his hands.

They walked toward Hou San and stood in front of him.

“Hehe, that’s right. If you need to frame or falsely accuse a person, I am definitely the right man for thenovelbin

job. I assure you that they won’t have any evidence on me. Haha, let me count the money first.”

Hou San took the money with a smile.

“Of course, we made the right decision to find you. After all, you are a very capable person. It’s just that

you are such a blabbermouth. The Ouyang family was involved in this incident as my Young Master

wanted to exact his revenge on both the Chen family siblings. Hence, my Young Master is very worried

that you cannot control that mouth of yours,” said the elderly gentleman who had the air of a butler


“Don’t worry, my lips are sealed,” said Hou San with a smile.

On the other hand, the butler winked at the subordinates beside him, especially at Long Hair and

Poisonous Scorpion.

In an instant, they acted and pounced on Hou San.

“What the f*ck! How dare you kill me to destroy the evidence?! F*ck you!”

“Haha, we are sorry, Hou San. We can only sacrifice you in order for the Ouyang family and the Long

family to work together to defeat the siblings of the Chen family. Moreover, you shouldn’t have

threatened Young Master Long! Do it!”

With that, Poisonous Scorpion, who had some bandages wound around one of his hands, gripped Hou

San’s neck tightly, thereby choking him.

“Damn you!”

Hou San lifted his legs and kicked away Poisonous Scorpion’s hands.

Following that, he struggled violently against his captors and slipped away by jumping into the river.

“Damn it, why are you guys so careless?! This guy is like a slippery loach. If we can’t capture him now,

we won’t have the opportunity to anymore in the future,” scolded the butler.

On the other hand, Hou San stayed in the water for quite some time before he came ashore.

At that moment, he cursed viciously, “Damn it! Long Shaoyun is definitely an evil person. I nearly met

my death upon his hands. However, since I did not get a penny out of this, I don’t need to think about it

anymore. Since you dare to harm me, I am going to harm your woman as well!”

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