The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 315 Difficulty in Finding a Firm Footing
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Chapter 315 Difficulty in Finding a Firm Footing

“What? It's Sister Ouyang?”

Long Shaoyun was stunned.


Wei Mengjiao then told him about the entire situation from the start till the end. On the other hand, Ou

Yangru had also sobered up and was staring resentfully at Chen Hao.

Although she was in a daze, she knew that it was Chen Hao and her cousin who helped her in.

But after that, someone came up to her and tore at her clothes. Who else could it be if it was not Chen


Ou Yangru started tearing up.

“Wow, that’s too much you little sh*t! The Long family are friends with the Ouyang family of the

Southern Region. You dare to have dirty thoughts about our Sister Ouyang? You must be looking for

trouble! With the Long family in Yan Jing, no matter how powerful you are, I will make you pay for this!”

Long Shaoyun snapped.

“What? Long family from Yan Jing? Damn! I had no idea this incident had so many complications. Even

the Ouyang family and Long family are involved. This person must be Young Master Long from Yan

Jing then!”

“That must be him. Even though Young Master Chen of Jin Ling is powerful, can he deal with the

revenge of Young Master Long and the Ouyang family? Seriously…”

A lot of discussions were going on.

Wei Mengjiao said, “Yup, Brother Shaoyun. You have to seek justice for my cousin. You have no idea

that she was almost put to shame by this beast!”

“Don't worry, I will make sure to take care of this!”

Long Shaoyun grinned maliciously.

Then, he lifted his leg up and kicked at Chen Hao.

“F*ck! Beat him up savagely, I don't care what kind of young master he is. Since he dared to humiliate

people from the Ouyang family, beat him to death!”

Long Shaoyun shouted.

A few bodyguards rushed forward and were about to beat up Chen Hao.

The group of young guys and girls around were also no longer afraid of Chen Hao now that Young

Master Long was backing them up.


Just then, Qin Ya shouted.

She then walked forward with tears in her eyes.

“Qin Ya, why are you here?”

Chen Hao was stunned to see Qin Ya here.

Qin Ya, on the other hand, looked disappointingly at Chen Hao.

She then turned toward Long Shaoyun and said, “Young Master Long, can you let him go? I beg of


“Let him go? Haha, Qin Ya, it's not that I don't want to help you but this person is too evil. If I don't

punish and teach him a lesson, I would not be able to go back and face my uncles from the Ouyang

family. Stay out of this!”

Long Shaoyun coldly said.

“Please, let him go!”

Qin Ya begged.

Indeed, Qin Ya definitely did not expect this to happen.

Even at this moment, she was in despair.

Imagine having discovered that the person you loved all this while turned out to be someone with suchnovelbin

dirty and disgusting behaviour.

Of course, one would not be able to take such a hit.

However, Qin Ya found it even more unacceptable to look on at other people beating Chen Hao up in

front of her.

Upon seeing Qin Ya about to burst into tears, Long Shaoyun grinned.

“Fine, since you are pleading with me to give him a chance, I can choose not to punish him. However,

since he got himself into this trouble, I don't mind if other people were to punish him!”

Long Shaoyun then waved his hand toward his henchmen.

His group of henchmen then returned back to his side.

“Qin Ya, I did not do this. You have to believe me!”

Chen Hao had finally realized that something was up.

How could it be so coincidental that there was someone in the room?

Furthermore, this Long Shaoyu arrived at such a precise moment.

Chen Hao felt that everything was all part of a scheme and was targeting him.

However, there was no way to explain and clear his name at that moment.

“I don't want to listen to your explanation!”

Qin Ya glared at Chen Hao. Then, she barged through the crowd and headed downstairs.

“Qin Ya!”

Long Shaoyun glanced at a man standing in the corner and brought his bodyguards to chase after Qin

Ya. The man who was dressed in black clothes had long hair and a pale look on his face.

Wei Mengjiao shouted, “Chen Hao, you can't leave. You have to give my cousin an explanation for your

actions today!”

A group of people then blocked Chen Hao’s way.

Just as Chen Hao was feeling helpless, he felt an ice-cold aura radiating from behind.

He turned and saw the man with hair as long as a woman standing next to him now.

Chen Hao felt an immense threat from the man.

Just then, an old and hoarse voice could be heard. “Move out of the way, what are you all doing!”

“F*ck! Where did this old man come from? Why is he barging in here?”

The bystanders scolded.

The old man snorted and said, “What! I am here to look for my grandson.”

He then squeezed himself into the crowd.

Most people moved aside once they saw how poorly he was dressed.

The long-haired man glanced coldly at the old man and withdrew his hand.

“What are you all doing? Let go of my grandson!”

The old man walked forward and pushed Wei Mengjiao aside.

Chen Hao looked up and saw that this old man was none other than the old beggar that was pestering

him yesterday night.

“What? He's your grandson?”

Wei Mengjiao was in shock.

The old man snorted and said, “Is there anything wrong? Grandson, I came looking for you today and

the group of people said that you left. I thought you had left me behind and went to Chengdu on your

own! Move, move, let’s go!”

The old man did not ask what was going on and just pulled Chen Hao away by his arm.

“You can't leave!”

Just then, the long haired man gave a cold stare and proceeded to grab at Chen Hao’s shoulder.

The old man moved his arm up to block and with a sweeping motion, the long haired man flew back

toward the wall!

In an instant, the long-haired man was sweating all over his face as he stared at the old man in shock.

Under such circumstances, Chen Hao could only escape with the help of the old man.

Without another word, Chen Hao left with him.

“Hehe, my grandson. Are you okay?”

The old man smiled and asked as he brought Chen Hao all the way to a park next to a stream.

“I am fine. Thank you, M-Mister!”

If it weren't for the old man, he might still be there trying to clear his name to the rest of the group. By

the looks of it, there was no way he was going to get out of there!

Therefore, Chen Hao thanked the old man sincerely.

At the same time, he was also confused.

Why was it that everytime I am in trouble, this old man appears out of nowhere and indirectly lends me

a hand?

For instance, in today's scenario, how did the old man know where to find me?

Chen Hao then asked, “Oh right, Mister. How did you find me? It can't be that you were stalking me all

this while right?”

The old man felt embarrassed and said, “Yes, I did stalk you today. Sigh, little guy, you helped me the

previous time so I knew that I had to help you no matter what trouble you faced the next time!”

The old man smiled and said, “Thus, it was a good trade for you to have treated me to a meal and

shower yesterday!”

“How did you know that I was going to be in trouble?”

Chen Hao felt that this old man was getting more and more mysterious.

The old man snorted and said, “I overheard people discussing setting you up when I was sleeping in

the garage last night. Hence, I came to look for you and as expected, you fell into their trap!”

He then narrated the story to Chen Hao.

It turned out that while the old man was looking for a place to crash in the underground garage, he

overheard Long Shaoyun making a phone call to discuss the cooperation with Wei Mengjiao to set

Chen Hao up today.

As expected, nothing does fall randomly from the sky. There was a reason why Wei Mengjiao tried so

hard to invite me over to her so-called gathering today. It was all a scheme planned out with Long


Every step of the way was carefully organized by them.

Chen Hao only just realized this because he had thought that there was no such coincidence in this


However, he still could not understand the reason behind Wei Mengjiao setting him up. There had not

been any grudges or ill feelings between them.

The old man shook his head at Chen Hao and snorted. “Silly boy, although you are much richer than

them, you are also too kind. Why do they need a reason in order to set you up?”

“Furthermore, this incident is much more severe than you can imagine. If I had not dragged you out of

there, I am sure your limbs would have been broken by now. After all, they had a reason to do so! The

long-haired man behind you had wanted to lay his hands on you multiple times!”

The old man recounted what he saw to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao started to feel a little afraid upon hearing what the old man said.

The problems that he used to face often revolved around profits and interest only. He never wanted to

be too calculative with others, which was why he was never ruthless when resolving matters.

However, Chen Hao finally understood the meaning behind his sister's words when she used to tell him

that if he was not ruthless enough, he would never be able to gain a firm footing.

It did not matter if you were rich or wealthy, as long as you lacked the aura and ferociousness, people

could still easily bring you down!

Chen Hao took a deep breath as his gaze became colder...

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