The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 305 VIP Banquet
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Chapter 305 VIP Banquet

As Chen Hao walked with Qin Ya, he suddenly received a call from Li Zhenguo. “Young Master Chen,

there’s a VIP banquet being held tonight. I hope you will be attending, because the guest list includes

an appraiser of antiques from Nanyang who can inspect your jade amulet, not to mention countless

VIPs from Jin Ling city and even the province.”

Li Zhenguo was now assisting him in tracking Yang Xia down. He’d mentioned this banquet to Chen

Hao before, something about it being an annual occurrence for VIPs of various sectors in Jin Ling’s

economy. It wasn’t something Chen Hao could easily refuse, so he agreed to attend.

Night fell as Chen Hao arrived at the venue, to discover that the place was indeed crowded; Huang

Yonghao and Bai Xiaofei went there together with him.

The banquet was being held at the Mountain and River Villa, the only other villa in Jin Ling City large

enough for major events, besides the Hot Springs Villa. It was owned by a forty year-old, middle-aged

man named Qi Wei who Chen Hao had met several times. However, because he was always too

smooth with his words, Chen Hao’s impression of him was not that good.

“Oh ho, it’s Young Master Chen!” Qi Wei jogged over after spotting Chen Hao and the others. Many

other VIPs at the banquet also walked over at this point, mostly to greet him.

“Hi, Mr. Qi!” Chen Hao simply smiled and counted that as a greeting. After that, Huang Yonghao

instinctively weaved his way through the villa and found the foremost table to take a seat.

He’d just sat down when Qi Wei jogged over again. “Excuse me, Young Master Huang and Young

Master Bai. You may not sit here today.”

“Huh? What do you mean, Qi Wei?” Huang Yonghao froze. He’d attended this banquet countless timesnovelbin

in the past and usually, the foremost table was reserved for his adoptive sister Chen Xiao. Therefore,

as her adoptive brother, he was also entitled to a seat here. The fact that Chen Hao was now the

richest man in Jin Ling gave them all even more reason to sit here.

“Oh, it’s nothing. In the past, you sitting here would have been acceptable. However, since things have

changed this year, you’re no longer allowed to do that,” Qi Wei said with a condescending smile.

Many VIPs from across the province had been invited to this year’s banquet, so it was inevitable that

many of the wealthy businessmen on Chen Hao’s side crowded over to watch.

“Hmph, I didn’t want to sit here and look at that face of yours anyway! Fei, let’s sit somewhere else!

Young Master Chen, you can sit here!” Naturally, Huang Yonghao was looking out for his adoptive

brother, Chen Hao, who nodded in reply and prepared to take a seat.

“Wait!” Qi Wei spoke up again.

“What now?” Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing, who’d arrived earlier, were also walking over now.

“I’m afraid that not even Young Master Chen can sit at the foremost table this year!” Qi Wei said with a


“Damn it, Qi Wei, are you out of your mind? Try saying that again to my face!” Huang Yonghao seized

Qi Wei by the collar; this coward was being especially annoying today.

Qi Wei maintained his condescending smile and looked at Huang Yonghao, “Please calm yourself,

Young Master Huang. I’ll say it one more time—not even Young Master Chen can sit here!”

“What do you mean by that?” the wealthy businessmen on Chen Hao’s side questioned, unable to

tolerate this anymore.

“Nothing, it’s just that I have guests who are even more important coming here, and these seats are

reserved for them.” Qi Wei shook off Huang Yonghao’s hand, shocking everyone due to the

prominence of the foremost seat and what it meant.

“What’s going on?”

“It seems Qi Wei is forbidding Young Master Chen from sitting at the foremost seat!”

“Sh*t, where did he get the audacity to do that? As the biological brother of CEO Chen and the heir of

her business, he has every right to sit where she usually sat. The nerve of that Qi Wei!”

“Hmph. Well, what’s certain is that Young Master Chen has embarrassed himself today.” The guests

started gossiping.

Suddenly, a vehicular entourage of seven or eight extra-long Rolls-Royce Phantom motor cars pulled

up outside the villa. Then, a dozen bodyguards clad in black exited and assembled into two lines. The

grand spectacle attracts everyone’s attention; even Chen Hao felt his gaze being drawn to the villa’s


Naturally, what happened next was a driver exiting his Phantom car and reverentially opening the back

door. When a wealthy young man wearing a suit emerged with his hands in his pockets, the

bodyguards all performed a ninety-degree bow in unison.

“Who’s that? What a grand entrance!” The crowd was stunned.

Meanwhile, Qi Wei was running over. “Welcome, Young Master Long. Your presence brings much

radiance to our villa!” Qi Wei said emotionally, also dropping into a ninety-degree bow.

“What? Young Master Long? Of the Long family in Yan Jing?! That family has a heritage of centuries!”

“Damn! No wonder Qi Wei was being so brave tonight!”

“It’s because Young Master Long is backing him!” Everyone started gossiping immediately.

At the same time, many guests suddenly crowded toward Young Master Long. “Welcome, Young

Master Long!” they shouted.

“Hello, my uncles and elders! Gosh, you’re really putting old Long Shaoyun here on a pedestal! This is

the first time I’ve officially set foot in Jin Ling, let alone attend the city’s VIP banquet. You all are so

welcoming!” Long Shaoyun smiled.

“Nonsense, Young Master Long! Please, take a seat!”

“Yes, Young Master Long. Who else is more suited to the foremost seat?” Many of the wealthy guests,

including some of Jin Ling’s own barons, agreed in a manner completely contradictory to their previous


Jin Ling may be home to some families like the Wang or Liu families, but none of them could even hold

a candle to the Long family of Yan Jing. Rumor has it that the Long family have established their

influence since the Qing dynasty, and that influence has not diminished at all.

“You’re all being modest. I’m not the star of the show today, since I only came because my sister-in-law

asked me to join the event!” Long Shaoyun chuckled.

“Sister-in-law? Could it be Young Master Long Shaofeng’s fiance? I’ve heard about her, but I didn’t

know the engagement was confirmed!” Qi Wei asked with a wide smile.

“Exactly, Mr. Qi. Please take care of her!” With that, Long Shaoyun stepped aside as another driver

opened the door to a separate car. This time, an extravagantly dressed lady emerged with a cute dog

in her arms, flanked by two girls who looked like they were her servants.

“After you, sister!” Long Shaoyun smiled.

Under everyone’s watchful gaze, the lady made her way to the foremost seat, shocking Bai Xiaofei and

the others when they recognised her. By the time they’d all turned to look at Chen Hao with wide eyes,

Chen Hao himself was shocked motionless; that lady was none other than the Yang Xia he’d been

looking for.

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