The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 300 Yang Xia’s Matter
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Chapter 300 Yang Xia’s Matter

Meanwhile, Chen Hao had gotten Yang Xiaoru’s call and rushed to the hospital, knowing that Yang Hui

and Li Rui were beaten up. “What’s going on?” he asked hastily, seeing that they were severely injured.

“We don’t know. It was a group of men who beat us up the moment they spotted us. We’ve never met

them, but it looks like they were coming for you. That’s why I’m warning you right now,” Yang Hui said.

Coming for him? Chen Hao hesitated. “Who could it be?”

“Chen Hao, a classmate told us that the one who ordered this beating was from our major, some girl

called Yang Lu, who’s really dominating. She must have been behind this!”

“What? Yang Lu?!” Chen Hao was shocked. After hearing the description of these men by Yang Hui

and Li Rui, he knew that they couldn’t possibly be typical street thugs with their fighting skills; they werenovelbin

even driving Maybach cars and seemed highly trained, like the type that rich families hired as


Yang Lu? That was impossible! Chen Hao knew Yang Xia’s family background well, and they’ve never

had bodyguards like these. But one thing was certain —Yang Lu was targeting him.

In hindsight, it was strange to see her with that delighted expression when he’d bumped into her on

campus. With the revenge she’d planned, it was no wonder she’d been expecting his downfall. But he’d

never crossed Yang Lu herself, so could it be Yang Xia who really wanted revenge?

Yes, when Han Siyu had gone to Yan Jing, she had told him that Yang Xia was different now. As for

Yang Xia herself, she’d warned him on the day she was humiliated, that she would get her revenge

sooner or later. Being honest with himself, Chen Hao regretted not being able to handle that incident in

a better way, which led to Yang Xia having to drop out of school. But even though he regretted the

incident, she could have just targeted him alone, so why would she even harm Yang Hui and Li Rui,

both who she was close to?

At that moment, Chen Hao received a call from Li Zhenguo and after taking it, he froze and said,

“What?” Then, he turned to the two boys and said, “I’ll visit you two again later. Something happened to

Zheng Yue and Manager Li Feihong too. I need to know what’s going on!”

With that, Chen Hao rushed to the other hospital; Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing had already arrived. Li

Feihong was severely injured with a broken nose, while for Zheng Yue, the only injury she sustained

was a swollen face.

At this point, Chen Hao was almost certain that Yang Xia was the one who did this because if he

remembered correctly, Zheng Yue had been the one to slap Yang Xia. It was possible that she held a

grudge against him, then took revenge on everybody one by one. What did she go through to become

this vindictive?

“Young Master Chen!” Zhao Zixing and Li Zhenguo immediately came over to greet him, but Chen Hao

was still shocked at the sight of Li Feihong’s weakened state. After all, Li Feihong was an excellent

fighter with countless subordinates, and he still ended up being hospitalized after the beating, which

made the whole situation all the more astounding.

Because Li Feihong was in no state to talk, Li Zhenguo told Chen Hao everything on his behalf before

concluding, “Young Master Chen, we’re pretty much certain that the Long family of Yan Jing was

behind this!”

“The Long family of Yan Jing?” Chen Hao had heard of them before. Didn’t Qin Ya say that this was the

same family who forced her into an engagement? But what did this family have to do with the Yang


“Has anyone asked them what they were trying to do with all this?” Chen Hao asked.

“We have, but the Long family has denied all wrongdoing!” Li Zhenguo replied.

Now, the most important thing was to meet Yang Xia and clear things up with her. “Take care of them

and my two friends. I’ll handle this!” Chen Hao said.

Since he was the one who started this whole mess, he must be the one to finish it. He wasn’t afraid of

the Long family because honestly, he could always use his family’s power to bring them down if he

became desperate. But what really bothered him was his cruel treatment of Yang Xia in the past, and

what else could he do besides seeking her out?

Chen Hao went downstairs and called Han Siyu to ask for Yang Xia’s number, only for her to reply,

“What? I don’t have it, Chen Hao. What makes you think I do? Hmph, and here I thought you—” All she

got as a reply was a beep as Chen Hao hung up on her. If even Han Siyu didn’t have it, then there was

only one person left who would—Yang Lu.

Immediately, Chen Hao drove back to school and stormed toward the third floor of the girls’ dorms,

after he quickly found out where she lived.

The dorm caretaker had planned to stop him, but one look at his car told her that he was someone

important, which prevented her from taking action. With a loud crash, Chen Hao kicked the door to

Yang Lu’s dorm open.

“Who is it?! Ahh!!” Screams echoed from the corridor and from within the dorm where Yang Lu’s

roommates were; they were clutching their chests, looking clearly shaken.

“Sh*t, get out! You pervert!” The girls were scared silly while Yang Lu was calmly smoking on the

balcony. Seeing Chen Hao’s angry demeanor, Yang Lu seemed to know what was up but continued to

smoke anyway as she stared at him.

“Where’s your sister?” Chen Hao asked.

“Why would I tell you that?”

“If she’s back, then I want to see her!” Chen Hao shouted.

“On what grounds? My sister has made it clear that she doesn’t want to see you!” Yang Lu replied.

“Don’t make me do this! Did you order the beating on my friends?” Chen Hao seized Yang Lu’s wrist,

which caused her so much pain that she gritted her teeth.

“L-Listen to me first!” Yang Lu broke out of Chen Hao’s death grip and massaged her wrist before

yelling, “I know you’re confused about a lot of things. You must be wondering how and since when did

my sister and I became so influential all of a sudden. Well, fine! Since you’ve barged into our dorm like

this so aggressively, I can tell you some things. Come downstairs with me!”

Yang Lu took Chen Hao all the way to a small park before she stopped and said, “Chen Hao, I only just

realized your true identity yesterday. Hmph, turns out you were the great Young Master Chen of Jin

Ling, so it was no wonder you had the guts to hurt my sister so deeply. But don’t you think that you’re

crueler than she is? What have we ever done to you, besides to hurt you by hurting your friends? Do

you know what you’ve done to her? Did you know you almost got her killed? Did you know that you

almost took my sister away from me?!”

“Almost got her killed? Me?” Chen Hao said in disbelief.

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