The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 292 Memories of Junior High
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Chapter 292 Memories of Junior High

When Chen Hao walked over, he greeted his classmates one by one. But when he saw Wang Xue, he

felt quite awkward.

Yes, Wang Xue was Chen Hao’s girlfriend… No, ‘girlfriend’ wasn’t the correct term, but their

relationship was the type that was too ambiguous to be considered romantic or platonic. It was

because of Wang Xue that Chen Hao was targeted by the school bully Liu Yang, who had also caught

feelings for her. What happened next was no secret—Wang Xue and Liu Yang got together.

On his way here, Chen Hao had been wondering if Wang Xue would also be present, and how

awkward it would be if she really was. He did resent her a little, because after all the sacrifice he and Li

Xiao made for her, she still got together with their greatest enemy; because of the incident, Li Xiao had

given up on his studies in vain.

But the real reason Chen Hao felt awkward was because he had no idea how he should treat her.

Before that incident, the two had actually been on good terms; ever since that incident, the both of

them never spoke to each other, which was strange. He’d wanted revenge but on second thought, who

Wang Xue dated was entirely her choice, so who was he to control that choice? That meant Liu Yang

was the one who deserved his anger, so at the moment, Chen Hao chose to ignore Wang Xue.novelbin

“Hehe, how heartless of Chen Hao to not greet you. And have you noticed, Wang Xue? Chen Hao

looks quite charismatic now! Handsome too, with those stylish clothes!” a girl teased.

Wang Xue tidied up her stray strands of hair; it felt a little uncomfortable to hear someone else praising

Chen Hao, because the guy was someone she’d dumped after all. Now that things were going good for

him, hearing that praise felt like a slap to her face. So, all she did was reply, “Mm hmm, he does look


“Hey, our class teacher and Miss Yang are coming!” somebody yelled. A car stopped in front of them

and shortly after, an old man who looked a little over sixty years old exited the car from the back seat—

he was Mr. Wang Changgui, their class teacher. The driver was a mature, attractive and charismatic

young teacher who looked to be around 27 or 28 years old—she was their third-year English teacher,

Miss Yang Ke. She was 22 when she taught Chen Hao’s class, the type who’d just graduated from

university. However, her young age and good looks had helped her bond with the class quite well.

Chen Hao merely glanced at Yang Ke with no intention to greet her. But for Mr. Wang, he jogged over

and immediately helped him out of the car.

“Is that you, Chen Hao?” When Mr. Wang saw Chen Hao, his wrinkled face immediately became

surprised and overjoyed as he seized Chen Hao by elbow. “Where have you been these two years, you

silly boy?” he asked emotionally.

To be honest, Mr. Wang had been so caring toward him and Li Xiao back then and Chen Hao had

never forgotten his good deeds, so he hastily explained himself.

“Oh ho, what brings you here, Chen Hao? Look at you, all dressed up! What kind of job did you get,

huh?” Meanwhile, Yang Ke’s first interaction with Chen Hao after six long years was a dismissive

glance and a sneer.

What had happened back then was that Li Xiao had butted heads with her, and she’d held a grudge

against both him and Chen Hao ever since. Chen Hao had nothing to do with the incident but as the

saying goes, ‘the friend of my enemy, is also my enemy’, so Yang Ke made both their lives difficult with

everything she had, because of Chen Hao’s close friendship with Li Xiao. How dare the class’ two

poorest kids go against her like this? That was the reason Chen Hao gave her a glance and said

nothing more.

Just then, Mr. Wang said, “Chen Hao, you’re of drinking age now. Why don’t you have a nice drink with

me tonight?”

“Mr. Wang, wait…” Chen Hao began.

“Whoa, there’s so many of you today! I feel so honored! Come, come. I’ve decorated the place, so why

not we all continue this conversation in the private room?” Chen Chao said.

When he saw Mr. Wang and Yang Ke, Chen Chao walked over and smiled. “Mr. Wang, Miss Yang, why

don’t we go inside?” When he saw Chen Hao, Chen Chao looked surprised but simply gave a cursory

greeting. “Hmm? You’re here too? That’s okay, let’s all go inside.”

“Xue, come over! Didn’t you see our class teacher is here?” Chen Chao called out to Wang Xue, then

took her hand when she walked over. Some of the unknowing classmates were shocked by this; Wang

Xue was now dating Chen Chao?

Chen Hao didn’t expect it either. It felt even more awkward for him to stay, but he couldn’t just leave

now that Mr. Wang was holding onto his arm. Maybe I’ll just have a quick talk with him, Chen Hao

thought to himself.

Once everyone was in the private room, the conversation went in plenty of different directions. In

general, everyone updated the others on their current life and naturally, Chen Chao had the best life of

them all. He’d gotten a job even before graduating high school, to work on cars with an uncle of his.

Now, with his family wealth, he’d bought two big cars and started a small logistics company. He could

be counted as the coolest kid in town, which was probably why Wang Xue chose to be with him.

“Tsk tsk tsk, Xue is so blessed to be dating Chen Chao. She’s basically a boss’ wife now!”

“Yeah, of course she’s blessed, since she’s so pretty!” the others said enviously.

“Oh, wait. What are you doing now, Chen Hao?” Chen Chao suddenly turned his gaze upon Chen Hao

and asked tentatively. The two of them never interacted much during junior high, but Chen Chao did

know about the relationship between him and Wang Xue. Naturally, as Wang Xue’s current boyfriend,

Chen Chao felt threatened by Chen Hao, who previously had a relationship with Wang Xue, especially

considering the fact that Chen Hao was dressed even better than him. That was why he threw that

question to test the waters.

Mr. Wang also looked at Chen Hao.

“I have a little business of my own,” Chen Hao said.

Some of the female classmates snorted and burst out laughing. “Haha! Chen Hao, doing business?”

“What kind of business? Selling socks at the night market? Ha!”

“Seriously, getting into business like everyone else is doing? No offense, Chen Hao, but you really

need to know your place. People like you are better off getting office jobs!” Yang Ke said, following suit

with everyone’s sneering. “It’s not that I look down on that Li Xiao, either. You two might have good

grades, but you’re doomed to lead the worst of lives once you join the workforce. Why? Because you

two have neither the connections nor the background. I heard that your friend, Li Xiao is a mechanic

now? Hehe, he would never have a bright future with that as his job!” Yang Ke smiled condescendingly.

“Actually, Miss Yang, I heard Li Xiao’s made it big. He has his own car-selling company now!”

“Yeah, I heard that too. Apparently, he’s scored a partnership with the Dreamer Investment Group!”

someone else chimed in.

Yang Ke felt embarrassed when she heard that, but she still replied, “So what? Before long, they’ll

withdraw their investments and he’ll still have to go back to servicing cars!”

“Alright, alright. That reminds me, Chen Hao. Didn’t you tell Li Xiao there’d be a gathering today?” Mr.

Wang hastily changed the subject, noticing that the atmosphere was getting tense.

“Oh, I didn’t. I haven’t been in touch with him.” Chen Hao smiled coldly as he put down his teacup.

“I have. Come to think of it, Chen Chao’s not the only one whose birthday is today! Another classmate

of ours is having his birthday too!” a girl suddenly said.

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