The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 290 Chen Hao’s Birthday
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Chapter 290 Chen Hao’s Birthday

“Right, tomorrow is my birthday, but I won’t be spending it at home. I made a reservation at a

restaurant. Do you have the time to attend?” Chen Hao asked.

In the past years, it was always Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu who celebrated his birthdays with him, so

naturally, this year was no exception. But out of habit, Chen Hao still had to invite them.

“Ahem, we don’t have the time. Tomorrow, Wu Feng and the rest are working. We don’t have the time

to celebrate your birthday with you,” Zhang Xiqi said lightly.

“Exactly. Furthermore, Chen Hao, if you want to celebrate your birthday, just eat at home. Why did you

have to go ahead and celebrate in a hotel? Really, are you forgetting who you really are just after you

got yourself a little extra money?” Sun Hongxia said coldly too.

Chen Hao used to be poor and everybody looked down on him; but now that he was suddenly rich,

they had trouble accepting it, which was why they were meaner than they used to be.

“We are all busy. If you want to celebrate then celebrate it yourself,” said Uncle Wu's sons.

Suddenly, the eldest son received a phone call.

“Hi, how are you, President Wang? What? Congratulations! Alright, the day after tomorrow, our whole

family will definitely be there. No, we’re not busy at all. We should be able to complete everything by

tomorrow, and then we’ll be free. Haha!” The eldest son finished speaking and happily hung up the


“What is it?” Luo Ning asked.

“The day after tomorrow is President Wang’s eight-years-old son’s birthday. He wants me to go. We will

definitely be there!”

“Huh? But, don’t you have an important Chamber of Commerce meeting to attend?”

“Huh, I’ll reschedule that. It’s President Wang’s son’s birthday. I will have to reschedule everything,” the

eldest son said emotionally.

“Uncles, let’s eat first. Tomorrow, I have something to do, so I have to rest earlier tonight. I have to do

some planning because Section Manager Jiang will be taking a look at our work tomorrow,” said Wu

Feng at this point; he was a man of a governmental organization, so of course he would have

something to work on the next day.

“Hasn’t Section Manager Jiang arrived already? I thought you were going to treat him to a meal

tonight? Although he is now a section manager, he used to be a powerful character. He has a lot of

connections in Ping An County!” chimed in the third brother with some pride.

“It’s a pity that he’s not free tonight. His schedule has been fully packed since a long time ago.”

Everybody started talking one after another.

Based on the conversation, Chen Hao guessed that this Section Manager Chief should be Jiang

Weidong, but he did not say anything.

Since everybody was busy, Chen Hao didn’t insist on the invitation; it was alright because everybody

was busy.

After a quick word in Uncle Wu’s house, Chen Hao soon left because Su Tongxin had given him a call.

“Chen Hao, happy birthday!” said Su Tongxin from the other end of the call.

“It’s not my birthday yet. Why are you wishing me happy birthday so early?” Chen Hao smiled and said

as he lay on his bed.

“I’m greeting you now, and I’ll greet you again at midnight. This is what happens when I can’t be backnovelbin

home. Right, Chen Hao, in two days’ time when you’re free, can you come to me? I am now at the

television station. Today, I’ve become a new trainee reporter. I can finally do what I want to do!”

announced Su Tongxin happily.

Su Tongxin had told Chen Hao about the matter of her applying to become a trainee reporter before

this. Chen Hao didn’t expect her to have passed the exam, but he was quite happy for her.

“Alright, I’ll meet you in two days’ time for a proper celebration!” replied Chen Hao with a smile on his


“Alright, but nothing is certain yet. I have a little holiday in a few days’ time and we’ll see then. How do

you plan to spend your birthday tomorrow?”

Chen Hao and Su Tongxin then continued chatting about his birthday. After they finished chatting, Su

Tongxin wanted to shower, so she hung up the phone. As soon as the line disconnected, his phone

rang again.

This time, it was Qin Ya who had called.

“Chen Hao, isn’t it your birthday tomorrow?” asked Qin Ya as soon as the line connected.

Chen Hao grunted.

“Huh, why didn’t you call me over? I’ve been waiting the whole day today for your call. If it wasn’t for

me calling you now, I’m sure you wouldn’t have bothered to ring me up. You’ve forgotten about me,

haven’t you?”

“I didn’t. It’s just that I’m in my hometown, so there will only be a simple celebration,” Chen Hao


The truth was that Chen Hao really didn’t plan on spending time with Qin Ya, even though he knew that

Qin Ya treated him very well; Chen Hao only wanted to be with Su Tongxin now. He wouldn’t want to be

with anyone else, so to keep his relation with Qin Ya ambiguous like this would be an inconvenience.

On top of that, something happened between him and Qin Ya at his place previously, which was why

Chen Hao didn’t feel that it was appropriate for her to come over to his place again.

“No matter if you’re inviting me or not, I will be over at your place tomorrow! Unless, if you say that we

are no longer friends!”

In a room of a mansion, Qin Ya leaned against the headboard of her bed and was talking on the

landline telephone.

In the end, Chen Hao helplessly nodded his head and agreed. Then, he gave an excuse of being busy

and then hung up the phone.

“Huh, son of a b*tch, why is he so heartless toward me!” said Qin Ya as she put down the phone with a

slightly disappointed expression.

Initially, she thought that Chen Hao would take the initiative and call her over, but he didn’t do it. If she

didn’t make the phone call just now, he would not have called her at all. Over this period of time, she

would sometimes look for Chen Hao for a chat. Each time, he was cold and would only answer with

short and simple replies, which made Qin Ya feel uncomfortable; the more uncomfortable she felt, the

more she thought of it.

Dong, dong, dong… At this time, the doorbell of her room sounded.

“Ya, are you asleep? Your dad and I have something we want to talk to you about,” Qin Ya’s parents


“Dad, mum, I’m not asleep. Both of you come right in.”

Next, her parents walked in. However, Qin Ya’s father’s face at that time was gloomy.

“Ya, this is something that we know you don’t want to hear. However, the Qin family in Yan Jing city is

coming down hard on us. They want you to get engaged to one of the three young masters of the Long

family in Yan Jing. There really is no other way. Last time, Young Master Chen Hao helped us to solve

our economic problem. However, the Qin Family is exerting pressure and we really have no choice. We

cannot keep asking Young Master Chen Hao for help. So, what do you think about marrying into the

Long family?” Qin Ya’s father asked.

Qin Ya’s mother also sighed and said, “Although that year we had already broken off our relationship

with the Qin family, they still have a lot of influence over us. Don’t blame your dad because he has no

choice. He has to think for the sake of the company, your uncles and all of the employees in our family.”

“Dad, can’t you think of any other way? We can still beg Chen Hao for help and I’m sure that he will

definitely help me!” Qin Ya replied with her eyes red.

Qin Ya’s father sighed. “Hmm, although Young Master Chen Hao is indeed very powerful, the Jin Ling

Commercial Group only has influence within Jin Ling city. But over there in Yan Jing city, the Qin and

Long family have large enterprises too!” Her father then added, “On top of that, the three young

masters from the Long family might come here tomorrow. You stay at home and get ready. Just meet

them. If your impression of them is terrible, it still won’t be too late to think of another solution!”

“No way, I’m busy tomorrow. It’s Chen Hao’s birthday and I want to celebrate it with him!” Qin Ya

answered angrily.

“No way, you are not going anywhere. Don’t cause Young Master Chen Hao anymore trouble over this

matter. Why can’t you be a little more understanding, girl?” With that, Qin Ya’s father dragged Qin Ya’s

mother out of the room right away.

Qin Ya was so anxious that she was about to cry...

Back to Chen Hao’s side, he woke up at a little past six o’clock in the morning the next day. Last night,

he gave Li Zhenguo a call. Since they might arrive early, Chen Hao decided to tidy up his house first,

since they were going to celebrate his twenty-second birthday.

At this moment, a girl entered the house from the door. “Chen Hao, my mum told me that you were

back a long time ago. I’ve looked for you a few times, but you weren’t home every time I came


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