The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 270 The Concert Tickets
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Chapter 270 The Concert Tickets

The one knocking was Li Zhenguo’s secretary.

She was here for a contract that Chen Hao had to sign.

His company had launched a number of projects in Ping An County at the same time, so the number of

contracts he had to sign also increased.

“Huh? Wait, what’s this?”

When the secretary was about to leave, Chen Hao saw a stack of envelopes that the secretary had left

on his desk.

When he opened to take a look, it turned out to be concert tickets.

There had to be around fifty tickets at least.

The secretary said with a smile, “Oh yes, Young Master Chen. We launched seven projects at the

same time, so our company has organized a large scale concert. We have invited around thirty

celebrities and also some very well-known idol groups too! General Manager Li said that you have

many classmates in Ping An County, so he asked me to deliver some tickets to you. If you need more,

he can arrange it for you!”

“It's okay, these are enough. I don’t have a lot of friends anyway,” Chen Hao said mildly.

The secretary bowed deeply, purposely exposing her cleavage.

However, this didn’t get Young Master Chen’s attention.

This caused the secretary to feel sorry for herself.

After that, she left.

“Who should I give these tickets to? Hehe, General Manager Li is pretty good at this. He’s quite


Chen Hao chuckled and thought, Alright, I’ll give some to Li Xiao and some to Fang Fei tomorrow.

He had worked there for one day, and Fang Fei could be counted as the one who took care of him the

most in that company.

Obviously, Chen Hao had to show some gratitude.

After he finished washing up, he climbed into his bed to start his video call with Su Tongxin.

Counting the days, Su Tongxin had been away for about two months. After just one more month, she

should be home.

The two of them chatted for three hours.

Only then did they hang up.

Tonight, Chen Hao slept rather soundly.

The next day, he arrived at the company early.

There were already quite a number of coworkers milling around.

They seemed to have had a good time at yesterday’s gathering and hadn’t gotten over it. They were

still discussing what happened yesterday.

“Haha, I have never had more fun in my life than I did yesterday! You guys didn’t see it, but later on

when we went to the KTV, Zhang kissed Li, and it cracked me up!”

“Yeah! And Tao even drank so much that he confessed to Fang Fei. This punk thought Fang Fei was

harmless and kept trying to pull her into his arms, only for Fang Fei to slap him! Thinking back to Tao’s

bewildered face, wow. I can’t stop laughing!”

A group of girls laughed until they were practically falling over.

At this time, one of the girls suddenly lowered her voice and spoke mysteriously, “Actually, something

else happened yesterday! I saw it when I was on the way to the bathroom!”

“Huh? What happened? Tell us quickly!”

“Ahem. Wang Kang, Assistant Team Leader of Group 4, actually confessed to the newbie in their team,

Yang Minxue! He even bought flowers! Liu Yanan was there to matchmake the two of them!”

“Damn, that’s some intense stuff! What happened after that? Did Yang Minxue accept?” The crowd

bickered noisily.

“I don’t know about that! I wanted to go in and take a look but got pushed out by someone from theirnovelbin

team! But by the looks of it, I don’t think she said yes!”

“Ahem, how did you find out?”

“Because Wang Kang is so stubborn! Do you know what he said next? He said he knew that Yang

Minxue liked the singer Lan Ting, and since he’s coming to Ping An County along with many other

singers and performers, Wang Kang said he would buy tickets for that concert for Yang Minxue!”

“Really? I heard that the tickets for the concert are going for at least two thousand, and that’s for the

seats that are furthest back! Even then, it isn’t guaranteed that you will get a ticket! They’re too hard to

get!” Some of the girls said regretfully.

The concert had been advertised all over Ping An County’s media and social websites, even showing

up at newsstands and bus stops. It had reached almost everyone, so even the tickets for the seats that

were in the middle and last section were all marked up to ridiculous prices.

Two thousand was just the starting price for a regular seat. However, the price had skyrocketed to five

or six thousand now. Even then, it still wasn’t guaranteed that you would be able to get one!

The celebrities that would be making an appearance were all famous, and of course that included the

young, handsome boy bands that every girl liked. Who wouldn’t want to go to the concert?

They could only watch the livestream online.

“If he can really get them, then Yang Minxue has to say yes, right? Plus, I think Wang Meina will also

go for the tickets. Just wait and see, she will definitely not come for work that day! She’s a diehard fan

of Yi Fan, and the movies and entertainment shows on her phone are all about Yi Fan! She will

definitely try to get tickets!”

The crowd were all discussing.

After a while, the number of people coming in for work had increased.

Fang Fei had arrived as well.

“Good morning, Chen Hao!”

Fang Fei didn’t look very happy, but she still smiled as she greeted Chen Hao.

“Good morning, Fang Fei!”

Chen Hao smiled at her. Knowing that she didn’t have the best time last night, Chen Hao didn’t ask


“Right, Chen Hao. I bought these dumplings, but I got too many and I can’t finish them. Have you

eaten? Can you help me eat some?” Fang Fei asked.

“Alright, I haven’t had breakfast!”

Chen Hao took some dumplings and ate them up.

As he did so, he watched Fang Fei open her computer.

There was a female pop star on her computer background.

Chen Hao then asked, “Fang Fei, so you like this pop star? I heard that she will be performing at the


Fang Fei nodded vigorously and took a sip of soy milk. “Yeah, I really like her! When I was in school,

my biggest dream was to earn money when I was older so that I could go to one of her concerts at

least once in my life, and hear her sing live. However, she’s so close yet so far from me now. The

tickets are way too expensive, and I can’t even get a ticket with six thousand. If I spend any more

money, I will go broke!” Fang Fei said sadly.

Chen Hao ate a few more dumplings and said, “Well, I do have some connections, so I’ll give you a

ticket for the concert!”

Fang Fei was really a nice person, and now he had even eaten her food.

Chen Hao had so many tickets, so it would be a waste not to give them away.

“Huh? For real?”

Fang Fei was surprised, but then she said disappointedly, “Chen Hao, don’t mess with me! How can

the tickets be so easy to get?”

“For real!” Chen Hao said as he took out a ticket from his bag, passing it to Fang Fei.

“Here, this is a ticket for the middle section that is closer to the front! This seat is on a platform, so you

don’t need to squeeze with others. Taking pictures and whatnot will be the clearest from here!”


Fang Fei took the ticket and stared at him tongue-tied, not daring to believe that this was real.

“Chen Hao, I-I don’t know how to thank you!” Fang Fei’s hands were shaking.

She wanted to pay Chen Hao for the ticket, but he kept declining.

After eating, Chen Hao felt thirsty, so he went to the water dispenser to get some water.

At this time, a group of coworkers walked toward him.

“Ugh! I’m so p*ssed off! I’m so angry!”

A girl walked over angrily and threw her bag onto the table, looking extremely enraged.

A person asked, “Assistant Team Leader Wang, what’s wrong?”

This angry girl was obviously Wang Meina.

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