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Chapter 262 Interview

Finally, Jiang Weidong was persuaded by everyone. He didn’t have a choice. Who else could he ask

for help other than Chen Hao?

So, he bit the bullet and went to the hotel to look for Chen Hao.

He searched for a while but he couldn’t find him.

He tried calling Chen Hao, but Chen Hao’s line was engaged.

At this moment, Chen Hao was indeed talking to someone else.

“Dad, I have news on the pendant. It originates from the southwest and is quite old. This type of jade is

very precious. Looks like this person that you told me to find, Meng Xin, is a lady from a family of high

social status.”

Chen Hao sipped coffee as he talked on the phone in a quiet café.

The call was from his dad, asking about the progress on the pendant.

“Of course she’s from a family of high social status!” His father chuckled.

“Dad, is her family from the southwest instead of southeast? But didn’t you say that you met her when

you were serving in the army in the southeast?”

Chen Hao asked in confusion.

“I’m not sure as well. I don’t know where her family is. I don’t even know her family name. That’s why I

need you to help me investigate. It would be best if we could get it done as soon as possible. When the

results come out, tell me straight away!”

His father said with a laugh.

Chen Hao thought, Should I tell dad about Su Ziyue? It’s highly possible that she’s Meng Xin’s


But on second thought, even if he told him, it wouldn’t change anything.

He should probably wait until he had more information.

While he was struggling to decide, his father said, “Chen Hao, it’s nearly your birthday, right? Sigh, your

mother, your sister and I have never celebrated your birthday with you since you started high school.

We thought that we could come together after your poverty education ends and give you a proper


“But your sister went to North Africa and a few days later, I have to go there as well. I’m sorry we can’t

celebrate your birthday with you!” His father apologized to him.

Chen Hao smiled. “It’s alright, Dad. I’m in Ping An County now. After I finish my business here, I’ll

return home in a few days. I have Uncle Wu and Aunt Wu with me. There’s no need to worry. I have

never felt lonely on my birthdays, not even once.”

His father said, “Alright then. This is your first birthday after your poverty education. Try to make it as

festive as possible, but don’t follow your elder sister’s example. Last year, your sister bought an island

in the Pacific and invited celebrities from all around the world. That’s too ostentatious! You decide

yourself, as long as it’s not too shabby!”

“Okay. You don’t have to worry about this!”

After chatting with his dad about recent businesses, Chen Hao hung up his phone.

He checked his mailbox and saw that there were several missed calls from Jiang Ranran.

Chen Hao didn’t plan on calling her back.

He would never interfere with Jiang Weidong’s business again!

Or else he would have to invite them to his birthday party.

Just then, someone walked into the café.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in a suit.

He held an envelope in his hand and stopped respectfully in front of Chen Hao.

“Young Master Chen, here is the letter of recommendation that you wanted for your job application.

With this, you can start to work at Dreamer Investment Management Company!”

The middle-aged man didn’t dare to sit down and remained standing aside.

“Okay, thanks a lot. Right, don’t tell anyone else about this!” Chen Hao ordered, taking a sip of coffee.novelbin

“I understand!”

Chen Hao told one of the top brass to write this letter of recommendation.

From the conversation with Li Xiao last time, Chen Hao found out that the management of the company

was chaotic.

So Chen Hao planned to see it for himself in the following days.

Chen Hao understood that if he had investigated as Young Master Chen, he wouldn’t find anything.

All in all, it would be very hard.

Furthermore, Li Zhenguo was going back and forth between Jin Ling and Ping An County nowadays.

He was also responsible for the investigation of the pendant.

Chen Hao didn’t want to bother him.

Chen Hao would find out himself if the company was as corrupt as Li Xiao had described.

That was why he would be working undercover.

Most of the staff of Jin Ling Commercial Group stayed in the Yunmeng Mountain project to aid in the

development of Ping An County.

So, only some of the top brass of Dreamer Investment Group were from Jin Ling Commercial Group.

Most of the employees were either from the companies they had acquired or were newly hired.

But nepotism had been neglected.

Naturally, there were many shady transactions.

At noon, Chen Hao ate a quick lunch.

Then, he returned to change into a formal suit and a pair of leather shoes.

Bringing along a set of interview materials and his letter of recommendation, he went to Dreamer

Investment Group’s subsidiary company, Dreamer Investment Management Company to interview.

“Hi, is the interview for the Investment Department on the 26th floor?”

When he entered the building, Chen Hao saw a young girl holding a stack of documents coming out

from the elevator. He asked her for directions.

“Yes, it is. Oh, you’re here to interview! It’s on the 26th floor!”

The girl was about the same age as Chen Hao. She seemed like she had just graduated, still having an

air of immaturity of a student.

“Thank you!”

Chen Hao smiled.

“You’re welcome… Ah!”

The girl was too busy talking to him and the files in her arms accidentally fell onto the floor.

Chen Hao immediately bent down to help her pick the files up.

“Did you just graduate? Are you here for your internship as well?”

The girl asked him with a smile as she picked the files up.

“Yes. How long have you been here?” Chen Hao asked.

“I have only been here for seven days and I still have a lot to learn. I’m in the Investment Department

too. Good luck with your interview. If you pass, we’ll be colleagues! My name is Fang Fei!”

Fang Fei grinned.

“My name is Chen Hao!”

“Thanks. Your elevator is here, good luck!”

Fang Fei smiled sweetly and made a V-sign at him.

Chen Hao nodded and went into the elevator.

That girl was quite pretty and her smile made her look even more enchanting.

She was ivory-skinned.

Chen Hao thought it was quite interesting.

Soon after he went into the elevator, it stopped at the fifth floor.

A girl in black uniform with a gorgeous appearance came in.

She was also about the same age as Chen Hao.

As Chen Hao was here for his interview, it was natural that he had to greet everyone he saw.

So he smiled and nodded at her.

But that girl glanced at him coldly and made no response. She leaned on the wall of the elevator and

played with her phone.

After a while, she glanced at the buttons of the elevator.

She looked at Chen Hao and asked, “Are you a newbie in our Investment Department?” She was


“No, I’m here for an interview!” Chen Hao smiled. “I’m not on board yet!”

“Ha, on board. You do have a lot of confidence in yourself, but you wouldn’t stand a chance!”

The girl eyed Chen Hao.

“Huh? Why? I haven’t even interviewed!” Chen Hao asked confusedly.

The girl explained, “You’ll find out when you get there. You’re too unlucky. Our Investment Department

is only recruiting two people, one male and one female. You wouldn’t stand a chance!”

Chen Hao thought, I’m dressed nicely today and I think I look fine. Why wouldn’t I stand a chance?

Soon, the elevator reached the 26th floor.

When he reached the interview room, he found out why the girl had said that…

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