The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 250 A Blind Date
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Chapter 250 A Blind Date

“Hmph! Do you even need to ask? He must be here to get some pocket money, duh! You guys don’t

know this, but I noticed his wallet yesterday and it was empty, haha!” Lin Dong burst into laughter.

Jiang Ranran only gave Chen Hao the side eye and did not say anything else.

In the past when Chen Hao was still rich, Jiang Ranran had feelings toward him.

However, a series of incidents caused by Chen Hao had made Jiang Ranran lose her feelings right


“Yeah! He came over to withdraw money along with Xu Xin!” Tang Lan replied, smiling.

Jiang Ranran’s face suddenly tensed up as if she had realized something.

She immediately pulled Xu Xin to the side and started telling Xu Xin about how Chen Hao was broke

now and might have intentions to trick her.

Xu Xin looked at Chen Hao nervously, “Chen Hao, why would you want to sell off your car?

Furthermore, why would you sell it at such a low price?”

She was thinking for him when she said that.

“I’ll tell you next time if I have the chance to. But first, I need to withdraw some money. I still have

something I need to attend to at noon!”

Chen Hao gave Xu Xin a smile.

Ignoring the others, he then headed toward the counter.

However, Lin Dong wasn’t satisfied so he brought the other girls along to keep an eye on Chen Hao.

He wanted to see Chen Hao make a fool out of himself.

“Sir, how much would you like to withdraw?” the bank teller asked.

“Around 600,000!” Chen Hao replied lightly.

“What the f*ck? 600,000?!”

Lin Dong was stunned at that moment.

Jiang Ranran was taken back too.

Even Tang Lan and Xu Xin’s mother who were preparing to go inside looked over in their direction.

“Alright, sir. Please wait for a moment!” the bank teller announced.

He then let Chen Hao enter his password and signature.


The sound of the bill counter rang around the place.

Lin Dong’s taunting smile froze.

“Y-Y-You still have money? Didn’t you spend all of it on a car?” Lin Dong exclaimed.

“When have I ever said that I used up all my money on my car?” Chen Hao snapped.

“Well then, how much more money did you win from the lottery?” Jiang Ranran questioned.

Right then, Xu Xin’s mother and Tang Lan walked over.

“I won around…” Chen Hao purposely raised his voice. Everyone’s eyes widened and started crowding

in. “Nah, it ain't that much really. I won’t say it!”


Jiang Ranran fumed.

With that amount of money, even Chen Hao’s small bag couldn’t manage to fit all of it in. Coincidentally,

one of the workers came over to change the black plastic bag for the trash can. Hence, Chen Hao

requested for a bag as well. After fitting all his money into the bag, he gave Xu Xin a word and left.

“It seems that he still has money!” Aunty Tang exclaimed.

“Yeah. I can’t imagine how much money he managed to win from the lottery!” Jiang Ranran gushed.

She felt like she had done something that she would regret.

“Damn. From what I saw, Chen Hao had intentionally acted like he’s poor!”

Lin Dong’s hatred toward Chen Hao intensified.

That was because he felt utterly humiliated by Chen Hao’s action just now. It was as if he received a

painful slap from him.

At that moment, he had even lost his mood to have fun.

Back to Chen Hao.

By this time, Chen Hao had already gone back to the property sales office to humiliate the salesperson.

He decided to buy the house down with a full payment in cash.

A one time payment of around 700,000.

What a powerful move!novelbin

It was already noon by the time Chen Hao had managed to settle everything. He even received phone

calls from Li Xiao prompting him to be faster.

Chen Hao rushed home to change into a new outfit and hurried to a restaurant called Jin Ruyi.

Right then, in one of the private rooms of the restaurant.

Li Xiao and Su Ting had already reached.

Apart from them, there were three more people in the room.

One of them was Su Ting’s best friend while the other was a girl who came for this blind date. She

looked quite pretty with her long flowy hair, fair complexion and soft features.

However, it was obvious that she wasn’t much of a talker. Giving off a hostile vibe, she had her head

lowered as she scrolled through WeChat on her phone.

The lady who sat beside her was no doubt her mother.

The girl’s mother was a chubby middle-aged woman with thick tattooed brows. She looked tough and


“Chen Hao is a really nice person. We're not boasting, you guys will know when you see him! He

graduated from a prestigious university, and he looks decent too! He had recently got a job, and I heard

he will be entering the public office soon. Moreover, he had just bought a house in Ping An County!”

Su Ting started chatting with them.

After all, her friendship with Chen Hao had always been great ever since junior high because of Li Xiao.

She only started holding a grudge against Chen Hao because of what happened to Li Xiao after that.

However, most of her resentments had cleared up by now. She still cared about Chen Hao and would

help him out if she could.

“How big is the house? It better not be less than three bedrooms! If it doesn’t have at least three

bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, it doesn’t even count as a house!”

Suddenly, the girl who came for the blind date looked up and chided in.

“How could it be? Of course it has three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, haha!” Li Xiao


“That’s good. What about his car? What brand of car does he drive?”

The one that asked this time was the girl’s mother.

“Oh! He has not gotten a car yet. But, usually cars don’t really cost much anyways!” Li Xiao mused.

“Ahem! Actually, cars and houses don't really matter to us. As long as he is an honest man, it will be

fine. Definitely not those who boast around and talk too much, though!” the mother added.

“Don’t worry, I can assure you that he’s definitely an honest man!”

Su Ting remarked, “We sort of grew up together, so we are sure of his personality!”

Everyone was still chatting when Chen Hao entered the room.

“Chen Hao, come over! I will introduce you to everyone!”

Li Xiao chuckled and started introducing everyone.

After sizing up Chen Hao, the middle-aged woman decided that Chen Hao looked like he was quite


She felt relieved.

Not a moment later, the dishes were served. Both sides started eating and making occasional small


“Hey, why isn’t the last dish served yet? I will go urge them to be faster!” Su Ting’s colleague said. She

gave Su Ting a look and smiled mischievously.

Then, the three of them decided to go together. Li Xiao laughed and gave Chen Hao a few pats on the

shoulder, hinting for him to not screw it up.

Seeing that they left, the middle-aged woman wiped her mouth with a tissue.

“You’re Chen Hao, right? We all know that you're quite a modest man. Let me ask you, what do you

think of my daughter?” the lady inquired.

Of course he was modest! This was Chen Hao’s first blind date. Moreover, the woman looked very

fierce. If Li Xiao didn’t throw him any questions, he wouldn’t have said anything.

“She’s not bad!” Chen Hao answered.

The girl immediately looked up and gave Chen Hao a glare. She then pouted and lowered her head

again with disdain.

What the f*ck? What kind of look was that?

Chen Hao scolded in his heart.

“I’m telling you, my daughter currently works at Da Heng Production Trading Company under the

Dreamer Investment Group. You know them right? They are a very powerful enterprise. Do you know

how hard it is to be able to work there?” The woman pressed on.

If Chen Hao remembered correctly, Da Heng Production Trading Company was only a small company

that Dreamer Investment Group invested in. There were actually quite a few other projects that helped

assist the locals.

How dared she say that she was under the Dreamer's Group?

Chen Hao laughed a little inside.

He nodded but at the same time, couldn’t help but thought, This girl seems normal and she doesn't

look bad at all. Why would she want to marry beneath her?

“Well, my daughter wants to marry an honest man. But, before getting married to you, you need to

promise me a few things. Listen!”


Chen Hao was confused. What the hell? What is she trying to do?

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