The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 242 To Eat With Taste
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Chapter 242 To Eat With Taste

“Hmph! It’s no wonder that Su Ziyue dared to disobey me. Looks like she got herself a boyfriend! Ugh,

this pisses me off!”

Liu Ke said, rolling her eyes while looking at Chen Hao and Su Ziyue.

“Liu Ke? What’s wrong?”

The guy leaning on the car door with his hands tucked in his jeans pockets gave Chen Hao a hostile

smile as well.

“Of course it’s because of Su Ziyue! Initially, we were supposed to stay at the college to do some

proofreading because it’s semester break already. I asked for her help because I was going to go do

some shopping. However, now that her boyfriend is here, she refuses to help out anymore!”

“Anyone who knows less might’ve thought that she got herself some powerful boyfriend. He’s just a

loser, man!”

Liu Ke spilled everything that happened just now.

She assumed that Chen Hao was a loser judging from his outfit as he only wore a plain white T-shirt

along with track bottoms and sport shoes.

She didn’t even try to be modest with her words anymore.

“Exactly! She’s so full of herself ever since she was selected as the most beautiful teacher. But, I still

think Liu Ke has the coolest boyfriend! He even has a BMW 5 Series! That’s awesome!”

“Of course! Anyways, I am planning to go shopping with my boyfriend after this. What about carpooling

in my boyfriend’s car? I’ll bring you guys out along with us. After all, we should get to know each other

more as colleagues!” Liu Ke suggested with a friendly tone.

She wanted to take the chance to isolate Su Ziyue.


The bunch of girls laughed along. They all entered the car and left.

Chen Hao wanted to confront Liu Ke.

After all, he couldn’t bear watching Su Ziyue getting stepped on all over like that.

However, Su Ziyue held him back by pulling on his elbow, asking for him to remain calm.

“What the f*ck? What’s so great about being rich?!”

Chen Hao cursed while he watched them leaving.

Then, he guided Su Ziyue to his G Wagon parked at the side of the road and left with her.novelbin

It was almost 11 now.

Chen Hao took Su Ziyue to a restaurant.

“Chen Hao, you said you have something to ask me. What is it?”

After settling down, Su Ziyue questioned curiously.

“Ziyue, do you know a woman called Meng Xin?

Chen Hao didn’t beat around the bush. This matter not only involved Su Ziyue’s past, it might also

involve him.

Meng Xin might have really been his father’s woman.

Doesn’t that mean that he has another sister?!

Chen Hao felt weird thinking about it.

So he had to get a confirmation right now.

However, Su Ziyue tensed immediately after hearing that name. Then, she stared at Chen Hao in


“H-h-how do you know her” Su Ziyue faltered..

Chen Hao’s intuition was right. He probed, “Who is she to you?”

Su Ziyue shooked her head sadly, “I don’t really know her. I only know that she abandoned me and

might possibly be my birth mother. However, I only knew this after asking the director of the orphanage.

So, what I know is what he told me.”

“I was found at the front entrance of the orphanage. At that time, I was wearing a jade necklace. 'Meng

Xin' was carved on that jade!”

Su Ziyue gave Chen Hao a look, “I’ve never mentioned this to anyone, how do you know about this?

Was it Da Hu or Er Hu?”

Chen Hao pondered for a moment.

Nah, it’s better to not tell Su Ziyue about the truth.

Most importantly, Chen Hao didn’t know how to break it to her about it.

He casually said, “Well, yeah. I think either one of them mentioned it to me once. But Ziyue, don’t you

want to find your birth mother? Or this woman called Meng Xin”

Chen Hao tried to change the topic.

“Of course I do! But, how is that even possible?”

Su Ziyue added, “This is why I didn’t want to tell you. You’ve really helped me out a lot and I really don’t

want to burden you anymore. At this point, I don’t even know how to pay you back!”

“Nah, it’s not a big deal. Don’t worry about it. If you really want to track her down, I’ll help you out!”

Chen Hao smiled and patted Su Ziyue’s shoulder for comfort.


Su Ziyue nodded heavily.

After that, she took out a jade that was wrapped in red cloth.

“Chen Hao, look. This is the jade!”

Su Ziyue passed the jade over to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao examined the jade. Isn’t this exactly like the pictures of the jade that dad sent me?

“Ziyue, can I hold onto the jade for now? I want to get a master to examine the origin of the jade!” Chen

Hao explained.

Su Ziyue paused for a moment. She nodded. “Alright, sure!”.

After that, Chen Hao probed Su Ziyue further to try to get more answers about her past.

“It’s so hot outside, my sunscreen doesn't even work anymore!”

Right at this moment, a group of people entered the restaurant.

One of the girls complained as she struggled to carry all her shopping bags.

“Liu Ke, there’s another luxury store next to this restaurant. Let’s head there after this!” one of the girls


“Sure! But let’s eat first!”

The girl talking was none other than Su Ziyue’s colleague, Liu Ke.

“What the hell? Liu Ke, look! Isn’t that Su Ziyue? She’s actually dining here?”

The girl next to Liu Ke pointed at Su Ziyue and Chen Hao.

She was obviously surprised.

With Liu Ke’s boyfriend’s standard, he wouldn’t have brought them to eat at some random restaurant.

It was obvious that this restaurant was exclusive.

She didn’t expect Su Ziyue to eat at exclusive restaurants like this seeing that she was a very thrifty


“Yo, isn’t this Su Ziyue? Are you guys here to eat as well?”

Liu Ke walked over, smiling wryly.

Chen Hao spotted the girls walking over after he kept the jade and frowned.

“Have you guys ordered food? Or did you guys come here just to get drinks?” Liu Ke taunted.

“Haha, maybe both of them just wanted to experience what it’s like eating here. I’ve seen people like

them a lot. Most of them never order any food and just sit around with their drinks. Acting as if they’re

rich by taking pictures and posting it on their social media!” A colleague who was closer to Liu Ke


This managed to get all of them bursting into fits of giggles.

“Hey waiter, is there any four person set meal? Can you get me one? The highest standard please!”

“Of course, sir. By the way, there’s a new addition to our menu—the Stir-fried Bullfrog Specialty made

by our master chef from Sichuan. May I ask if you’re interested in ordering it?”

The waiter looked at Liu Ke and the others.

Liu Ke turned and looked at her boyfriend.

“Alright, alright. Let’s see…”

Liu Ke’s boyfriend skimmed through the menu and was stunned, “What the hell? 1699 for one bullfrog

dish? Just one dish? That’s crazy!”

Liu Ke’s boyfriend was speechless.

Liu Ke was taken aback. “What? That’s too expensive! That cost around half my monthly salary!”

“Yes, sir. This is the small portion and has around six pieces only. However, the taste is definitely worth

every penny!”

“Look! Even those customers ordered it too!”

The waiter pointed at the customers at the side.

Indeed, the presentation of the dish was great.

However, Liu Ke and the others looked at the price of the larger portion—it almost cost 2698.

It was too expensive.

Initially, they thought that it would only cost a few thousand to dine here.

“What about ordering the small portion just to have a taste of it?” Liu Ke felt like trying the dish after

watching the neighbouring customers eat them.

“Alright, just one? Haha, no problem!”

After saying that, Liu Ke’s boyfriend purposefully raised his voice and shouted, “I will have a plate of the

Stir-fried Bullfrog Specialty!”

He wanted to show that he was capable of dining here.

Right then, the dishes were served at Chen Hao’s table.

The waiter came over with two bowls of clear soup noodles.

“Haha, what the hell? Just two bowls of clear soup noodles? Don’t you feel embarrassed?”

“My goodness! Why don’t you just order two plates of rice with stir-fried potatoes instead!”

The girls ridiculed.

“Excuse me, sir! Here’s the large Stir-fried Bullfrog Specialty that you ordered! Please wait a moment

before I bring you your next dish!”

Right then, a waiter came over and placed a dish of Stir-fried Bullfrog Specialty on Chen Hao’s table.

Liu Ke and the others were still trying to cover their giggles with their hands. Immediately upon seeing

that, their smiles froze...

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