The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 240 The Video Call From the Family
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Chapter 240 The Video Call From the Family

“Manager Wang, my phone was switched off just now.”

Chen Lin ran ahead toward Wang Xiaozhang.

Because now, Ding Hao and the rest of them were following behind Chen Lin.

Hence, she was afraid that the issue of the rented car would once again be exposed.

However, the more afraid she was, the more her fears came to pass.

Li Shihan could not believe that this Mercedes-Benz belonged to Chen Hao. Nobody knew that the

sentences that were uttered by Chen Hao when he flaunted his wealth previously were akin to thorns

that had pierced Li Shihan’s heart deeply as it brought about waves upon waves of pain.

Hence, the next time she saw Wang Xiaozhang, not only did she want a clear answer from her, she

wanted to ask her some questions as well.

At that moment, she bypassed Chen Lin and walked in front of Wang Xiaozhang. Then, she shot Chen

Lin a cold stare and said, “Chen Lin, what are you so afraid of?”

“Are you Manager Wang? May I know whether this car belongs to Chen Lin?”

“No! It’s not my car!”

Chen Lin quickly refuted and gave Manager Wang a wink.

Manager Wang knew that something was brewing, hence she tried to hide the contract in her hands.

However, Li Shihan snatched the contract and flipped it open.

Then, she laughed immediately. “Hahaha, you really rented a car. Oh my God, come here quickly to

take a look, Ding Hao! Miss Jiang, Young Master Zhang, come over as well! Let me tell you something

interesting. Today, I was drinking some coffee with Ding Hao at the cafe, then this girl named Chen


Li Shihan showed them Chen Lin’s rental car contract while telling them about the incident at the cafe

this morning.


It was Chen Hao’s fault for making a fool out of them.

Moreover, he even made Ding Hao envious.

Needless to say, that made Ding Hao regret his decision of choosing her over Chen Lin.

However, everybody saw that Lin Yiyi had hugged Chen Hao, so Li Shihan had no choice but to use

the rented car issue to mock Chen Lin.

After all, Chen Hao was Young Master Huang and and Young Master Bai’s errand boy, so it could

explain why he was acquainted with Lin Yiyi.

As for the issue with the rented car, she wanted to see how Chen Lin would explain her way out of this.

At the same time, Li Shihan felt happy and relaxed to know that Chen Hao did not buy this car. It was

almost as if a mountain had been lifted off her chest.

“Chen Lin, it seems that this G Wagon was rented by you. However, I never expected you to be such a

scheming person.” Ding Hao gave Chen Lin a disgusted look.

Chen Lin lowered her head further and cried as she said, “I am sorry, Ding Hao. I am really sorry. I

didn't mean to lie to you!”

“Haha. Chen Lin, the person who rented this car was you. Your identification number is clearly stated

here. Let me see who is the owner of this car… Huh? Chen Hao?”

After turning a page of the contract, Li Shihan was stunned when she saw what was written there.

“T-T-This must be a mistake, right?” Li Shihan’s eyes widened.

Chen Lin lifted her head up as well.

“Oh! You are here, Mr. Chen! I am really sorry I did not notice you as I was too busy talking to Miss

Chen here.”

Wang Xiaozhang happened to see Chen Hao who was standing by the sides at this moment.

Right then, she walked over to him in delight.

“It’s ok, Manager Wang. By the way, can I drive my car away after I sign my name?” asked Chen Hao

with a smile.

“Of course, Mr. Chen. However, do you need to inspect it first?”

“No need for that. That’s because I have been sitting in this car for the entire day. Don’t worry,” said

Chen Hao.

Then, he walked toward Li Shihan who looked shocked.

He took the contract from her and signed his name.

“Y-You… Is this really your car?” asked Li Shihan as she looked at Chen Hao.

The distance between her and Chen Hao was extremely close. She had never been this close to Chen

Hao ever since their high school graduation.

At this moment, Li Shihan’s emotions were in a turmoil. She was really upset.

“Who do you think it belongs to then? I already said that this car belongs to me and nobody believes it!”

Chen Hao looked indifferently at her.

Then, he gave the dumbfounded Chen Lin a pat on her shoulders. “Come, I’ll send you home.”

“Ok, Chen Hao, just drop me off at the bus station. I want to book a bus ticket to return to my

hometown in Ping An County tonight.”

At the same time, she felt a sense of thrill from Chen Hao’s acting.

However, unbeknownst to her, she wasn’t angry with Ding Hao anymore, instead she was really happy

and excited from the bottom of her heart.

“Young Master Chen, this car is worth at least two million, right? How cool!”

Zhang Lang, who was watching the drama by the sidelines, came over at this moment and gave Chen

Hao a smile.

Zhang Lang thought to himself, No matter how much other people ridiculed Chen Hao, he’s still

acquainted with Lin Yiyi, and he also drives a luxury car. There is definitely something fishy going on


It was definitely better to turn his enemies into his friends.

“It’s approximately two point two million.” Chen Hao looked at him and smiled casually.

They even shook hands together.

At this moment, Zhang Lang’s phone suddenly rang.

“Hello, dad. Ok, I understand. I will head back now.”

Zhang Lang hung up his phone and said, “Erm, Young Master Chen, I have some business to attend to

right now, so I’ll excuse myself first. Lin Dong, Ranran, I am sorry, but I can’t fetch you guys to the bus

station now because my father wants me home as soon as possible.”

With that, he bid Chen Hao goodbye and drove away in his car.


Jiang Ranran was stunned.

What should we do now?

They had a deal with Young Master Zhang just now at the party that he would send them to the bus

station in his BMW 7 series.

Because when they came here, Lin Dong was too embarrassed to drive his car. Hence, they took a cab


At that moment, Chen Hao had already started the engine of his car, while Chen Lin naturally sat in the

passenger seat.

Lin Dong pulled a long face as he said, “Ranran, why don’t we hail a cab then?”

“Hail a cab? That's all that you know? Hailing a cab?! Look at you! You are too embarrassed to drive a

car that you bought. Now, other people have their personal cars to pick them up, while I still have to hail

a cab!”

Jiang Ranran’s eyes turned red instantly due to her anger and embarrassment.

She had learned her lesson again today about the disadvantages of being poor.

“Hop in my car. I will send you all to the bus station.”

Chen Hao wore his sunglasses and chuckled to himself.

It wasn’t as if he wanted to help Jiang Ranran out. In fact, it wouldn’t be an issue for him at all if he

were to leave without giving them a helping hand at this moment.

Jiang Ranran lifted her head up to look at Chen Hao. Then, she gritted her teeth and sat in his car.

At the same time, she looked at Chen Lin who was sitting in the passenger seat and couldn’t help but

feel jealous.

If nothing had happened between them, then wouldn’t the passenger seat be hers now?

F*ck it! Fine, I’ll sit in his car then. I will deal with you later, Lin Dong thought to himself.

“Hey! What are you doing?”

Chen Hao looked at Lin Dong.

“Damn it! I am getting in the car!”

“The people that I mentioned just now are Jiang Ranran and Chen Lin only, not you. Young Master Lin,

don’t forget to return the money that you owed me. Your time is almost up soon, and I still have your

IOU here.”

Chen Hao locked the car door straightaway.

What the f*ck! I took the initiative to help him out last time, yet he had the audacity to ridicule me today.

Why should I let you sit in my car? Do you think that I am stupid? Chen Hao thought to himself.

At that moment, he left straightaway in his car without giving the onlookers a second glance.

As Li Shihan looked on at the retreating figure of the car, her emotions were all over the place.

Didn’t Chen Hao care about her the most back then in high school? Even if it was raining, he would

brave the rain to buy her food when she wanted to study and refused to go out to have her meals.

In addition to that, Chen Hao had always looked at her with concern.

Even though they had not seen each other for three years, as well as how she had mistreated him,

Chen Hao still looked concerned about her wellbeing when he met her.

However, this time, she felt upset with the way he ignored her existence, and how his gaze looked ice-


That was because Chen Hao never spared her a single glance ever since he took the contract off her

hands until the moment he drove away in his car.

After Chen Hao dropped them off at the bus station, he decided not to return home. Instead, he rented

a room in the hotel to stay because of Qin Ya.

That night, Chen Hao received a video call. It was connected to the family’s secret channel. Hence,

only the immediate members of the Chen family had access to it.

When he saw the remarks on the screen, Chen Hao sat bolt upright on his bed and hurriedly answered

the call.

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