The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 226 The Hospital Director is Coming
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Chapter 226 The Hospital Director is Coming

Li Wenyang was begging Mr. Jin for his help.

What they talked about wasn’t clear. However, upon seeing Jiang Xueqing and the others entering, Li

Wenyang hung up.

“Wenyang, I’m so sorry. Everything happened because of me!”

Jiang Xueqing apologized.

“What are you talking about, Xueqing? I didn’t expect that person to make a move without even asking.

Don’t worry, my dad is dealing with them now! Oh yeah, I told my dad about your problem too!” Li

Wenyang said resentfully.

Jiang Xueqing was about to say something when suddenly, her phone rang.

She accepted the phone call.

After two hums as response, she hung up the phone.

“It’s over now. My general manager just informed me that I was fired!” Jiang Xueqing whispered faintly.

What does it mean to get fired? It means that I won't ever stand a chance again to enter any of the

companies under the Dreamer Group, including the Dreamer Investment Group.

How could I lose a huge opportunity just like that?

“What? You’re fired?”

Li Wenyang did not expect this. Initially, he only wanted to prove his capabilities in front of Jiang


He wanted her to admire and fall in love with him.

However, not only did he get beaten up, he couldn't manage to solve Jiang Xueqing’s problem as well.

And now, he had even gotten her fired.

“Sigh, Wenyang, what should we do now? It’s obvious that he will still mess around with Xueqing!”

Wang Rui urged.

“Hmph! Don’t forget that Wenyang still has his dad! At least he’s stronger than that General Manager

Zhao!” someone said.

At this time, Li Wenyang’s phone rang.

He rushed to answer his phone.

“Dad, what is the situation now? What? Damn it! Okay, I get it now. What about my problem? Okay,

dad. I understand!”

After hanging up, Li Wenyang dropped his phone onto his bed.

“Wenyang, what happened?” Jiang Xueqing asked.

“It’s over. The guy who hit me? He is an executive from the headquarters. My dad tried to mediate with

Mr. Jin, but Mr. Jin is just a driver after all. He’s not on the same level as the executive. Moreover, the

executive used to follow General Manager Zhao as well as being a confidant to him. Mr. Jin does not

wish to get involved in this but my dad is begging him to arrange a meeting for me to apologize to

Manager Zhao!”

Li Wenyang wiped the sweat on his forehead.

Jiang Xueqing felt her heart shrivel.

It seemed like Li Wenyang was hardly able to fend for himself.

“Sigh! Xueqing, what my dad meant was, we shouldn’t have been so impulsive. The guy named Zhao

Tai who harassed you earlier, you should have reported him to the executive instead. Once the

executive knows, he would have given him a stern punishment. Great! Our actions backfired! I got into

trouble, and you lost your job.”

Li Wenyang’s tone became somber.

After listening to what he said, Jiang Xueqing felt as if she had heard the exact same thing from

someone else before.

She couldn’t help but glanced at Chen Hao’s direction by the door. Wasn’t that what he told me by the

sink at the restroom?

Back then I had thought that he had no social experience and even lectured him.

In the end, what he said was the correct solution.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t have ended up like this.

A few of them huddled around in the hospital to discuss some countermeasures. Well, not exactly

countermeasures, but talking about it gave them mutual comfort.

Suddenly, Jiang Xueqing’s phone rang again.

After she picked up the phone.

She hummed twice in response again.

However this time, Jiang Xueqing’s eyes kept on widening. Her facial expression showed disbelief.

After she hung up, everyone was curious about her reaction.

“Xueqing, what happened?”

Confusion etched on Jiang Xueqing’s face as she said, “I’m not really sure. That phone call was made

by the CEO himself. He told me to return to work. He also transferred me to the human resource

department to be trained as a management trainee. Furthermore, he apologised to me about Zhao Tai

and informed me that Zhao Tai has been fired! Apparently it was the executive’s decision!”


Everyone was dumbfounded.

What the hell? This plot twist happened too soon!

“Xueqing, I feel like someone from the inside must have helped you out. If it weren’t so, the CEO

wouldn’t have come forward and called you himself to apologise just because it was confirmed that you

were harassed, would he?”

“Yeah! He even added that it was the executive’s decision! Which confirms that someone must have

pulled some strings behind!” Wang Rui and the others added.

“Yeah, I feel like that’s the case too. But, do you guys know? It’s really hard to get into the company’s

management department. Who could have been so powerful to make the CEO come forward?”

Jiang Xueqing rubbed her forehead.

Suddenly, she jerked her head up and locked her gaze on Chen Hao.

“Chen Hao!”

Jiang Xueqing stood up.

“What? Chen Hao?”

Wang Rui and the others looked at Chen Hao with surprise.

Chen Hao also did not expect Jiang Xueqing to connect the dots and relate everything to him.

Indeed. While everyone was chatting, Chen Hao went out to make a call to Li Zhenguo and asked him

to deal with the problem at hand.

However, he did not expect that Jiang Xueqing would find out so soon.

“Chen Hao, it’s you!”

Jiang Xueqing started walking toward Chen Hao and said, “Do you know? It’s those words you said

while we were on the way that reminded me. 'Never look down upon the people around you because

sometimes, the ones that help you in the end are often those that you look down upon'! I think I might

have figured out who that person is! Chen Hao, thank you for reminding me!”

Jiang Xueqing thanked Chen Hao earnestly.

Then, she continued on, “When I first entered the company, the vice manager from human resources

who was responsible for my recruitment was a young man. He’s also very hardworking. Although he

only nods as a greeting every time he sees me, but, do you guys know? He actually helped me out a


“Initially, I felt that he was upright, honest, and all he does is work everyday! However, now that I think

about it, maybe he’s the kind of guy who keeps a low profile. It is likely that he helped me out then. A

few days ago, I also heard my colleagues guessing his identity! This might not be a simple

coincidence!” Jiang Xueqing added.

However, Jiang Xueqing wasn’t too sure about it. So, she immediately contacted another colleague that

she was close to for confirmation. “Hey Miss Li? Do you still remember the vice manager from human

resources? The one where you guys mentioned was someone’s nephew? Is he really the nephew of

one of the executives? Alright, alright. I get it now. No, nothing’s wrong. Thank you for your time!”

After the conversation ended, Jiang Xueqing became so emotional and it looked as if she might start

tearing up soon.novelbin

“Xueqing, are you sure it was him? Does he like you or?” Wang Rui asked, her words laced with envy.

She didn’t know why but she somehow felt jealous.

“I don’t know if he likes me or not. But I remember that he secretly helped me out many times. He must

have known that I got fired! I will get a confirmation from him tomorrow at work!”

“Whoa! I’m so jealous of you guys! Mingxue has Li Chao helping her and now she officially became a

doctor; Xueqing has Wenyang and the vice manager helping her. Even Shihan is backed by a rich man

while I’m the only one left alone!”

Wang Rui glared at Tycoon and exclaimed in jealousy.

Li Mingxue laughed wryly and tried to console her. “Come on, Wang Rui. You don’t mean it that way.

Tycoon is pretty nice too, isn’t he?”

“By the way Chen Hao, since you looked like you have nothing to do, could you help fetch us some

warm water?” Li Mingxue asked.

Seriously? Who the f*ck had nothing to do?

Chen Hao thought.

However, he was embarrassed to reject them so he went anyway.

“Doctor Li! The hospital’s director and vice director are heading over to the wards at this zone!”

“What? The director is coming?” Li Mingxue was taken by surprise.

Li Wenyang was surprised too. “Maybe the director’s coming to visit me after he heard that I was

admitted! Xueqing, quick! Help me up! The director is friends with my dad, I can’t afford to be rude!”

Just a few moments ago, Li Wenyang was still pissed off that the vice manager stole his thunder from

Jiang Xueqing.

However, he was excited now that he heard that the director was coming over to visit him.

He managed to get down from the bed with Jiang Xueqing’s help.

As the crowd got larger, Chen Hao took the chance to leave the ward by taking the kettle out to get

more water.

However, he immediately ran into the director of the hospital.

“Master Chen, it’s you?”

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