The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 216 Hey Gorgeous, Can I Add You on WeChat?
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Chapter 216 Hey Gorgeous, Can I Add You on WeChat?

“Chen Hao, you came here to eat?”

Li Mingxue stared at Chen Hao and asked, seemingly surprised.

Weren’t these bunch of people Li Mingxue and her boyfriend as well as Li Chao and the others?

Right then, all of them were smiling at Chen Hao.

Truth be told, Midu Restaurant was a high-end restaurant. Moreover, they charge their customers per


It cost a minimum of 188 to dine here.

Adding beverages and other fees, eating here could cost up to a few thousand dollars.

That was why they were curious since everyone knew Chen Hao was quite poor.

“Yeah, a few of my friends came to visit so I had to treat them! What a coincidence meeting you guys

here too!” Chen Hao answered with a smile.

“Pssh! It’s normal for us to dine here alright?!”

“Sigh, you keep talking about treating your friends; but do you know that the minimum cost here is 188?

I can’t believe you even have the audacity to treat them here!”

A girl who sat next to Li Mingxue couldn’t help but ridicule him. This girl’s name was Su Li, she wasn’t

too bad to look at, and was also Chen Hao’s classmate from high school.

Exactly, with this restaurant’s standards, only people like them with certain statuses in society dined


There wasn’t much to feel superior over.

However, the thought of poor losers like Chen Hao dining here made her feel uncomfortable.

Someone like Chen Hao should just eat at some dumpling shop or fast food restaurant.

Hence she felt embarrassed. If it was like this, doesn’t it mean that Chen Hao is on par with us?

Hence, this explained why she replied rudely to him.

“Come on Su Li! Don’t talk to Chen Hao like this, you’ll embarrass him! Chen Hao can eat here if he

wants to. This is a perfect opportunity for him to introduce us to his friends! Haha!”

Li Chao commented wryly.

Among all these people, he was the most successful in terms of family background and career.

This made him the backbone of the group.

Su Li laughed. “Tsk, Li Chao, what kind of friends does Chen Hao even have? Do you even dare to be

acquainted with them?”

“Moreover, what I said was for his own good! Can’t he look at himself? Casually coming here to eat? Is

his image that important to uphold? Ugh, I really look down on people that try hard to show off even

when they can’t afford to do so!”

Ever since high school, Su Li had always looked down on Chen Hao.

She felt disgusted that a poor loser was always hanging around her.

This explained why she had never taken Chen Hao’s feelings into consideration.

Moreover, the fact that Chen Hao was able to eat in the same restaurant as her made her feel as if

someone had stepped on her dignity.

“It’s okay, guys. Stop bickering, Chen Hao’s friends will be reaching in no time!” Li Mingxue couldn’t

stand them anymore and said.

Chen Hao nodded at her and gave her a small smile of gratitude.

“Li Chao, who is this guy? Was he your high school classmate?”

Suddenly, a well-dressed girl sitting next to Li Chao asked curiously.

“Yeah. haha! Does he look hot? If you think he looks hot, go ahead and be his girlfriend! He’s still

single, you know!”

Li Chao burst into laughter.

“Hey! That was so mean! If you continue to act in such a way, I don’t want to talk to you anymore!”

The girl pinched Li Chao angrily.

The group started cackling.novelbin

Chen Hao remained silent and nodded along.

“Hey, look! Chen Hao is actually blushing right now! I knew it, he must have wanted her to be his

girlfriend! If it weren’t so, why would he be embarrassed? Haha!” another guy teased.

“Hey Chen Hao! If you really like her, she can be your girlfriend for real! What I said counts!”

Li Chao laughed boisterously.

“That’s fine, I already have a girlfriend!”

Chen Hao smiled wryly.

Although he knew that these bunch of people always bullied him around for a laugh—it had been like

this ever since high school—Chen Hao didn’t want to say much.

It wasn’t like he wanted to humiliate them and reveal that he was actually f*cking rich.

Haha! How would they react if that actually happened?!

“Oh my God! Chen Hao has a girlfriend?! What the f*ck, this is big news! We must tell everyone about

this during the upcoming high school reunion! This is going to be some explosive news!” a guy

commented in shock.

“Damn! I wonder what kind of girl will fall in love with him? My God, maybe a dinosaur?!”

Su Li sipped her juice and shook her head, seemingly speechless.

This made the bunch burst into fits of laughter again.

Li Mingxue felt bad when she glanced at Chen Hao.

She smiled and said, “Chen Hao, I was promoted from a trainee to the management department! So, I

decided to treat Li Chao and the others. How many friends of yours are coming? Why don’t you guys

join us?”

“Nah, I have around seven or eight friends coming! It’s okay!”

Chen Hao smiled.

It looked like Li Mingxue’s case was resolved at last.

He still remembered mentioning it to Li Zhenguo.

However, Li Zhenguo hadn’t given him any feedback. I guess he thought that it was a small matter.

Hence, Chen Hao didn’t know if it was resolved because of him or Li Chao.

Not knowing what to say, he nodded and sat at the table next to theirs.

To be honest, Chen Hao felt awkward.

However, this restaurant’s business was too good. There weren’t any empty seats left by the corner;

even if there were, Chen Hao was too embarrassed to change seats by now.

Moreover, it wouldn’t be good to just leave!

In short, everything was just too awkward.

Right at this moment, Qin Ya came in with Tongtong and the others.

Following suit was her cousin. Other than that, there were also two guys and two girls—probably also

Zhao Tongtong’s distant cousins.

“Oh my God! Oh my Goodness! Look at those beautiful girls!”

This time, Li Chao and the other guys saw Qin Ya and Zhao Tongtong entering.

Most of them were stunned right then.

They were too beautiful!

“Who are they? They look so pretty! It is as if they are goddesses!”

“Hmph! So what if they look pretty? They’re just tall and charismatic! Hmph!”

Su Li mumbled in jealousy when she saw Qin Ya and Zhao Tongtong; they looked so gorgeous, just

like celebrities!

The girl in heavy makeup sitting next to Li Chao was even more self-conscious. Compared to those two

girls, she looked just like a clown!

“Does any of you dare to ask them for their WeChat? If anyone dares to do so, I’d call him my dad!”

The guy who proposed was close to drooling.

Then, all of them looked toward Li Chao.

After all, among all of them, Li Chao was the one with the best family background—he had the most


Li Chao wasn’t planning to let his chances go too.

He stood up to clear his throat and straightened his outfit.

“Hang on, I want to follow along!”

“Damn it, Li Chao is the best!”

“Best of luck, Li Chao!”

However, Li Chao was already heading toward the girls.

“Hey gorgeous! Are you guys here to eat too? Have you guys found your seats yet? Do you guys need

my help? I’m quite familiar with this place!”

Li Chao too, couldn’t help buzzing in excitement when he talked to the two beautiful girls.

“Thank you for your offer but we won't be needing your help!”

Faced with his blatant attempt to hit them up, Qin Ya and Zhao Tongtong replied curtly.

They were disgusted.

“H-hey, do you guys mind if we add each other on WeChat? My name is Li Chao, I’m from—”

Li Chao proceeded to take out his phone.

“He’s there! Let’s go!”

Finally, Zhao Tongtong spotted Chen Hao from afar. She ignored Li Chao’s request and ushered them

toward Chen Hao’s direction...

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