The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 212 Expensive French Cuisine
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Chapter 212 Expensive French Cuisine

“Please excuse me, Ma’am.”

The head waitress smiled and looked at Jiang Ranran politely.

She then laid sets of exquisite western-style meals across the dining table in front of Chen Hao while

Jiang Ranran looked on in awe.novelbin

“Eh? What?”

Jiang Ranran was stupefied.

“What in the world? Hey, did you guys serve the wrong table?”

Jiang Ranran exclaimed.

The western-style lunch looked expensive. The meal itself would cost at least 3,000 and it was served

to someone as poverty-stricken as Chen Hao?

Yes, Jiang Ranran always looked down on Chen Hao. She thought of Chen Hao as a poor dude who

could not afford any luxury in his life.

She recalled being ridiculed by her friends when she accidentally had a slip of the tongue and revealed

her engagement with Chen Hao which was arranged by her father and Chen Hao’s father when they

were still kids back then.

“Ranran, your fiancé is still waiting for you in the village!”

Her schoolmates’ laughs still rang vividly in her ears.

It was the worst sarcasm ever received by Jiang Ranran.

She was deeply offended by the sarcastic remark even though she seldom mentioned it.

Chen Hao really disgusted her as she thought any acquaintance with a poor dude like Chen Hao would

tarnish her reputation.

Yet he was enjoying his exquisite lunch right now.

“No Ma’am, we didn’t serve the wrong table. Mr. Chen here ordered our most expensive set lunch,

prepared by our Head Chef from France. It costs 6,999!”

The waitress smiled warmly at Jiang Ranran and bowed to Chen Hao politely before leaving the table.

What? 6,999? Jiang Ranran was bewildered. She had never spent so much on a lunch before!

“Chen Hao, what is the meaning of this? You are poorer than everyone else and yet you choose to

waste your money like this? You even ordered a French cuisine! Are you crazy? Did you know you can

do much more things with your 7,000 other than wasting it all on a single lunch like this?”

Jiang Ranran retorted.

“Yeah, that’s right, pretending to be a millionaire when you are penniless. A poor loser like you actually

spent 6,999 on a lunch, the same price as a cell phone for a rich gentleman like me! Have you gone


Lin Dong agreed with Jiang Ranran.

In a place like Ping An County, it was awesome enough to own a cell phone that cost 3,000.

Lin Dong felt even more proud of owning a cell phone that cost 6,999.

So, Lin Dong was quite upset when he realized the price of his cell phone was actually equal to the

price of Chen Hao’s lunch.

“Chen Hao, you should buy yourself some decent clothes and a nicer cell phone with the amount of

money you have, to make yourself look more presentable, you know? But instead, you choose to waste

your money like this! Oh well…”

Jiang Ranran shook her head and looked at Chen Hao, speechless with the way Chen Hao spent his


Her eyes full of disappointment.

Indeed, Chen Hao’s behavior and mentality were so different from Lin Dong’s. Lin Dong was so much

better than Chen Hao.


Chen Hao’s cell phone vibrated suddenly.

He picked up his cell phone and saw an unknown number appear on the screen.

Surprised, Jiang Ranran and Lin Dong stared at him with their bulging eyes when Chen Hao took out

his cell phone.

Their awkward stares made Chen Hao hesitate to answer the call.

So, he hung up and shoved the phone back into his pocket.

Chen Hao’s expensive cell phone was like a slap in Jiang Ranran’s face and Chen Hao thought it

would not be appropriate to embarrass Jiang Ranran in front of her boyfriend. After all, she was the

daughter of Uncle Jiang.

“Chen Hao, don’t move! Let me see your cell phone!”

The dumbfounded Jiang Ranran quickly snatched the cell phone from Chen Hao.

“This is…?” Jiang Ranran murmured.

“This cell phone model is new in the market. It costs 29,999. You use this, Chen Hao?”

Xu Xin, Jiang Ranran and Lin Dong were all stunned by Chen Hao.

“Erm, the cell phone… belongs to my friend! Well, isn’t it cool having such an advanced cell phone?”

Chen Hao said in a humorous underbrag.

“Well, just continue lying. I know it’s YOUR cell phone!”

Xu Xin said, rolling her eyes.

Jiang Ranran was silent, confused by Chen Hao’s sudden wealth.

What’s going on here? Is this person really the Chen Hao I know? The person I hated… so, is he the

one who called for those people?

“Forget about it, it’s just a cell phone. Let’s not make such a fuss about it! You guys have drunk a lot

just now without having much proper meals. How about a nice meal of French cuisine, guys? It’s my


Chen Hao invited warmly, with a broad smile across his face, trying desperately to divert the

conversation away from his cell phone.

“Great! I’m so hungry now and I’ve never tried a French cuisine that costs 6,999 before! Chen Hao, are

you really going to treat us?”

Xu Xin laughed.

“Of course!” Chen Hao reassured Xu Xin.

“Xu Xin, aren’t you forgetting something? You were worried about Chen Hao just now, weren't you?

Don’t you want to know how he got away unhurt?”

Jiang Ranran said stoically.

“Oh yeah, I almost forgot! It always happens when I get excited. Tell us, Chen Hao, how you got away

just now? And those people outside… did you call for them?”

“Oh yeah, how did I get away just now?”

Chen Hao repeated innocently.

“That’s what we asked just now!”

Jiang Ranran frowned at Chen Hao.

Chen Hao slapped his forehead and explained, “Well, I was about to get into a fight with Liu Li when a

bunch of people from the next room stormed in suddenly and fought with Liu Li’s people. They seem to

have some kind of grudge against Liu Li. So, I just sneaked out amidst the chaos.”

Chen Hao brushed the matter aside lightly.

Jiang Ranran looked at Chen Hao, speechless with anger.

Chen Hao was clearly lying.

What the heck is he talking about? You sneaked out and had a luxurious French meal right next door?

What a liar!

Oh well, no point asking again! His stupid story really pisses me off!

“How about both of you stay for lunch? It’s my treat!”

Chen Hao invited Jiang Ranran and Xu Xin.

Looking at the table full of delicious sets of French cuisine, Jiang Ranran really wanted to stay and try

the cuisine. Like any other girls, she liked food too!

But thinking about her complicated relationship with Chen Hao, how could she stay and lunch with


How could she throw away her pride for a lunch?

“No, thanks! We will order it ourselves!”

Jiang Ranran folded her arms snobbishly in front of her chest and threw Lin Dong a longing look.

She really wanted to try the cuisine!

Lin Dong, on the other hand, pulled out his wallet and counted the notes inside. A lunch cost over

6,000. He merely had about 10,000 in his wallet.

How could he pull 7,000 out of his pocket for a luxury meal when he just billed over 8,000 for a karaoke

session at the KTV next door?

He came from a powerful family, but that did not mean his family was rich!

“Erm… Ranran, how about we’ll have the meal next time? I’m a bit drunk right now.”

“But, Lin Dong…”

Jiang Ranran knew Lin Dong was running out of money.

Feeling embarrassed, Jiang Ranran and Lin Dong stood up and were about to leave.

As Lin Dong turned around, he accidentally knocked over a vase placed on the table beside them.

Clank! The vase fell to the ground and broke.


Lin Dong was startled.

A waiter hurried toward Lin Dong followed by the loud noise.

“Excuse me, Sir. The floral centerpiece…” the waiter said politely, waiting for Lin Dong’s response.

“It’s just a broken vase with some flowers. It’s not a big deal! I’ll pay for it! 1,000 will be enough, right?

Here you go!”

Lin Dong pulled 1,000 from his wallet and threw the money on the table with his unique flamboyant


He glanced at Jiang Ranran and said, “Let’s go, Ranran!”

Jiang Ranran nodded quietly, mesmerized by the dashing Lin Dong.

“Please wait a minute, Sir!”

“What’s the matter?”

“The floral centerpiece you broke is a valuable artistic display in the restaurant. 1,000 is not enough to

compensate for our loss. I’m afraid you need to pay 10,000 for it!”

The waiter smiled and explained politely.

“What? 10,000?”

Lin Dong was shocked.

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