The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 210 Worried About Chen Hao’s Safety
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Chapter 210 Worried About Chen Hao’s Safety


Suddenly, a deathly silence hung in the air. Everybody looked toward the young man who spoke those


Spare them on your account?

Why do I need to do that? Who do you think you are?

Of course, the person who uttered those words was none other than Chen Hao.

Originally, Chen Hao had been outside the private room all these while. When he saw Lin Dong

suffering from embarrassment, he only sat back and enjoyed the show.

After all, this had nothing to do with him.

However, Liu Li had obviously set his sights on Jiang Ranran, Xu Xin and the other girls.

The reason he stepped in had less to do with Jiang Ranran.

Although Jiang Ranran was quite courteous to him on the outside, Chen Hao knew that she really

looked down upon him on the inside.

So, he did not have any reasons to toot his own horn in front of her.

However, since Xu Xin was here, Chen Hao felt embarrassed to leave the matter as it was.

After all, Xu Xin treated him well from the beginning, and she did not look at him through colored


Perhaps Xu Xin felt that it wasn’t a big deal, but Chen Hao still felt grateful toward her. Especially if he

were to compare her with Jian Ranran.

Hence, he stepped forward as he had decided to help Xu Xin out.

“Chen Hao, what nonsense are you talking about? Get lost quickly. You don’t understand the situation

here,” said Jiang Ranran with a cold look on her face.

She nearly fainted because of his idiocy. Jiang Ranran was raised in the city, and was therefore quite

experienced and knowledgeable, enough to have understood the situation now like the back of her


Jiang Ranran had already decided that she would follow what Lin Dong did and chug the liquor down in

one shot. Then, she would run away quickly. She thought to herself, Liu Li would not be that unruly,


However, she did not expect Chen Hao to step up and pretend to be a hero. She really couldn’t believe

the absurdity of it.

She even wanted to give him a slap or two.

“Why should I spare them on your account? Who are you to say that?”

Liu Li frowned as the rest of the gang leaders sized Chen Hao up.

Chen Hao put both of his hands in his pockets and smiled casually. “This girl is my friend. So, I will bear

the responsibility for her. Young Master Liu, if you really want to have a drinking session, why don’t you

wait for me to give my men a call. I will ask them to accompany you.”

Liu Li was just a wretched person. Of course, he was nothing in Chen Hao’s eyes.

At that moment, he looked at Xu Xin and smiled.

“You stupid brat, there is a price to pay for being a hero. Moreover, from the tone of your voice, it

seems that you are finding someone to challenge me to a fight. Hahaha, why don’t you take a look at

your appearance, you loser. How dare you challenge me to a fight?!”

Liu Li looked at Chen Hao up and down and smirked.

“Chen Hao, leave it. Please leave quickly,” said Xu Xin worriedly.

Chen Hao turned around and gave her a reassuring look, then he smiled and said, “Don’t worry,

everything will be alright.”

With that, he looked at Liu Li. “So, Young Master Liu, do you dare to accept my challenge? My men will

arrive soon and accompany you all for a ‘drinking session’. What do you say?”

“Fine, this is the first time anyone has dared to challenge me to a fight in front of so many gang leaders

in Ping An County! I guess we really need to experience it for ourselves today. However, let me tell you

the bad news first. I will not go easy on you as you should know very well the consequences of

offending me!”

Liu Li smiled coldly, as if he was enjoying a joke.

Meanwhile, Chen Hao asked Xu Xin, Jiang Ranran and the rest of the girls to leave quickly.

Xu Xin looked at Chen Hao worriedly. She felt conflicted as she wanted to stay back to accompany


On the other hand, Jiang Ranran looked at Chen Hao like he was an idiot and rolled her eyes. Then,

she forcefully dragged Xu Xin and left the scene.

Liu Li did not stop them because he knew very well that there would be a continuation to this matter.

When the time comes, it would not have been a simple matter of drinking liquor anymore when he gets

his hands on these girls.

As for Chen Hao, he obviously gave Tian Long and Di Hu a call.

“Call your men. Call all of them here. Hahaha!”

After Chen Hao made the call, he gave Liu Li a casual smile.

Chen Hao could only keep a low profile in front of familiar faces due to a multitude of reasons, just like

in Jiang Weidong’s house today, and that was because Jiang Weidong was an elder after all.

Chen Hao wasn’t an upstart to begin with, hence, he could only swallow his anger in silence when

faced with certain situations.

Because if Chen Hao wanted to make them look foolish, it would be as easy as lifting his fingers.

This time with Liu Li was a different case however. Hence, he would deal with it just like the way he

handled Xu Wei from the Haishan Commercial Group. Once it became a serious issue, Chen Hao

would not back down one bit.

Soon after that, the screeching sounds of tires could be heard. A fleet of luxury cars had stopped

outside the entrance of the KTV.

A team of bodyguards in black suits got down from the car and the leaders of that team were none

other than Tian Long and Di Hu.

Both of them were the managers of Chen Hao’s base as well as his personal bodyguards.

Wherever Chen Hao was, they would naturally appear there as well in order to provide support at any

given time.

“Young Master Chen is inside. Rush forward now!”

Tian Long and Di Hu waved their hands and the entire group of people rushed inside the KTV.

At this moment, inside the private room…

Liu Li played around with the wine glass in his hands as he looked at his watch. “Young man, five

minutes have already gone by and there isn’t a single phone call from your side. Are you trying to pull

my leg?”

Just when he was joking around, a loud slam was heard, and the doors to the private room were kicked


A group of people rushed in straightaway.

The bodyguards of the gang leaders were quite alert as they immediately prepared to fight.

However, before they could do that, they were flipped onto their backs by the bodyguards in black suits.

The bodyguards’ movements were swift and ruthless. It was akin to a tiger pouncing on their prey.

“Who are you guys?”

Liu Li was stunned.

When he saw their movements and felt their cold, ruthless aura, he knew that these weren’t ordinary


“Young Master Chen, is that him?”

Tian Long and Di Hu walked to Chen Hao’s side and asked in a whisper.

“Yes, teach him a lesson!”

Chen Hao nodded his head indifferently.

“Damn it, don’t you dare! Do you know whose territory this is?”

At this moment, a middle-aged guy who was known as Mr. Dragon said harshly.

Although his face looked ruthless, his forehead was already covered in sweat as he thought to himself

that he had met a formidable opponent this time!

“This is Da Fei’s territory. Don’t think that you all can leave here alive once he gets here!” Liu Li yelled.

“Madam Hong, give Da Fei a call quickly!”

At that moment, he shot Madam Hong a glance.

Madam Hong nodded her head. “Hmph! I have already sent a text message to Da Fei. He is bringingnovelbin

his men here as we speak. We can just sit back and enjoy the show when he arrives later.”

On the other side…

“Lin Dong, stop the car! I want to get down!”

Lin Dong and the rest of the group had already driven the car away in a hurry.

However, halfway through their journey, Xu Xin suddenly felt uneasy and wanted to get down from the


“What’s wrong, Xu Xin?” asked Jiang Ranran.

“This is wrong. I am still worried about Chen Hao being left there all by himself. Everybody here knows

what kind of person Liu Li is. He will actually sever Chen Hao’s limbs!”

Xu Xin nearly cried out of worry at the thought of it.

“Hmph, why are you so worried about him? He deserves it for trying to be a hero,” said Jiang Ranran

with contempt.

She could see clearly now that Chen Hao could not even hold a candle to Lin Dong.

One of them was an idiot while the other person could adapt quickly to a situation.

Especially since Lin Dong set an example for everyone as he was the first one to chug down that bottle

of liquor. Jiang Ranran was moved by his gesture.

There wasn’t a greater man than him!

However, when she thought of Chen Hao, Jiang Ranran could only shake her head wordlessly.

“She is right, Xu Xin. Besides, neither of you are familiar with each other so why do we need to care

whether he lives or dies? Sh*t! Xu Xin, don’t tell me you are in love with that poor loser?” Lin Dong

asked her as he drove the car.

“I don’t care what you all think. All I know is that if it weren’t for Chen Hao today, all of us won’t be able

to get away that easily. Stop the car now, I want to go back there to take a look!”

Lin Dong could not stand Xu Xin’s panicking, hence he stopped the car.

She immediately ran back to the KTV after she got out of the car.

“Xu Xin, come back!”

Jiang Ranran shouted anxiously, “Lin Dong, what should we do? What if Xu Xin’s life is in danger? How

can we tell this to her grandfather?”

“Sigh! We should go back even if we can’t do anything about it.”

“Huh? You aren’t thinking of rescuing Chen Hao too right?”

“What the f*ck? Why would I rescue him? I am worried that something will happen to Xu Xin. If we go

back now, we can ask Xu Xin to just stand from afar and observe the situation. At least then we can

grasp the situation better,” Lin Dong explained.

Everybody agreed. And so, both of the cars made a U-turn and went back to the scene…

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