The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 202 Treating an Old Classmate to Lunch
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Chapter 202 Treating an Old Classmate to Lunch

The nurse hesitantly brought Chen Hao to the cashier counter downstairs.

Why was she hesitant?

By just one glance, his dressing resembled someone who didn’t have a lot of money.

130,000 was not a small sum to an average family, so how was someone like him supposed to afford


But Chen Hao quickly proved her wrong. He did not only pay the 130,000 worth of medical fees, but

also the fees for the ward.

In total, he had paid 200,000.novelbin

He did so without even blinking an eye.

The nurse was shocked.

Chen Hao didn’t care about her. He left straight away and walked back upstairs.

They were still arguing.

“Brothers, sisters, please stop fighting. I have already paid all the fees!” Chen Hao said.


Everybody quietened down immediately.

The siblings were all staring at him in shock.

Even Wu Qian and Wu Chao stared at Chen Hao in disbelief.

“You paid all of it? Chen Hao, that’s 130,000. Where did you get that money?” the eldest sibling asked.

“Hmph. He didn’t just pay 130,000. This handsome man paid 200,000 in total, including the fees for the

ward!” said the nurse, who had suddenly appeared.


The crowd was dumbfounded.

Wu Qian and Wu Chao were red in the face. They had just mocked Chen Hao, but now he had really

paid for everything. Was this not a huge slap to their faces?

Immediately, Wu Chao said indignantly, “You didn’t steal this money, did you?”

“Right! A few days ago, there was some news on the internet saying that someone had lost their

money. Chen Hao, you didn’t take someone’s money and not return it, right?”

“That’s exactly what must have happened! Watch out, because if they report you to the police, this

200,000 will land you in jail!” Wu Chao warned him hatefully.

Since he ran businesses, he knew quite a lot.

This sentence scared Aunt Wu, so she asked, “Chen Hao, how did you get this money?”

“Ah, I won the lottery and got some money. Don’t worry, Aunt Wu!” Chen Hao smiled softly.

There was nothing to hide about his identity from Aunt Wu, but in his current situation, he didn’t know

how to explain it to her.

That was why he just made up an excuse.

But when Wu Qian and Wu Chao heard this, their eyes widened.

Especially Wu Qian.

She asked urgently, “How much did you win?”

This question was something an adult would not ask directly, but a little girl like Wu Qian was unable to

hold in her shock.

Her grandfather had always nagged about how good Chen Hao was, and how he wanted to

matchmake her and Chen Hao.

But who would like a poor idiot like Chen Hao?

That was why Wu Qian immediately refused.

When she heard that Chen Hao had won the lottery, her whole body trembled.

F*ck, if he really became a rich man, then wouldn’t she have to regret her decision down to her bones?

“Tell us quickly, Chen Hao. How much did you win?” Wu Qian stomped her foot.

Chen Hao just smiled before putting up five fingers.

“Huh? 500,000?” Wu Qian was so shocked that her eyes widened.

Aunt Wu was, however, delighted. “Ah? Chen Hao, did you really win 500,000?”

Chen Hao smiled bitterly. “Aunt, don’t worry about the money. Just relax. This time, no matter how

much money Uncle needs, I will pay for it all.”

He then helped Aunt Wu to sit down.

Wu Qian, however, was more nervous than ever.

What now?

Listening to Chen Hao’s tone, he didn’t seem to just have won 500,000!

Could it be… five million?

Oh God!

Wu Qian was more panicked the more she thought about it, but Chen Hao started to feel playful. He

purposely left out the actual amount, just to let them guess among themselves.

For two days, Chen Hao didn’t go home and stayed at the hospital to accompany Uncle Wu. The good

news was that he was going to recover, and he just needed to stay in the hospital for a few days longer.

Today afternoon, Chen Hao accompanied Uncle and Aunt Wu to finish their meals.

He started to feel hungry himself, so he made his way to the hospital canteen to have a meal.

“Isn’t this Chen Hao? You really came back!”

When he arrived at the stall he wanted to order from, somebody suddenly tapped on his shoulder.

Chen Hao turned back and saw a girl with a ponytail, who looked rather pretty and had makeup on.

But even with the makeup on, Chen Hao still recognized her.

“You’re Li Mingxue?”

Chen Hao was a little taken aback.

Of course Chen Hao recognized this girl. She was his high school classmate, and they were in the

same class. She used to be the representative for English class if he wasn’t mistaken, and her name

was Li Mingxue.

At that time, she could only be considered averagely pretty.

But after not seeing her for three to four years, she looked both sexy and pretty especially after putting

makeup on.

It was a rather big change.

To be honest, Chen Hao had already mentally prepared himself for when he met his old classmates

when he returned home.

The ones who were supposed to be working were already working.

“I saw your picture today in our English representatives group chat. It was taken by Miss Liu Min, and

you were carrying a luggage. That’s how I knew you came back! What a coincidence!” Li Mingxue said

as she tidied her hair.

They had already graduated, but some teachers would keep the contact numbers of some of the class

representatives whom they liked. This was common practice.

F*ck! Chen Hao was taken aback.

When did Liu Min take a picture of him? Why didn’t he realize it?

It was probably when he had gotten off the bus.

When she yelled for him to help with their luggage, she was pointing her phone toward him and was

moving it around. It was probably taken then.

F*ck! This b*tch...

Chen Hao cursed her silently. How immoral!

“Right. Why are you at the hospital? Do you have any relatives who are patients here?”

Li Mingxue was chatting casually with Chen Hao. Back then, she rarely talked to him, but now, she

must have undergone the changes that came from working, and she seemed quite amicable.

“Yup, my uncle is here! What about you? Do you have any relatives who are patients too?” Chen Hao


“Hehe, I know plenty of patients. Later on, you can greet me when you are at your uncle’s side, and we

can reduce some unnecessary procedures!” Li Mingxue smiled lightly.

“Ah, I get it. You’re a doctor here, right?” Chen Hao asked.

“Yeah! I’m doing an internship here as a clinician, and I can start working here for real after a bit more

time!” Li Mingxue said, slightly proud.

“That’s pretty good!”

Li Mingxue seemed to have quite a few connections because of her family, but this was normal. When

it was close to graduation time, these things were inevitable.

The ones with connections fed off those connections, and the ones without had to wait for a miracle.

It was just that simple.

It was Chen Hao’s turn to order his food.

“You don’t need to order because I’ll treat you to this meal today! Miss, two orders please!”

Li Mingxue waved the card in her hand, and the cafeteria lady gave them both full bowls.

It was filled to the brim with good food.

“We’re still high school classmates, and after all these years without meeting each other, you won’t

reject a meal from me, right?” Li Mingxue covered her mouth and chuckled lightly.

Chen Hao shook his head. “Of course not. I can only thank you. This looks pretty good!”

The two of them sat down.

Li Mingxue started the conversation smoothly and started talking about her life for the past two years. It

seemed to Chen Hao that she was bragging about how she was mixing around with a better crowd

compared to the other classmates.

Chen Hao just listened, occasionally throwing in a few compliments.

At this moment, a young male doctor wearing a standard white coat walked toward Li Mingxue.

“Mingxue, who is this?”

“Ah, this is my high school classmate! We happened to meet, so I treated him to a meal. Hehe, Chen

Hao, this is my boyfriend who I told you about just now. His name is Li Gang and his father is the

Assistant Head of Department!” Li Mingxue said with a smile.

“Ah, your high school classmate? How could you just treat him to a meal from the cafeteria? You

should book a restaurant at least, just to properly reminisce!” Li Gang said, smiling.

“Ahem. I still have work in the afternoon, how would I have the time? Besides, Chen Hao, you don’t

mind, right?”

“No, I don’t mind!” Chen Hao nodded, eating a few mouthfuls of rice.

Actually, he really felt that this was pretty good.

Apart from that, he just listened to Li Gang and Li Mingxue chat.

“Right, don’t you have some high school classmates visiting tonight? Li Chao and the others came for

the holidays, right? I checked just now, and you have a night shift today,” Li Gang said.

“Huh? In that case, can you help me change my shift? Li Chao and the others have been my good

friends since high school, so I should treat them properly since they’re back here for the holidays, even

if I need to take my leave. I haven’t seen them in three to four years anyway. Right, have you booked

the restaurant like I told you to?” Li Mingxue asked.

“Yup, I booked Jin Ruyi Restaurant!”

“No, that’s too low of a standard. Book the Bao Sheng Grand Hotel instead. They are old classmates

that I haven’t seen in three to four years, so you can’t make me seem so stingy in front of them!”

“Alright, then I’ll change the location. Right, when will you treat your dean to a meal? Just so you can

settle your thing. Your dean is someone who is under the department head, so my father can’t really do

anything.” Li Gang smiled bitterly.

“Hmph! Just mentioning him makes me angry. I don’t want to eat anymore! How annoying!”

Li Mingxue was so angry that she threw her chopsticks down.

Chen Hao could guess that Li Mingxue seemed to have some problems...

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