The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 195 Seven Consecutive Collisions
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Chapter 195 Seven Consecutive Collisions

Who was that boy?

Wasn’t he Ding Hao?

Just now when he was on the way, Chen Hao pondered whether he would meet Ding Hao and the

others here. If Ding Hao was here, Chen Lin and Li Shihan were sure to be here as well.

Chen Hao didn’t want to see them.

But unexpectedly, they had bumped into each other.

So Dinghao was from the same high school as Wang Liang?

“Liang? Did you just arrive? We have been waiting for you for a while now!”

Ding Hao greeted them haughtily. After all, he was the host of such a huge event. Hence, his ego was

greatly inflated.

“Yes, there was a traffic jam on the way here. Right, Ding Hao, let me introduce to you my girlfriend, Li

Mei, and her mother, Mrs. Wang. These are Li Mei’s friends who came along to hang out!”

Wang Liang said.

Standing beside Ding Hao were a couple of boys and girls, which of course included Chen Lin and Li

Shihan. Ding Hao then introduced his friends to Wang Liang as well.

“Everyone, this is Ding Hao. No, we should call him Young Master Ding now. Ding Hao’s family

received three properties on this land from the demolition project of Yunmeng Mountain!”

Wang Liang said with admiration.

As soon as he finished his introduction.

Li Mei was a bit startled.

Both Mrs. Li and Mrs. Xu were stunned as well.

On the way here, they had read through a brief introduction on Yunmeng Mountain. It was a great

project, consisting of a combination of tourism and entertainment. Also, there were several tourist

attraction areas planned as well as buildings constructed around the perimeter!

That meant that in the near future, this place would be developed into a hotspot.

And Ding Hao had already owned three properties here.

That was enough money to last him for a lifetime.

Mrs. Li was very impressed.

“Haha, that’s too much. If we really want to talk about amazing people, it would definitely be Young

Master Chen, who has invested greatly in this project to develop this new place!”

Ding Hao said with admiration.

“What? Young Master Chen? I saw on the Internet that he had suffered losses in business. After all, Jin

Ling Commercial Group had disbanded! Damn, is he going to build a new base for entertainment?”

Li Mei said in awe.

After she went out with Wang Liang, she sort of integrated herself into the rich circle and was very

attentive to the mysterious rich people in Jin Ling.

This conversation naturally attracted Zhao Yifan and Lin Jiao’s attention.

Apparently they had heard of this news before, and there were all kinds of assumptions online.

“Mei, who is this Young Master Chen that you are talking about? Is he really amazing?”

Mrs. Li was interested as well.

“Mom, of course he’s good but like I just said, his business had seemingly gone downhill and his group


Li Mei explained.

Ding Hao shook his head and said with a bitter smile, “Don’t listen to the people online. You have to

know what kind of person Young Master Chen is. This project is bigger than Jin Ling Commercial

Group as Young Master Chen had bought the whole mountain and already made development plans

for the surrounding areas. The early stages of the project itself had already cost him fifty to sixty billion.

Even then, he would continue to invest more in the future!”

Everyone listened with their eyes wide open.

“Haha! So last night when we saw some people making assumptions about Young Master Chen, we

could only smile bitterly and shake our heads!”

Chen Lin held her shoulders and said smugly.

“Oh my God, that’s amazing!”

Li Mei exclaimed as she reveled in this newfound knowledge.

As for Zhao Yifan, she turned and looked at Chen Hao in shock.

Chen Hao felt guilty under her stare.

Thank goodness I didn’t continue to tick him off. If Chen Hao really is Young Master Chen, then I would

still have a chance, Zhao Yifan thought.

“Wang Liang, I didn’t know you knew such a fine young man like Ding Hao. You have such good


Mrs. Li grinned.

“Alright, let’s go and find a sightseeing bus. How many people are there? I think we need a bigger bus!”

Ding Hao said.

Then, he looked in Yang Hui's direction to get a headcount.

“Damn, Chen Hao?”

Ding Hao said in shock as he didn’t expect Chen Hao to be here.

Chen Lin and Li Shihan also froze for a moment and looked over to Chen Hao. They didn’t expect to

run into Chen Hao again.

Since the fight between Ding Hao and Ma Fei back then, many people were arrested, even Chen Hao

was taken away by someone.

It was like a slap in the face for everyone.

Who exactly was Chen Hao?

Li Shihan and Chen Lin thought.

Could he be someone of great importance?

This made Chen Lin and Li Shihan very uncomfortable.

“Chen Hao, you’re here!”

That was why when the two girls greeted Chen Hao, they were more modest this time.

“Huh? Ding Hao, do you know this person?”

Wang Liang said in surprise.

“Hmph, yes. But we’ll talk about it later. Let’s go and get a sightseeing bus.”

Ding Hao said irritably.

When they started their journey, Yang Hui got behind the wheels.

Meanwhile, Wang Liang sat beside him and watched.

“Ha! Even though Yang Hui doesn't own a car, his driving is quite smooth!”

Li Mei’s mother praised him mockingly.

“Like his personality, very mature!”

One of the girls praised as well.

These comments made Wang Liang feel uncomfortable.

It was as if his limelight was being stolen.

“Damn, do you even know the way? You should have turned left! There are interesting things to see on

the left, are you stupid?”

Wang Liang sourly mocked Yang Hui.

Yang Hui held it in and didn’t reply.

“F*ck, can you go any faster? If you can’t, let me drive. You're obviously driving while sight-seeing!”

Wang Liang mocked coldly again.

Yang Hui was mocked the entire day and he couldn’t take it anymore. His temper flared upnovelbin

uncontrollably at that instant.

He stomped on the gas pedal and the car sped up.

Impulsiveness was the devil, this saying was not a joke.

Suddenly, a little girl holding a balloon appeared running across the road to chase after her dog!

“Ah, Yang Hui, watch out!”

Xu Xia shouted frantically.

But there was no time for Yang Hui to hit the brakes even if he wanted to.

He panicked and swerved hard to the right.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Following that were a series of loud crashes.

The sightseeing bus had scraped the cars that were parked by the side.

The bus was almost deformed.

It only stopped moving after it hit a curb.

“Ahhh!” Some pedestrians shouted.

The girls in the bus screamed as well.

F*ck! He was screwed!

Yang Hui broke out in cold sweat.

“Come look! This brother is ruthless. He crashed into seven Ferraris in one go!” a passerby yelled.

Yang Hui had already ran out of the car and was stupefied by the sight of the cars he had just crashed


Ferrari. All of them were Ferraris.

Each car on average was definitely worth millions as they were imported luxury cars!

The more damning thing was that all of the cars were severely damaged, some headlamps were even


“Damn, this is mad. This boy is mad. Seven cars! Judging by the looks of it, he would have to pay


More and more people surrounded the scene.

Mrs. Xu and Xu Xia were completely stupefied, even Mrs. Li gulped in shock.

The incident with Li Yue earlier was nothing compared to this. In a blink of an eye, Yang Hui crashed

into seven cars!

“Move aside, move aside I say!”

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