The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 190 I Want to Go Home
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Chapter 190 I Want to Go Home

This batch of medical personnel entered the ward after briefly understanding the situation.

The director and the others did not dare to disturb them as the members in this team were all veterans

in the medical field.

After three and a half hours, these veterans stepped out from the ward.

They told the hospital staff that the root cause of the patient’s illness was completely cured. All that was

left to do, was to have a long-term rest to cultivate the patient’s health.

“Fellow doctors, please stay for a short while. A press conference will be held here!” The director

hastily persuaded them to stay.

But the members in the medical team ignored his request and left the hospital right away.

“It’s true! It’s true! Director, all the data of the patient’s body are now back to normal!” the clinician

exclaimed in excitement.

Needless to say, both Qin Xiangnan and Qin Ya were overjoyed.

“Li Yue, I’m truly grateful to you. When your father returns, I must thank him too!” Qin Xiangnan was

deeply moved.

“Don’t mention it, Uncle Qin!”

Li Yue was pleased and satisfied to be showered with flattery by everyone, but deep down, he was


Damn! Did those veterans in the medical field earlier really come under the request of his father?

To be honest, even Li Yue found it hard to believe. He sneaked to the bathroom and called his father to

clear up his doubts.

“Father, did you call all those people to come here?”

“What? Who?”

“The renown doctor from overseas, Mr. Yi Di, and the reputable doctor of traditional Chinese medicine

in China, Zhao Qing!”

“Are you kidding me? How would I know all these prominent people! I only called a few normal local

doctors of traditional Chinese medicine. After all, even the experts from all parts of the country failed to

determine an exact diagnosis, so don’t hold your expectations too high, son!”

Li Yue was disappointed when he heard his father’s words.

He thought those veterans came for the sake of his father. If that was the case, he could have boasted

it aloud.

But who would have called them if it was not his father?

He was certain that it was not the hospital or Uncle Qin’s family who had called the veterans, because

their expressions obviously showed that they were greatly astounded upon their arrival.

It could not have been Qin Ya’s roommates as well because they could have just admitted it when he

took all the credit earlier.

Then who could it be?

Li Yue walked out the bathroom with a heart full of doubts.

“Young Master Li! We’ve been waiting for you for a while now. Uncle Qin told Qin Ya to treat us to a

meal later!” Zhao Tongtong and the rest said delightedly.

As Qin Ya’s best friends, they were overjoyed since Qin Ya’s issue was solved now.

“Great! But I didn’t help much actually. All I did was call the doctors over!” Li Yue replied.

He decided to conceal the truth and concur with the others since everyone thought it was his

contributions. Most importantly, Qin Ya was obviously nicer to him now.

Therefore, Li Yue was determined to swallow the truth regardless of anything.

What was more, he knew that this was the best opportunity to pursue Qin Ya.

Everyone chatted and laughed heartily.

In the ward.

Qin Ya did not have the heart to wake her mother up who had just fallen asleep. At this moment, Qin

Xiangnan called her to the side.

“Qin Ya, why are you so cold toward Li Yue? I can see that he likes you! Both of you are graduating

anyway, and Li Yue’s family is wealthy. He even helped us a great deal now…”

“Father, what are you saying?”

Qin Ya tidied up her hair as she interrupted.

“Anyway, you have to treat Li Yue nicer from now onward. Don’t be ungrateful toward him after all the

help he offered us!” Qin Xiangnan said.

“But father, don’t you feel weird?” Qin Ya recalled the scene from before and asked in perplexity.

“Why do you say so?”

“We both know the capability of Li Yue’s family. To be frank, those doctors who rescued mother just

now seemed like the foremost doctors in the medical field. But neither did they ask for payment nor

interacted with us. Most importantly, they did not know Li Yue at all!”

“I feel like they were just carrying out an important task, rather than being asked to solely cure mother’s

disease!” Qin Ya explained.

Qin Xiangnan nodded. “I’ve also felt weird about those points you mentioned. But other than Li Yue

calling his father to request for doctors here, there weren't any other people who came to help us. As

for Yan Jing, it’s even more impossible!”

“Moreover, didn’t Li Yue call his father to confirm it? Perhaps it’s his father’s overseas connection. Qin

Ya, don’t overthink this!”

With the consolation of Qin Xiangnan, Qin Ya followed Li Yue and the rest out for a meal.

“Qin Ya, I bumped into Chen Hao before I came to the hospital today!” While eating, Zhao Tongtong

suddenly brought up Chen Hao.

Upon hearing Chen Hao’s name, Qin Ya was firstly stunned, but soon a conflicted expression appeared

on her face.

It looked like most of it was disappointment.

“I see,” Qin Ya replied nonchalantly.

To be honest, Qin Ya was deeply touched by Chen Hao because he helped her, and even gave her his

most valuable gift.

She had a good opinion of him too.

On normal days when Qin Ya had free time, she would think of meeting Chen Hao so that they could

have a nice chat or study together.

She liked the gullible Chen Hao.

However, Qin Ya felt that Chen Hao abhorred her.

Even now when she had met with an issue and posted it on her social media, Chen Hao did not

express his concerns for her.

She knew that she wanted to be his friend, and even had feelings for him.

But Qin Ya was deeply hurt by Chen Hao’s indifferent attitude toward her.

“Hmph, that loser! So what if you had met him, what’s the big deal?” Li Yue snorted indignantly.

After that, they did not continue with the discussion about Chen Hao.

But Qin Ya was dispirited in her heart. Am I not good enough? I haven’t been rejected like this by any

boys since I was young. So why are you doing this, Chen Hao?

On the other hand, Chen Hao was relieved when he heard that Qin Ya’s mother's illness was cured.

And life went on as usual.

Later that evening, Chen Hao went to the library to return the reading materials.

When he arrived at the library's entrance, he saw a girl standing there. She seemed to be waiting for


Upon recognizing the girl, Chen Hao was stunned.

The tall girl in a black fitted outfit was none other than Qin Ya.

At this moment, Qin Ya raised her head and spotted Chen Hao.

“Hi, Qin Ya. Did you come to the library to study?” Chen Hao asked awkwardly.

“No, I came to return the reading materials,” Qin Ya answered perfunctorily.

Chen Hao was actually rather remorseful due to the previous incident.

And so he suggested, “Have you eaten? I’ll treat you to a meal at the cafeteria if you want. I just got to

know about your mother today. Is aunty feeling better now?”

“Oh, thank you. My mother has completely recovered now. And thank you for asking, but I’m afraid I

can’t join you for a meal as I’ve made an appointment with my friend.” Qin Ya nodded politely at Chen


Chen Hao could not think of anything to continue their conversation.

“Oh, and Chen Hao, this is the Cloud of Dragon Jade Bracelet that you gave me. I’ve thought of

keeping it safe for you, but then I think it’s not a good idea after all since it’s so valuable and people

might misinterpret us. So I’ll return it to you now, and you don't need to compensate me for my jade

bracelet.” Qin Ya scooped out the jade bracelet from her bag and returned it to Chen Hao with a smile.

At this moment, a BMW 7 Series drove toward them.

When the car window wound down, Li Yue with a pair of sunglasses popped his head out. “Qin Ya,

sorry I'm three minutes late. Where are we going for dinner tonight? You can choose anywhere younovelbin


“Any western restaurant will be fine. I’m not a picky eater anyway! I’ll treat you to dinner tonight. After

all, you’ve been accompanying me at the hospital for a few days. And you are even my mother’s life

saver. Although I’ve treated you to lunch this afternoon, I’ll treat you to dinner alone tonight!” Qin Ya

said with a smile as she walked past Chen Hao and got into the passenger’s seat.

“There's a nice movie playing tonight too, I would like to watch it!” Qin Ya added.

Li Yue was on cloud nine now, and his face turned bright red. “Alright, alright!”

He started the car and gave Chen Hao a smug look before he drove off with Qin Ya.

Chen Hao stood there and watched in stupefaction as they left. He was not in love with Qin Ya, but he

still felt sour and unhappy in his heart.

Especially when Chen Hao figured out that Li Yue stole the credit from him for the contribution of calling

the medical team to the hospital.

Now it seemed that Qin Ya was grateful to Li Yue, so they became closer.

Should he expose the truth?


Chen Hao, what is the point of revealing the truth? To make Qin Ya feel grateful to you again? Isn’t the

situation now what you want? The incident of the jade bracelet is completely over now.

Since Li Yue likes Qin Ya, and I have Su Tongxin now, I might as well do Li Yue a favour!

At this moment, Qin Ya had left the college with Li Yue.

“Qin Ya, which restaurant do you fancy? I know a western restaurant just beside a cinema. Of course,

the choice is yours…” Li Yue said excitedly.

He was overwhelmed with exhilaration when he received a text from Qin Ya on Wechat just now,

asking him to fetch her.

“You can just drop me off here…” Only then did Qin Ya gloomily withdraw her sight from the and spoke

in an indifferent tone.

“But there isn’t any western restaurant here!”

“I’m not going to the western restaurant. Stop the car now. I want to go home!”

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