The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 186 So Sorry, You Are Going To Be Humiliated
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Chapter 186 So Sorry, You Are Going To Be Humiliated

On the other hand, Chen Hao had arrived too.

And he had also brought along a bracelet.

Although Qin Ya had turned down his gesture earlier, Chen Hao had thought it through. He would buy

the girls breakfast, and the matter would be considered as settled.

Therefore, Chen Hao was going to foot the bill by himself.

As soon as he arrived, he saw Li Yue, who was interested in Qin Ya, there as well. Clearly, he brought

her a present too.

“Chen Hao, over here!”

Qin Ya paid no attention to Li Yue. Instead, her eyes were glued to the end of the staircase. When she

saw Chen Hao, she waved at him with a smile.

“Why is he here too?”

At the sight of Chen Hao, Li Yue’s face immediately turned gloomy.

Once in a while when Li Yue met with Qin Ya and the girls, he caught sight of Chen Hao. Judging from

his attire, he decided that Chen Hao was not a threat to him.

Nonetheless, it was clear that Chen Hao was on very good terms with Qin Ya now.

“Of course he has to be here. Qin Ya is buying this meal specially for Chen Hao. By the way, Young

Master Li, you are sitting on Chen Hao’s seat,” said Zhao Tongtong.

“Eh? Chen Hao, what is that thing in your hand?”

“I accidentally broke Qin Ya’s jade bracelet yesterday when I failed to catch it. This is the one I bought

her as compensation.”

Chen Hao explained in a forthright manner.

“Chen Hao, haven’t I already said that I don’t need any compensation? Why did you still buy it? Why

would you spend so much just to compensate for a bracelet? It’s not even your fault.”

Qin Ya had heard from her housemates that the financial condition of Chen Hao’s family was dire.

And now, while he had helped her, she had caused him to spend a great amount of money.

How could she not feel guilty about this?

Moreover, Qin Ya didn’t really mind the bracelet which cost only a few ten thousand.

She got anxious at the moment and blurted out that sentence.

“Hmph, from the looks of this guy, I bet he couldn’t have afforded that. Qin Ya, you’re just overthinking.

I’m afraid this is just some cheap stuff from the night market which costs only a few bucks!”

Li Yue taunted directly.

“Hahaha, of course we know that. Qin Ya’s jade bracelet costs fifty thousand. Is it even possible that

Chen Hao really spent fifty thousand to buy another one for Qin Ya?!”

Zhao Tongtong laughed out loud and said, “Young Master Li, please reveal the price of your jade

bracelet now. We really couldn’t guess it right!”

“Very well, I will reveal it. Nothing much, it cost me only a hundred and twenty thousand.”

After saying that, Li Yue shifted his gaze to Qin Ya to check on her response.

However, Qin Ya’s expression remained calm.

As for the rest of the girls, they were all deeply shocked.

“Damn, a hundred and twenty thousand!”

Zhao Tongtong exclaimed.

The rest of the girls’ mouths were wide open in shock.

Even some other girls who were having breakfast at the cafe cast frequent glances toward them in


Exactly. Just by one look at the jade bracelet, one would know that it was not of the ordinary sort.

It was even more shocking to hear the price.

At that moment, everyone looked at Li Yue with a change of expression.

“Young Master Li, you are indeed very generous to Qin Ya!”

One of the girls commented with jealousy.

After all, it was a present that cost a hundred twenty thousand. The guy had to be really rich to be able

to afford that.

How could any girl not be interested in this type of guy?

Could any girl resist the temptation?

“Qin Ya, do you like it?”

Li Yue enjoyed a great deal to be showered by everyone’s admiration.

He thought to himself, As cold-hearted as Qin Ya really was, I am sure she would be moved by my

gesture this time?

As for Qin Ya, she did not answer Li Yue. Instead, she was really annoyed by his presence.

Li Yue was quite upset to receive such a cold response from Qin Ya.

He turned his gaze toward Chen Hao, who had bought a jade bracelet too.

“Hehe, your name is Chen Hao, right? May we have a look at the bracelet you have bought for Qin


Li Yue thought to himself that it was probably because of Chen Hao that Qin Ya was being so cold to


Therefore, he decided to target him.

“Forget about mine. It’s no better than yours. There’s no need to look at it.”

Chen Hao stuck to the truth.

He bought the jade bracelet at the price of fifty thousand for Qin Ya. It was of the same pattern as the

broken one.

Moreover, if he wanted to make someone as sarcastic as Li Yue eat his own words by proving the

bracelet was genuine, it would not require much effort.

However, Qin Ya and him were not even friends. Hence, Chen Hao had no intention to have much

interaction with her in the future.

After all, Su Tongxin was genuine with her feelings for him. He felt obligated to treat her well too.

He did not see the need to get involved in a fight with Qin Ya’s suitor. It would make him look silly.

“Exactly, Chen Hao. You don’t have to be embarrassed. We won’t laugh at you. Take it out and show it

to us now!”

After saying that, Zhao Tongtong got hold of the box and placed it on the table without waiting for his


The girls were very excited.

Haha, it was not hard to imagine how stark the difference would be between a bracelet that cost a

hundred twenty thousand and one that cost a few dollars. It was just like the difference in wealth

between the two guys.

Right then, Zhao Tongtong opened up the box straightaway.

As for Chen Hao, he lowered his head to get ready for the incoming wave of mockery. After they were

done with it, he would come up with an excuse to leave.

This whole matter would then come to an end.

He was still waiting.

Yet, he heard no words of sarcasm by Zhao Tongtong.

He lifted up his head and saw that Zhao Tongtong was dumbstruck by the jade bracelet he bought.

“Chen Hao. . . Is this. . . Is this the jade bracelet that you have bought?”

Zhao Tongtong and the rest of the girls had their mouths wide open.

“Damn, this looks like the Cloud of Dragon Jade Bracelet. I had come across this online, and the price

is two hundred thousand!”

“Exactly. Could this be a replica? However, this looks too genuine to be a knock-off, judging from the

colour of the jade.”

“Did I hear ‘replica’? It’s easy to differentiate between the genuine and the fake ones for this type of

jade bracelet. It’s impossible to be replicated!”

“In that case, Chen Hao’s jade bracelet that costs two hundred thousand is genuine!”

If it weren’t for the girls having come across a real piece before, they would have never believed this

one was genuine.

As for Chen Hao, he was in utter bewilderment.

Damn it, he was sure he took the box which was marked fifty thousand. As the pattern of the boxes

looked similar, he deliberately wrote a five and a twenty in numerical figures on the boxes.

However, the bracelet that cost two hundred thousand was put inside of this box which was marked fifty


Damn it!

Chen Hao’s heart was in a turmoil.

Everyone in the cafe was greatly shocked.

Even the other girls, who were having their breakfast in the cafe, swarmed over to take a look.

“Let me have a look!” Qin Ya took hold of the jade bracelet in Zhao Tongtong’s hand in astonishment.novelbin

After scrutinizing the bracelet, Qin Ya stared at Chen Hao in shock. “This is the real deal. It can’t get

more genuine than this. Chen Hao, did you really pay for this?”

Chen Hao was at a loss of what to say.

As for Li Yue who was standing beside, his face was flushed. He was absolutely humiliated as he did

not see this coming!

“Gosh, originally I had thought that you’re quite an honest man. However, I did not expect you to put up

an act. Let me ask you, did you deliberately put me in embarrassment by claiming your bracelet was

cheaper than mine?”

Li Yue got angry as he was greatly humiliated.

“I… I didn’t do it on purpose. I thought mine would be cheaper than yours. It’s really beyond my

expectations that it would turn out to be even more expensive than yours!”

Chen Hao was not the least bit interested to compete with him. He was speaking the truth.

Then, he recalled something. After taking the two boxes, he did not return them. He was sure the two

bracelets had been swapped. He had to ask Yang Hui and the gang about this later.

However, what he said was no different than showing off. Li Yue got even more angry and

embarrassed after listening to his words.

“Chen Hao, answer us now. Did you pay for it?”

The girls, who were in shock, prompted excitedly.

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