The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 179 The Jewelry That Broke
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Chapter 179 The Jewelry That Broke

Chen Hao watched both of them quarrel from the VIP waiting area.

At this point, they might start fighting soon.

Chen Hao finally understood what they were fighting about.

Basically, Li Shihan broke up with Ma Fei using the excuse of 'wanting to be left alone'.

What the hell? Yang Xia used that same excuse when she broke up with me too.

I don’t even want to think about her anymore.

Back to the fight.

What happened next was simple. Ma Fei wasn’t satisfied with the break up. However, later on, he

realized that Li Shihan became close to another rich man.

Moreover, he heard from Li Shihan’s close friends that she was courting the man.

This gave Ma Fei mixed feelings.

He still loved Li Shihan. But, she betrayed him.

This explained why Ma Fei had been all over Li Shihan recently. He had been begging her to get back

together. He wanted to regain his pride as a man.

Which led to what was happening today.

Right now, Li Shihan requested for Ma Fei to buy her jewelry from Tai He Gold Shop before she

considered getting back together with him. However, this put Ma Fei in a difficult position.

The jewellery sold at Tai He Gold Shop were too expensive. The cheapest was priced at thirty

thousand dollars! Where was he going to get money when he just started working?

“Shihan, the jewellery here are too expensive. Can you pick one from other stores? As long as it

doesn’t exceed ten thousand, I will get them for you!”

It looked like Ma Fei was dead set on his conquest.

“Haha, you want me to get back together with you using less than ten thousand? Ma Fei, Ma Fei, are

you dumb? A phone Young Master Ding bought me easily cost six to seven thousand already!” Li

Shihan laughed scornfully.

Since everything was over already, then so be it!

“I understand now. The reason why you like Young Master Ding is because he is richer than me. Even

if I could afford buying you a piece of jewellery that cost 30,000 today, you will still reject me right?”

Ma Fei’s face flushed in anger.

“Ma Fei, to be honest, I know that you treated me very well. Which is also why I want you to let go. I

don’t want to hurt you any longer, so can you stop pestering me? We will never be together anymore.novelbin

The reason why I like Young Master Ding is not because of his money. The feelings he gave me was

something you can never give me, and because of this I know that we will never be a thing! Can you

give both of us a chance at being friends at least? I realized that we really don’t suit each other at all.

Moreover, you’re an excellent guy, I’m sure that you’ll find a girl that loves you!” Li Shihan explained in

all seriousness.

“Li Shihan, you really went too far! I was so nice toward you that I’d do anything for you! And now this is

what I receive? I get it now, it must be because he slept with you right?”

Ma Fei’s pride had already shattered into pieces. His eyes reddened. At this point, he doesn’t care

anymore and blurted out every nasty thing he could say.


What answered him was a hard slap.

“What the hell? You’re insane! You’re definitely insane!” Li Shihan shrieked in anger.


Ma Fei returned Li Shihan’s slap with another strong slap, its impact made Li Shihan fall to the ground.

More and more people gathered around them.

“I will die with you today! I… I will hit you until you die! Return me all the money I spent on you in the

past!” Ma Fei roared in anger.

He held Li Shihan in a death grip and was punching and kicking her as if he really went insane.

Initially, Chen Hao did not want to interfere. Although there was something between him and Li Shihan,

they almost became a couple in the past.

However, what happened was three years ago. Chen Hao also knew that the Li Shihan now wont spare

him any extra glances anymore.

He thought that they would just quarrel for a while but did not expect it to escalate into a fight!

He felt bad if he didn’t step out to stop the fight. Besides, there were still feelings from the past.

After all, he was part of the reason both of them were separated.

Chen Hao went over to them. At the same time, a few customers that were in the store also came over

to stop the fight.

“Enough, young man! What kind of person hits a woman? If you have the guts, go out to make a name

for yourself and let her regret not choosing you. Be a man!

A middle-aged man draped in luxurious items started lecturing Ma Fei.

Ma Fei tried to collect himself, he clenched his fists and let out a breath that he had been holding.

“Yeah! Make me regret if you have the guts to! But is that even possible? You psychotic loser! I’ll

remember you hitting me today! You’re done for!”

Li Shihan started taunting again.

“You should stop talking too! You are also a nuisance. Stop judging a person based on their net worth!

Rich guys are never loyal anyways. When you break up with a person, at least be honest with them!

What’s the point of taunting them?”

The man lectured Li Shihan too.

Li Shihan held her hand over her face and cried, not wanting to talk anymore.

After all, the man was someone powerful.

“Shihan, are you alright?”

Chen Hao asked awkwardly because he did not know how to console her.

Li Shihan met Chen Hao’s gaze with shock, forshe did not expect to bump into Chen Hao here.

“The man just now was right, both of you should calm down and talk about it. After all, you were

together in the past because of fate, there’s no need to act like enemies—”

“What the hell? Why do you even care so much? I don't need you lecturing me on what to do! Didn’t

you get dumped too? You’re just a loser like Ma Fei but you still have the audacity to lecture me!”

Chen Hao had good intentions. However, the same words coming out from him and the man just now

clearly had different effects.

Chen Hao’s words were like dynamites, enraging Li Shihan.

Li Shihan thought to herself, Exactly! Even if the whole world were to lecture me, you, Chen Hao, don't

deserve to do that! So what if you bought two branded phones? Stop acting cool!

Li Shihan was embarrassed that Chen Hao saw her getting humiliated and beaten in public.

Moreover, he still came over to lecture her publicly.

Li Shihan didn’t dare to anger Ma Fei anymore. She wouldn’t want to offend the powerful man who

lectured her too.

Just act if it’s my self-esteem acting up, Hence, Li Shihan directed all her rage toward Chen Hao.

She started pushing him around and hitting him, scolding him with nasty words.

It was as if she wanted to retrieve the pride that she had lost.

“Someone like you should just f*ck off somewhere else. I might have been blind during high school,

almost falling for a loser like you!”

Chen Hao recoiled from her beatings and stopped talking.

At this moment, the receptionist that went to wrap Chen Hao’s items came out carefully carrying the

jade bracelets.

“Stop it!”

Seeing her most important customer getting beaten by some random girl, the receptionist scolded with

anger as if she got cheated on by her husband. She immediately rushed over to stop the fight.

“F*ck off!”

Li Shihan cursed and pushed her away.

Suddenly, they heard a clunk and saw that the two beautiful boxes containing the wrapped items fell to

the ground.

It looked like the items inside were smashed into pieces.

The crisp noise of something breaking silenced everyone at once.

One must know the jewellery sold at Tai He Gold Shop were exclusive. Looking at the packaging of the

boxes, it was an understatement that what was inside was definitely something extraordinary.

Li Shihan immediately calmed down because she heard it too. It seemed like something broke.

“Oh no! The jade bracelets!”

The receptionist did not expect Li Shihan to be so violent. Cold sweats started forming beads on her


She anxiously crouched down to reopen the packaging.

Immediately, what came into her sight was a jade bracelet broken into three fragments.

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