The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 176 A Satisfying Answer
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Chapter 176 A Satisfying Answer

Bringing Liao Hong along, Chen Hao drove to Hot Spring Villa.

When they reached, Chen Hao ordered the bodyguards who rushed over to welcome them to take Liao

Hong into a room and watch over her.

“Yo, Mr. Driver! I didn’t know that you held so much power in the Hot Spring Villa—even the

bodyguards had to listen to you!” Duoduo cheekily remarked.

“Young Master Chen! You’re here!”

Both Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing hurried out from the villa and greeted Chen Hao anxiously when they

saw him walking over.

At the same time, they also greeted Mr. Kang respectfully.

Although Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing were always boisterous when they were at Jin Ling City, they

usually toned down their behavior around Chen Xiao and her butler, Mr. Kang.

However, Mr. Kang as well as Tian Long, Di Hu and his granddaughter Duoduo who were standing

behind him were stunned when they heard them greeting Chen Hao.

“Young Master Chen?”

“You are Young Master Chen?!” Mr. Kang exclaimed in shock.

“Yes, I am. I wanted to introduce myself just now but I didn’t get the chance to,” Chen Hao said andnovelbin

smiled bitterly.

“Cough cough…”

Mr. Kang coughed in shock. He felt embarrassed.

What were they even thinking when they were gossiping about Young Master Chen during the car ride?

What was even more surprising was the fact that this modestly dressed, introverted young man turned

out to be Young Master Chen.

It looked like Miss Chen was right.

“Huh? You’re the… t-the Young Master Chen?!”

Initially, Duoduo was still standing close to Chen Hao. She really enjoyed being in Chen Hao’s

presence as he gave her a sense of security. However, she was too stunned to even react after

learning about his identity.

Chen Hao couldn’t help but smile wryly while shaking his head a little.

After this small interlude, Zhao Zixing brought everyone to enjoy the feast prepared for them in

advance. Under the influence of the great food, everyone was brought closer to each other.

“Young Master Chen, the reason why Miss Chen appointed us to come is because of something she

wanted us to inform you. At the same time, this is also the old master’s wishes. I am sure that Miss

Chen had already mentioned it to you for quite some time already,” Mr. Kang said dutifully.

“The thing is, Miss Chen’s assessment was completed six years ago. However, your assessment will

be starting from now. This time, the family has decided to auction off the Jin Ling Commercial Group

that was founded by both you and Miss Chen. Using the assets gained from the auction, you will be

required to establish a new enterprise in the Jin Ling City area of your own!”

Chen Xiao had briefed Chen Hao about what Mr. Kang mentioned for quite a while now.

Which is why Chen Hao had already prepared himself some time ago.

He already successfully negotiated a deal with both his projects: Extraordinary Live Streaming App and

Yunmeng Mountain.

However, the family’s requirement to auction off Jin Ling Commercial Street caught him off guard.

“I understand the need for me to establish new developments, however, Jin Ling Commercial Street is

still profiting. Is there really a need to auction it?” Chen Hao asked with a wry expression.

After all Chen Hao had been through, it was an understatement to say that he became fond of Jin Ling

Commercial Street.

“What? Those profits gained were mainly used for the evaluation of Miss Chen’s and your

assessments. The family would never let a small commercial group stay around for long. However, if

you really like it, you can buy it over as a place for entertainment after completing your assessments.”

Mr. Kang could not understand why Chen Hao even bothered asking about it.

However, Chen Hao also understood. Yeah, although Jin Ling Commercial Group is powerful, it is

nothing compared to the Chen family’s estate that is all over the globe.

Sigh, maybe it would be better to just auction it off?

I am no longer poor anyways, what was the point of even keeping Jin Ling Commercial Street? Lame!

“By the way, Young Master Chen, you will be in charge of the family’s safety in Jin Ling city area from

now onwards. Besides that, I have also brought Tian Long and Di Hu along to be your personal

bodyguards!” Mr. Kang said.

He then eyed Li Zhenguo and gave him a look.

Li Zhenguo immediately caught on and carefully took a remote controller, handing it over to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao remembered this remote controller.

It was the same one used by Li Zhenguo to send around 50 helicopters to save his life when he was

almost killed by Ning Fan.

“Young Master Chen, this is an emergency basecamp communicator. From today onwards, this will

belong to you!”

What happened next was some collection of signatures for the transferring process. By the time all the

procedures were completed, it was already 8p.m..

To be honest, Chen Hao was surprised by his family’s authority in Jin Ling City area.

Looking into the emergency basecamps, there was not only military power, they were also equipped

with a competent team of medics as well as an investigation team and more.

It was just like in the movies.

Chen Hao in the past would have never experienced this kind of stuff.

However, being in charge of these also implied that Chen Hao will be put into control soon.

Well, he should just take it slow then!

After everyone went to rest, Chen Hao also prepared to rest.

Suddenly he remembered something. Right! I still have something to do!

A sneer plastered his face as he walked toward a room.

Chen Hao heard the bodyguards scolding as he reached the entrance. “If you do not sit still right now, I

will kill you! You better take my words for it! Look at this bite mark, are you a dog?”

“Bastards! If you don’t let go of me this instance Young Master Xu will kill all of you!” Liao Hong cursed

in anger.

“Hahaha, Young Master Xu? Wow, I’m so scared! Girl, do you know whose territory is this? You better

pray for your life now that you have displeased Young Master Chen!”

“What? Young Master Chen? When have I ever offended Young Master Chen?”

Liao Hong was dumbfounded.

“Stop acting dumb! Young Master Chen was the one who handed you over to us just now!”

“What? Him? Wait, what? He’s Young Master Chen?”

Right at this moment, Chen Hao entered the room.

“Young Master Chen!”

The bodyguards greeted Chen Hao with a nod then left the room.

“W-W-What do you want?”

Liao Hong quivered in fear.

She finally understood how he managed to get so many people to rush over that time at Sulati


Looks like he was Young Master Chen!

“What do you think I’m going to do by bringing you into this room?”

Chen Hao chuckled.

“But, Young Master Chen, I belong to Young Master Xu!” Liao Hong blushed and whispered lightly in

her tied form, lowering her gaze and looked downward.

And right at that moment, she acted as coy as she had ever been.

Those bodyguards were right, Young Master Xu is really nothing compared to Young Master Chen.

Since Young Master Xu can’t bring me to the top, what’s wrong with becoming Young Master Chen’s

woman instead?

Although there were past resentments, I'm sure that Young Master Chen won’t be able to resist my


“I don’t care who you belong to. I wouldn’t even touch you in any way. But, since you’re in my hands

now, it’s time to pay for what you have done. Then again, it’s not like you have anything valuable with

you right now, I guess we still have to use your body then!”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Chen Hao started heading outside and dialed someone from his phone, “Hey! I need you to bring a few

thugs from the streets—”

“What the f*ck? What do you think you are doing? Get back here! Hey!!!”

Liao Hong yelled at Chen Hao’s back in sheer terror.

It didn’t take much to figure out what was Chen Hao’s intention by now right?

Of course, Chen Hao wouldn’t touch this kind of woman.

Instead, Chen Hao took off to enjoy the beauty of that night’s scenery.

However, he received Li Zhenguo’s phone call in no more than half an hour.

“Hehe, Young Master Chen, after that scare tactic you used on that girl, she spilled everything. I can’t

believe that she even knows some of Haishan Real Estate Group’s secrets! Moreover, she promised to

help us get what we want!” Li Zhenguo exclaimed cheerfully.

“I still have to give credit to your idea General Manager Li, if it weren’t for your reminder, I would have

already arranged for her to be beaten up!” Chen Hao insisted with an awkward smile.

Regarding this matter, Li Zhenguo would have naturally reminded Chen Hao about it.

“Don’t you worry, Young Master Chen. I know that Haishan Real Estate Group has displeased you, give

me one day to sort it out. I will bring you a satisfying result!”

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