The poorest rich man novel (Chen Hao)

Chapter 153 The Coincidental Meeting in the Mobile Phone Store
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Chapter 153 The Coincidental Meeting in the Mobile Phone Store

“Oh my God! I don’t know who offended that ruthless guy, Xu Dayuan, but I bet that person is doomed!”

said the driver out loud while driving the car as he hadn't recovered from his shock yet.

Obviously, he knew who Xu Dayuan was, and he had heard of his notoriety before.

Chen Hao was the only one in the car who looked dumbfounded. “Who is Xu Dayuan and what is his

background? Is he more powerful than Li Feihong from Jin Ling Commercial Street?” he asked the

driver at this moment.

Chen Hao calmed down a little after taking a look behind him and saw that Xu Dayuan wasn’t tailing


“Ahem! How should I put this? Li Feihong is a powerful man in Jin Ling as he has the backing of the Jin

Ling Commercial Group. On the other hand, Xu Dayuan relies on the support of the Xu family, which is

one of the richest families in Jin Ling. Xu Dayuan is the cousin of the president of Haishan Real Estate

Group, Xu Haishan. Moreover, although Jin Ling Commercial Group is the top group in Jin Ling, it is

still considered a foreign business and it only has a ten-year history in Jin Ling since its establishment.

However, Haishan Real Estate Group is a different story as it has a forty-year history in Jin Ling, and

the Xu family has strong roots here in Jin Ling as well. They are definitely the local tyrants of the

business world here.”

“Isn’t there a saying that goes, ‘You can’t beat an enemy in their home ground no matter how strong

you are.’ However, Haishan Group and Jin Ling Commercial group are very amicable on the surface,

hence they will treat each other courteously.”

The driver was a talkative person. He couldn’t be stopped the moment he opened his mouth.

Chen Hao finally remembered something after listening to the driver’s introduction of the Xu family,

especially Xu Haishan.

He recalled that he had indirectly made contact with the Xu family once.

When was that again?

Why did Xu Nan and Xu Chao disappear from Jin Ling? Moreover, why did Zhao Yifan cry away in her

dormitory the last time and daren’t come out? Even if her parents came forward, they still weren’t able

to resolve this matter. In the end, he had to call up Li Zhenguo to settle this matter for them.

It was because back then, when they were having their meals in the Villa, Xu Wei, who was Xu

Haishan’s son and a second generation heir, teased Zhao Yifan and Lin Jiao after he had a drink or


Following that, Xu Chao came forward and ordered his people to beat up Xu Wei.

In the end, the Xu family exacted their vicious revenge on them.

He did not care about Xu Chao, so he only asked Li Zhenguo to come forward to help resolve the

matter for Zhao Yifan and Lin Jiao, and the Xu family was courteous enough to agree to it.

However, Li Zhenguo did remind him occasionally to mind his own safety and to keep his identity a

secret among many other things.

That was because although the Jin Ling Commercial Group was one of the biggest business groups in

Jin Ling, not every business group was afraid of it.novelbin

After all, in their minds, they only knew that the Jin Ling Commercial Group was founded by his sister,

Chen Xiao. They did not know of her terrifying history, hence some of the local tyrants in the business

world weren’t afraid of her.

Furthermore, some of them even resorted to playing dirty.

For example, when Chen Hao and Su Tongxin were kidnapped last time, Li Zhenguo did make a phone

call to Xu Haishan and spoke to him bluntly because he suspected that he was behind it.

You could see just how unimportant the Xu family was in Li Zhenguo’s eyes.

It seemed that Xu Dayuan was Xu Haishan’s cousin. He didn’t think that the Xu family was that


Chen Hao was thinking about this in the car.

He wasn’t afraid of trouble because if he needed to, he could still tell his sister about this matter and

ask her to use the family’s power to settle it. After all, no matter how powerful the Xu family was, they

were still considered nothing in the eyes of the Chen family in Southeast Asia.

However, currently, he could only wait for his mobile phone to be repaired before he could discuss this

matter with Li Zhenguo.

The place that Chen Hao brought Tang Wan to happened to be the place where Su Ziyue lived.

It was a very remote area, hence Xu Dayuan would not be able to find her here for the time being.

“Chen Hao, you came!”

“Da Hu, Er Hu, where is Ying?”

As soon as he entered, Da Hu and Er Hu, who were washing the clothes in the yard, immediately

surrounded him.

“She is cooking with Ziyue inside the house.”

Not long after that, Su Ziyue led Ying out of the house into the yard.

Chen Hao did not explain the situation in detail. He only briefly explained that he would like to put Tang

Wan and her daughter up for the night at her place. Of course, Su Ziyue had no qualms about it and

immediately went to clean up the place for them to stay.

When Tang Wan heard from Chen Hao that Su Ziyue had adopted these three children, she was really

moved by her actions.

Although this was the first time Tang Wan and Su Ziyue had met each other, they actually felt like they

had known each other for quite a long time. Perhaps it was because both of them were raising children

on their own. Hence, they started chatting away the moment they met.

On the other hand, after Chen Hao settled the accommodations for Tang Wan and her daughter, he

went alone to the nearby mobile phone mall quickly to get a new mobile phone. Otherwise, his plans

would be delayed.

It was an independent mobile phone mall, and they had a huge collection of mobile phones, including

those from major brands. Hence, there was quite a crowd.

Chen Hao browsed around. However, he was unsure which mobile phone brand he should buy as he

wanted a sturdy phone.

In the end, he set his sights on a good quality phone, the price of which was clearly marked at 18,888!

It was one of the more expensive phones.

“Hi miss, could you please get me that latest phone model? I want to take a look at it, thank you,” said

Chen Hao politely to one of the promoters.

The promoter noticed that Chen Hao had nearly spent half a day browsing around. Judging by his

appearance, she figured that he was trying to find a cheap mobile phone.

However, she thought that these people were usually egoistic.

They would insist to browse around some of the famous brands first to take a look. Then, they would

pretend that it wasn’t suitable for them and end up choosing one of the generic brands that cost

approximately two or three hundred, and slip away just like that.

She sniggered to herself as she thought, I have seen too many people of his kind.

Hence, she looked down upon the shabbily dressed Chen Hao as soon as he walked in her direction.

When she heard that Chen Hao wanted to take a look at the most expensive mobile phone they had

here, she answered impatiently, “I am sorry, sir. You need to pay up first as we do not allow our

customers to try out the phone.”

What she meant was, ‘If you can pay for it, then it is yours. However, if you can’t afford it, then get lost!’

“Can’t I just take a look at it first?” asked Chen Hao.

He did not have his wallet with him now so he had to purchase it online using his cards.

“I am sorry sir, but you can’t do that because this is our store’s policy,” the promoter sneered.

“ Su Ming, help me out here. I came with my friends today to check out some mobile phones.”

“Hahaha, welcome to our store!’

At this moment, a guy was seen leading a group of guys and girls into the store.

“Ding Hao, we have a new model in our store and it is one of our best sellers. Don’t you want to change

to a new phone?” said Su Ming while smiling. She was the pretty promoter who was speaking to Chen


“Oh? Which one?”

Ding Hao and the rest of the gang surrounded her.

It was right at this moment that one of the girls saw Chen Hao, who was preparing to leave. It startled

her in an instant. “I’ll be damned. Chen Hao, why are you here?”

That girl wasn’t a stranger to him, because she was none other than Chen Lin!

Moreover, Li Shihan was standing beside her. In general, the group of people consisted of the same

people back then at the high school gathering.

It seemed that they were hanging out with Ding Hao.

On the other hand, Chen Hao had already noticed them earlier and wanted to leave just now.

After all, his friendship with the girls from his high school had ended, and there was nothing else to talk

about between them.

Furthermore, they would ridicule him the moment they saw him, so Chen Hao did not want the situation

to progress any further until he had to humiliate them as that would be senseless of him. So, it would

be in his best interest to avoid them.

However, the more he tried to avoid meeting them, the more he failed in his attempts.

“Why do you think he is here? Of course he came here to buy a mobile phone.”

“Oh my God, Chen Hao, are you actually buying a mobile phone? Did you get rich through the

development project as well? Why do you want to buy a mobile phone ? In addition to that, you even

came to a branded store such as this to choose one,” Chen Lin asked in surprise.

Li Shihan, who was standing at the side, only shook her head and smiled bitterly as she looked at Chen


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