The poor Billionaire novel (Ethan)

Chapter 47 The Stunning Homage
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Chapter 47 The Stunning Homage

The atmosphere in the shop became tense after Horace fired back. It was at this time that Farris

stepped forward and kicked Fraser and the latter flew a few inches away. He then said angrily, "You

godforsaken bastard, do you know that I can kill you and your entire family? What kind of stories did

you feed your son and mistress that gave their the guts to disrespect Mr. Warren? And now how dare

you disrespect him as well? Do you know who he is?"

Fraser had crashed on his side. A streak of blood seeped out from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it

with the back of his hand and stood up. With a bloodied smile, he said sarcastically, "He was

abandoned by the Warren family for eighteen whole years. He's just a stray dog. Since he was born, he

lived from hand to mouth. He had no choice but to make his way back to the same family that didn't

look for him for years. What a shame!"

"What? Fraser, have you gone nuts? You don't have the slightest idea of what Mr. Warren went through

all these years. He had fought many battles and won, unlike you, lazy ass. If you continue to slander

him, I will beat up your ass!" Farris punched him in the face.

As a young man, he had fought several fights when he was in the ghetto. He also received systematic

combat training. These made him very strong and gave him some excellent moves. Although he was

older, his fighting ability barely diminished. He was the best fighter out of all the big shots in Rinas.

With a loud bang, Fraser fell to the ground due to the heavy punch in the face. Farris then shouted,

"Fraser, you think you are better than me. You achieved everything by relying on the Warren family's

power and money. Even now, you are still eating from their table. You can agree that they own sixty

percent of the credit. The remaining forty percent is for you. Is that why you have a swelled head?

Pooh! You are fucking ridiculous. Don't you have any sense? Why are you biting the hand that feeds

you? He just reconnected with his family, but that doesn't change the fact that he's the heir. Do you

even have any idea what he has been through? Fuck you! How dare you look down on Mr. Warren?"

Farris knocked some senses into Fraser in between blows. His anger increased inexplicably as he

shouted. He kicked Fraser again and the latter fell to the ground with a thud.

The Cartier shop was completely silent. Only the sound of the kicks and punches could be heard.

Everyone present was holding their breath. They were too stunned for words. The sixth richest man in

Rinas was throwing blows and insults at the eighth richest man in public. If reporters got wind of this, it

would make headlines tomorrow.

Cracking his knuckles viciously, Farris squatted to look at his punching bag. He suddenly grabbed

Fraser's arm with his right hand. He said slowly but ferociously, "You are courting death, Fraser. Listen

to me, you have no right to belittle Mr. Warren.

Do you know that when he was six years old, he had to collect scrap for a month just to buy a lump of

meat for Madam Potter?

Do you know that Mr. Warren learned how to cook when he was seven years old because Madam

Potter was juggling several menial jobs?

Madam Potter fell sick when Mr. Warren was just eight years old, but he single-handedly carried her to

the hospital. Do you know that?

Are you aware that Mr. Warren had been working different part-time jobs since he was ten years old in

order to assist Madam Potter with some living expenses?

He never had weekends, summer vacations, or winter vacations since he was eleven years old. While

his mates were playing, he was working; while they were sleeping, he was studying!

You fucking know nothing! I'm sure you haven't experienced such hardship in your entire life. You seem

to have gotten everything on a platter, but you still look down on Mr. Warren. You are not even half the

man that he is! Fuck you!" Farris's blood boiled. His anger was doubling by the second. He threw

another punch at Fraser and the latter held his face and curled up in agony.

"Besides, the head of the Warren family never got married to anyone else, neither does he have other

children. Mr. Warren is the only child. This means that he's the real heir to the Warren family. There are

many relations, but he's the only legitimate heir. No one comes close to him. Why were you so dumb to

disrespect him?"

After saying that, Farris gave him another heavy punch on his abdomen. Fraser threw up some of the

contents of his belly.

Everyone in the shop was stunned to hear Farris's words. Horace's childhood story was very heart-

wrenching. They didn't expect that the son of a wealthy man had lived a hard-knock life before now.

'Wow! He's really a strong young man. Despite his tough childhood, he morphed into a good person.

No wonder he's so kind.

This is an explanation for his shabby clothes. It turned out that he didn't pretend to be poor at all. He

truly had a humble childhood. Abject poverty was the root cause of every odd thing about him.'

"Uncle Farris, just let it go!" Horace spoke all of a sudden. He waved at Farris and added, "Save your

sweat. It's useless to beat him up. Besides, he's an associate of the Warren family. Don't go too far.

Despite his rudeness, I have to admit that he's right about one thing. I just returned to the Warren

family a few days ago. It's normal that some people wouldn't welcome me with open arms!"

"Who dares to disrespect Mr. Warren?" A clear voice suddenly came from the entrance door of the


An old man with gray hair steadily walked to where everyone stood.

When he came in front of Horace, he knelt down and shouted respectfully, "My name is Egan Hudson.

Mr. Warren, it's a great honor to finally see you!"

Six men also walked into the shop. They were the elites of the Warren family in Rinas. They knelt at

Horace's feet and shouted, "Mr. Warren!"

'What the fuck!' Norene's eyes widened. She didn't know Egan, but she recognized the six people

behind him.

One of them was the mysterious and powerful boss of the Sea Pavilion. The other five men were part

of the top richest men in Rinas.

Norene was in a daze. Her mind was a mess at this moment. She wondered when Horace, a big shot

who was respected by the wealthiest men, came to Rinas.

Meanwhile, Gussie trembled uncontrollably when she saw these people paying homage to Horace.

She took several deep breaths to stay calm. 'I escaped death by a whisker today. Fortunately, I didn't

offend this big shot. My fate would have been terrible if I had done. He's respected by seven of the top

ten billionaires in Rinas. He's the epitome of class, power, and wealth. My goodness! It's beyond me!'

Farris stared at Egan, who was still on his knees, and exclaimed, "Mr. Hudson!" novelbin

Fraser had just gotten up from the fetal position he was before and knelt on the ground again. "Mr.

Hudson?" he also exclaimed.

"Who is he?" Horace couldn't help murmuring as he looked at Egan in utter confusion.

"Mr. Warren, I'm Egan Hudson, an old servant who has been serving your father for several years. I

came here today because he ordered me to give you a gift on his behalf,"

Egan explained when he saw that Horace was confused.

"My father? A gift? Let me get this straight. Mr. Hudson, do you mean my father sent a gift for me? He

hasn't set eyes on me for eighteen long years. Now that he knows my location, doesn't he want to see

me in person?"

"Mr. Warren, I'm sorry. I apologize on behalf of your father. He wants to see you. In fact, he has been

longing to reconnect with you all these years. It's just that the Warren family is going through a tough

crisis now. To ensure that your return is hassle-free, your father can't leave Antawood yet. He's working

tirelessly to settle everything. When he's done, you will be able to return home without any hassle. Not

to worry. You will be reunited with your father soon!"

Egan respectfully assured him.

"Anyway, forget that I complained about the delay. I have spent eighteen years away from home. There

is no need to rush things now." Horace sighed deeply and added indifferently, "Mr. Hudson, money is

not very important to me. I don't mind being poor!"

"Mr. Warren, you may not mind being poor, but your father does. As his only son, he doesn't want you

to suffer anymore. He wants to give you all the good things in life!"

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