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Chapter 353

Chapter 353

Jasper Perez clutched a forged portrait Vivienne had given him, exhaling a wistful breath.

After hours of standing there, long after the gallery had emptied, he couldn’t shake the feeling that thesilhouette in the artwork was eerily familiar

Yet it didn’t quite match the memory of his daughter, Sasha, who had gone missing years ago.

Perhaps it was just his age playing tricks on him. After all, Sasha was just a ten–year–old kid when shevanished, and the woman in the portrait appeared to be in her mid–thirties. The gap in years made ithard to draw any solid connection

Or was it simply because of the mole?

Just then, a man in a crisp black suit hurried over, “Dad, you had me worried sick! You can’t justdisappear like that. The brothers would have my head if anything happened to you!”

It was Jasper’s fourth son, Yuri Perez

Jasper gave him a side–eye and carried a commanding aura, “Since when do I have to report mywhereabouts to you?”

“I didn’t mean it like that! Yuri said with a hint of frustration in his voice.

Ever since Sasha’s disappearance, Jasper had never looked at his sons the same way. He had treatedthem with cold shoulders and hard stares over thirty years worries us, you know?”

Yuri sighed. “Your health is not well, Dad If you go somewhere, at least let me know

Jasper scoffed, “Instead of worrying about me, why don’t you put that energy into finding

“We’ve already sent people out to look again,” Yuri replied. Sasha?”

Jasper peered down at the portrait again, then handed it to Yuri, “Take a look at this: The womandaughter named Vivienne.”

in this picture has passed away, leaving a you get this?”

Yun glanced at the portrait and paused, taken aback, “The mole is so identical to Sasha’s. Dad, wheredid!

“What does it matter where I got it from? Jasper shot back, emotionless. “Vivienne has a fiancé,Percival, who is from the affluent Ellington family. Look into them and see if you can dig up anythingthat might lead us to Sasha.”

“Okay. I’ll get right on it!” Yuri said, a surge of hope in his voice.

Their search for Sasha had been exhaustive and fruitless despite it took the whole family’s efforts.

They just found something but the lead was soon cut off. It didn’t come to him that the picture, in whicha woman having an identical mole behind the ear to Sasha, suddenly appeared.

Now, with a potential lead, he got an intuition that the light had pierced through the constant gloom.novelbin

Jasper grumbled with disdain after shooting him a look, “Just go and don’t dawdle. I don’t want to seeyou until you have news, seeing you boys just irks me!”

Yun bristled internally Some families favored their sons, but Jasper? He appeared to hold a grudgeagainst them as if they were strays in the street

Wait, they were even worse than strays. Strays at least got scraps from his table, while his sons werelucky to get a grunt.

Yuri knew better than to leave Jasper alone, so he said, “Let’s get you home, Dad Trust me, I’ll findSasha for you”

If he didn’t bring his dad home, his brothers might very well tear him apart and feed him to the dogs.

Jasper roared, “Home? I’m not going anywhere until Sasha is found And I want you to buy me atownhouse. I’ll be staying here for a while.”

He couldn’t shake the feeling of familiarity with Vivienne, and he needed to find out why this youngwoman seemed so oddly close to ham.

“What? You want stay in Riverwood? It’s dangerous here You’re coming home with me! Yun protested

Before he could finish, Jasper swung his cane, striking Yun on the head it was followed by a fiercereprimand “Just do as i say will you? What dangers are you talking about? Do you see any gangs? Ifso, I’d like to see them try anything on me. Ei send them running”

Yuri was speechless

“Still standing there? Go on, get moving Jasper bellowed

Yuri wanted to protest, but seeing his father’s temper he reluctantly agreed. “Okay I’ll get you settledfirst”

For now, he’d have to comply and quickly inform his brothers They’d need to arrange for Jasper’sprotection. This old man was truly a handful.

Yuri tried to help his father, but Jasper pushed him away. “Since when do I need help walking?”

Jasper glanced at him, devoid of expression, “Until Sasha is found, I cling to life. Even Death himselfcan’t take me

Yuri sighed in resignation

The old man’s health had slumped for a long time and his whole family told him to recuperate. But thestubborn old cap refused to listen to advice

“What are you waiting for? Go buy me a townhouse! Do you want to freeze to death here?” Jasper wasfurious at the sight of his son.

What’s the point of raising sons? They had no heart at all and it was better to have a daughter.

How nice little Sasha was. When she was little, she would pester him for a hug every day and give himher favorite treats.

Calling Daddy and Mommy was the first thing she did every day she woke up. And she would speakwith her girlish voice, “Daddy, Mommy, I love you two!”

When he was angry, she would come over in time to pat his back and say softly. “Daddy, don’t beangry, I will sing you a song!”

When he was hurt, she would shed her tears and say, “Daddy, I will blow your pain away”

That was before she was five years old, and he remembered every single piece of memory so well.

And his sons were so useless. They only knew how to make him deadly angry every single day

Yuri held her tongue. He knew that silence was golden.

Back at the Ellington estate, Jeffrey stormed in to seek her mother, Heloise, “Mom, you need to talk toFiona. She wants to give ten billion to Vivienne!”

The thought of that sum falling into Percival’s hands made him seethe.

Heloise was admiring her latest jewelry purchase, a necklace that must have cost a fortune, when thewords almost made her drop the precious piece to the floor.

She fumbled but managed to catch the necklace just in time, then turned her gaze to Fiona, ‘Are youout of your mind? What possessed you to just give away ten billion? Do you think money grows ontrees?”

Their family had scrimped and saved to amass ten billion over the years, and now Fiona was talkingabout giving it away as if it were nothing!

Heloise really began to doubt if her daughter’s head was screwed on right.

Fiona glanced over at Jeffrey with an impassive expression and said coolly, “Why don’t you ask yourdarling son what he’s done?”

It was then that Heloise turned to Jeffrey and demanded, “What have you gotten yourself into?”

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