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Chapter 81

In His Eyes: CoupZeke’s POV

Leaving the Alpha’s office, | am consumed by a sense of heaviness in my heart and a dense fog of confusion and despair thatlingers in my mind. | feel the weight of disappointment pressing down on me, like a suffocating blanket that smothers my spiritand leaves me feeling completely disoriented. It feels as though everything | have tirelessly labored for has been mercilesslyripped away from me, leaving me floating aimlessly in a tumultuous sea of doubt.

The corridors of City Council are filled with the faint echoes of voices and footsteps, as if | am trapped in a bubble of my owndesolation. | try to focus on the world around me, but my thoughts are louder, drowning out everything else with their relentlessintensity.

An overwhelming sense of betrayal consumes me, manifesting as a bitter taste of resentment and regret that lingers in the backof my throat. | sacrificed countless hours and made relentless efforts to reach this point, to prove my worthiness of the Alpha title,only to have it cruelly taken away from me in an instant.

But then, was it ever truly under my ownership to begin with?

The memory of the lives | have taken haunts my conscience, an ever-present reminder of the darkness I’ve embraced in myquest for power. | transformed into a person | never aspired to be —- a mere shadow of my former self. Ambition consumed me,driving me relentlessly to achieve success no matter the sacrifices.

And for what purpose? The position | had been assured of, the recognition | had so desperately desired, turned out to be nothingbut an empty promise. It feels like a cruel twist of fate, a heartbreaking reminder of how little control | have over thecircumstances that shape my life.

| attempt to fight off the tide of despair that looms over me, but it proves to be a fruitless battle. The darkness surrounds me, itssuffocating grip tightening, and | am left feeling stranded like a ship lost amidst crashing waves, with no beacon of

hope to guide me back to safety.

As | stumble through the corridors, the echoes of my heavy and uncertain footsteps reverberate, intensifying the sense offoreboding that grips me. Like a bottomless void, the future unfolds before me, shrouded in darkness, leaving me unable todiscern a path forward.

Sinking onto the barren, chilly bench, | can feel bitterness and resentment seeping into every fiber of my being. Consumed byanimosity, it feels as if fiery flames are devouring me from within, leaving only smoldering remains.

In my mind, thoughts swirl like a raging storm, growing more poisonous with each passing moment.Victor. It’s always been Victor.

The source of my frustration, my anger, my despair. Sitting here now, | can’t help but feel like a failure, as if fate has dealt me anunjust hand — all because of him.

| should have realized from the very beginning that the Alpha had a strong bias towards his son. It’s hard to believe | was sooblivious. The weight of expectations always rested on Victor's shoulders, as he was regarded as the golden child, destined tobe the future Alpha. And no matter how hard | tried, no matter how much blood, sweat, and tears | poured into proving myselfworthy, | never stood a chance against him.

It's not fair.It's not right.

This is the way things have always been, and it doesn’t appear that they will ever be different. Each day, the Alpha’s favoritismbecomes more suffocating, weighing me down like an anchor of despair around my neck.

| feel trapped in a never-ending cycle of disappointment and frustration, a heavy weight of hopelessness settling in my chest. Nomatter what | do, no matter how hard | try, I'll always be second best, always be overshadowed by Victor and his privilegedposition as the Alpha’s son. However, the blame cannot be solely placed

on Victor. The Alpha is also to blame for this. He’s the one who set this entire unfair game in motion, making the arbitrarydecision that Victor deserved to be Alpha solely because of his bloodline.

He was the one who instilled a glimmer of possibility in me, only to abruptly snatch it away in the end.

Out of nowhere, | sense a presence beside me, and as | turn, Alina appears, crouching in front of me with a worried look in hereyes.

“What's wrong?”

Though her voice is soft and gentle, | find myself speechless, unable to find the right words to reply. How can | burden her withmy own problems when she already has so much on her plate?

Giving up is not in Alina’s nature, and she continues to push forward. When she reaches out and touches my hand, | feel a senseof relief as her touch becomes my guiding light in the darkness.

“We're mates, Zeke,” she says softly. “We’re supposed to work together, toshare our burdens.”

Her words cut through the thick fog of despair that engulfs me, and suddenly everything becomes clear. We're in this together,through thick and thin. Taking a deep breath, | exhale slowly, gathering the courage to finally find my voice.

“It's just... everything,” | say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I had something promised to me, but it was mercilessly rippedaway.”

As Alina looks at me with concern, her eyes seem to silently implore me to be honest and vulnerable. “What did the Alpha tellyou?”

Hesitation fills me as my mind becomes a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. With Alina’s unwavering support, | am empowered tofind my voice and speak up. Inhaling deeply, | brace myself, mentally fortifying for the words that are about to escape my lips.

“He asked me to be Victor’s personal tutor.”Alook of surprise flashed across Alina’s face, quickly followed by a flicker of comprehension. “He did what?”With a nod, bitterness floods over me, tingling through my veins and consuming my thoughts.

“Yes,” A sharp retort escapes me, accompanied by a forced chuckle. “He wants me to make sure that Victor seamlessly assumes.the position of Alpha when the time is right.”

“It's like a slap to your face!” Frustration fills Alina’s voice as she shouts. With anger etched on her face, she rises and vigorouslyruns her fingers through her hair. “After everything you've done, after all the sacrifices you’ve made! Now he wants you to helpVictor take your place?!”

Without warning, Alina’s hand wraps around my arm, her strong hold guiding me through the crowd. Overwhelmed by the Alpha’sdecision, my mind is still spinning, leaving me with no strength to fight back. Trusting her instincts, | allowed her to guide me,curious about where she would take us.

Alina’s voice is a continuous flow of anger and frustration, her words a jumbled assortment of emotions that resound in my ears.She’s going on and on about how unjust it is and how the Alpha could possibly do this to me. And with each word, | feel a mix ofgratitude and guilt wash over me. | am grateful for her continuous support, yet | can’t help but feel guilty for burdening her withmy problems.

As | trailed behind Alina through the Council Hall’s hallways, the cold, unyielding floor amplified the sound of my echoingfootsteps. Although I’m unsure of our destination, | have faith in Alina’s ability to lead us with a well-thought-out plan.

Finally, we come to a stop outside a door guarded by a sternlooking man in uniform, his eyes scanning the surroundings withunwavering focus. Stepping forward, Alina’s fiery gaze and resolute tone leave no room for doubt.

“Let us in.”

The guard pays no attention to her, his gaze locked straight ahead, as if we were mere phantoms drifting through the darkness.As Alina’s patience wears thin, her frustration simmers, teetering on the edge of boiling over. Without any warning, her handshoots out and clenches onto the guard’s collar, her grip tightening like a vice as she yanks him closer. There is a hollowness inher eyes, yet her voice drips with unadulterated fury.

“I said, let us in.”

With a rough shove, the guard forcefully pushes her away, his movements full of aggression. The moment | step forward tointervene, a powerful and fiery anger wells up inside me, consuming my senses. As | stand there, my fists involuntarily clench,my body preparing itself to defend her.

“Don't you f**king touch her!”

| throw myself forward, my body propelled by the sheer force of my momentum, catching the guard completely off balance.Fueled by a mix of adrenaline and rage, | grab hold of him, my fingers digging into his shoulders as | forcefully push him againstthe wall. With my grip tightening around him, the guard's eyes widen in terror, realizing that he has finally come face to face withsomeone who can overpower him. | refuse to let go, my grip on him unyielding and as strong as a vice.

The sound of the door creaking open suddenly breaks the silence, causing us to freeze in place. As if on cue, Victor appearsbefore us. Bandages wrap tightly around his face, and an eyepatch is worn over one eye. It’s clear that he’s been through agrueling experience, his weary posture and haggard appearance speaking volumes. When our gazes meet, | am struck by theweariness that is evident in the lines of his face.

“What's all this noise about?”

His voice, rough and weary, asks the question. My eyes briefly meet Alina’s, and a feeling of unease starts to grow deep withinme. In front of us stands Victor, the man who has brought us nothing but trouble, and | can’t shake off the unsettling sensationthat washes over me.

“These punks wanted to be allowed inside. Don’t sweat it, I'll chuck them soyou can get some shut-eye-”

Victor let out a weary sigh, his fingers combing through his tousled hair as he weighed our request. He looks tired, defeatedeven, and I can’t help but wonder what he’s been through since we last saw him.

“Let them in,” With weariness evident in his voice, he finally speaks, his determination unwavering. “I have something to discusswith them anyway.”

The guard hesitates briefly, but ultimately nods in acknowledgment and steps aside, making way for our entry. Alina and | share aglance, and I sense a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. Reluctantly, we had no option but to trail after Victor into the mysteriousroom.

The moment we enter Victor’s room, we are greeted by an atmosphere filled with palpable tension and uncertainty. With a distantgaze, Victor finds refuge in his bed, his eyes fixated on the softness of the blanket beneath him. It’s so quiet, the absence ofsound creating an eerie atmosphere as we each wrestle with our own thoughts and emotions.

Breaking the suffocating silence, | clear my throat, the sound echoing in the air around us. My gaze keeps fixating on hiseyepatch, and | can’t help but wonder why he’s wearing it since we never hit him there.

There is a brief pause as Victor keeps quiet, his eyes fixated on the floor, lost in contemplation. Turning slowly, he meets mygaze with an inscrutable expression.

“How badly do you want to be the Alpha, Zeke?”

His voice, though hushed, carries a fervent intensity as he asks the question. His unexpected question catches me off guard,causing me to stumble and lose my composure. His words hang heavily in the air, making me feel as if I’m trapped under asuffocating blanket.

When | turn to look at Alina, she meets my gaze and nods, her reassuring touch on my hand giving me comfort. Exhaling deeply,| stand firm and confidently respond to Victor with a steady and determined tone.

“It's what | was born to be.”

With a nod, Victor’s eyes narrow slightly, giving him a scrutinizing gaze as he analyzes my every move.

“But at what cost?” His question lingers in the air, his voice heavy with bitterness. “Are you willing to sacrifice everything toachieve your goal?”

“| already did.”

Instead of speaking, Victor turns his gaze towards Alina. Once more, a feeling of unease washes over me, making my heartrace.

“What about your mate?” Turning to give me a blank stare, Victor asks, his eyes. devoid of any emotion. “Are you willing tosacrifice her?”novelbin

Before | have a chance to reply, Alina strides forward, her voice carrying a quiet strength. With a questioning gaze, she asks, hereyes scanning his face for any hint of a response.

“Victor, what happened to you?”

At first, I’m completely puzzled, unable to comprehend her question. But then, out of nowhere, Alina comes walking towards him,her footsteps echoing in the silence. As | stand there, all | can do is watch as she carefully removes his eyepatch. My gazelocked with Victor’s, and in that moment, time stood still and a sickening sensation crept up my throat.

1. be.Underneath Victor’s eyepatch, there was a hollow space where his eye used to

Alina’s gasps echoed through the room, her hand instinctively flying to cover her mouth. She trembled, mirroring my ownapprehension. We were careful not to hit him in a way that would cause him significant bruises or put his eye at risk.

“It doesn’t matter,” he replies, his voice hollow and devoid of emotion. “Nothing matters anymore.”Alina’s tearful cries filled the air, her hands trembling as she hesitated to touch

his face.

“B-but, your eye-”

“He didn’t.” Disbelievingly, | shake my head. The thought of the Alpha betraying Victor, his own son, seemed impossible tocomprehend. “Tell me, he didn’t.”

“What?” Alina turned to look at us, her brows furrowing in confusion. “What’s hesaying?”

“| asked if you're willing to sacrifice everything,” As | observe Victor, | notice his mask of indifference starting to crumble, and |catch a fleeting glimpse of emotion crossing his face. It’s only now that | notice the pain and anguish in his eyes, a stark contrastto his usual stoic demeanor. “Because | need your help.”

With a soft and delicate motion, Alina’s hand lingers above Victor's shoulder before finally making contact.“We're here for you, Victor,” she says, her voice gentle and reassuring. “Whatever you need, we'll help you.”Victor looks up, his eyes filled with unshed tears, glistening with raw emotion.

“| want you to help me kill my father.”

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