The Man's Decree

Chapter 2515
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Chapter 2515

Chapter 2515 Rescue

Seeing that, Jared quickly retracted his murderous intent and said to the boy, “Kid, what's your name?Bring me there at once so we can rescue Emily and the others.”

“My name is Percy. Just the two of us won't suffice. I'm going to find the old village chief.” Percy rantoward a house as he spoke.

Jared had no choice but to trail after Percy since he was the only one who knew about Emily and theothers' whereabouts.

Soon, Jared followed the boy into a house and saw an emaciated old man seated on a chair andsmoking a pipe inside.

That man was the former chief of Rock Village, Antonio. Due to his advanced age, he handed over hisposition as village chief to the younger Ali.

Nevertheless, Antonio still held considerable prestige in Rock Village. If Ali wasn't around, any affairs ofRock Village still had to be discussed with Antonio before a decision could be made.

Antonio glanced at Jared but wasn't surprised. It appeared he knew all about Jared staying in RockVillage for the past few days.novelbin

“Percy, what happened? I heard you screaming outside,” Antonio asked Percy.

“Mr. Antonio, Ali and Emily killed a demon tiger on their hunt, but the loot was robbed by people fromCyan Village. They also injured Ali and Emily and have taken them captive,” Percy recountedanxiously.

“What?” A cold glint flashed across Antonio's eyes as he tossed the pipe in his hand on the table.“Those b*stards from Cyan Village have always opposed us. Now, they even openly rob and hurt ourpeople. Hurry up and gather everyone in Rock Village. We're going to confront them!”

With that, Antonio bent down and pulled out a rusty broadsword from under the table.

“Hold on.” Jared stopped Percy.

Then, he turned to Antonio and asked, “Mr. Antonio, how do we fare against Cyan Village?”

Before Antonio could reply, Percy spoke first. “How else do you think? Their population is double ours,and they're also stronger. Those people from Cyan Village often bully our villagers, but we could onlyendure.”

“Shut up, Percy!” Antonio snapped at the boy before turning to look at Jared. “Although we are weakerthan Cyan Village, that doesn't mean we're a group of pushovers. Even if it costs us our lives today, wemust rescue Ali and the others from the hands of those people from Cyan Village.”

Antonio seemed genuinely enraged, befitting the saying of how a rabbit driven to the brink ofdesperation would bite.

“Mr. Antonio, since we aren't a match for Cyan Village, if you confront them with all our men recklessly,we'll undoubtedly suffer a great loss. There's a good chance that the people of Rock Village could beseverely injured or even killed,” Jared hastily persuaded Antonio, hoping to change the latter'sapproach.

“What should we do then? Are we supposed to just stand by and watch as those from Cyan Villagebully us and let them capture our people without attempting to rescue them?” Antonio bellowed whileglaring at Jared.

“Mr. Antonio, that's not what I meant. You don't have to lead the entire village there. Just let Percy takeme to where Emily and the others were detained. I can save them myself,” Jared explained to Antonio.

“Just you?” Antonio sized him up. “I know you used to be formidable, but you're no different from acripple now. How do you plan on saving them?”

When Jared was rescued and brought back to Rock Village, his meridians were utterly ruined, hisblood essence was depleted, and even his aura was extremely weak.

Antonio considered Jared fortunate to still be alive, yet the latter was volunteering to save Emily andthe others.

Evidently, Antonio was unconvinced.

“Mr. Antonio, do you really want to watch your villagers suffer horrible deaths? I hope you can trust me.I'll certainly help you rescue them!” Jared made a promise to Antonio.

Even though Jared had only recovered a small part of his strength, he was already more than capableof dealing with those neighboring villagers.

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