The Man's Decree

Chapter 2388
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Chapter 2388

There was a huge amount of lethal intent in the cave, so Jared recovered very quickly. After he hadrecuperated, he gradually opened his eyes and realized he was still on the round platform.

At that moment, Jared didn’t dare to head up because he didn’t know if Wrey and the others had left.Hence, he approached the edge of the round platform and looked down. There was nothing but pitch-black darkness, so he couldn’t tell how deep the cave was.

“Could it be hell down there?” Jared’s curiosity. was piqued as he stared into what seemed to be abottomless cave. At the same time, the phantoms were still constantly emerging, and as it turned out,they were coming out from within the cave.

“There are so many phantoms. What’s underneath?” Jared paced back and forth curiously. In the end,he gritted his teeth and jumped off the round platform and into the bottomless cave.

The moment he jumped off the round platform, Jared felt an intense wave of oppressive pressurepreventing him from falling at high speed. Something’s holding on to me and preventing me from goingunder.

Jared had no choice but to use his elixir field to increase the weight of his body. Only then did hisspeed recover. However, as Jared fell into the cave, the oppressive pressure intensified to the point.where it was enough to crush his body.

If it weren’t for his robust physique and Golem Body, Jared would’ve been reduced to a bloody pulp bynow. After some time, Jared suddenly felt. weightless, and in the next second, he plummeted like ameteor. In response, Jared quickly tried to balance his body. As his speed of descent increased, hissurroundings became brighter.

Boom! A loud crash rang out, and Jared crashed. heavily onto the ground, causing a crater to form.Jared gathered himself and slowly climbed out of that crater. As soon as he climbed out of the deep

crater, he was utterly stunned.

With a gloomy sky over his head, he noticed mountains surrounding him, and the ground was filled withcountless skeletons and weapons.novelbin

There were also a few crows hovering over the land that seemed barren and lifeless. Apart from thecrows in the sky, there wasn’t a single sign of life in the area.

“W-What is this place? Is this an ancient battlefield?” Jared’s face was filled with disbelief. I don’t get it.I was in that dark cave moments ago. How did I suddenly end up here? Could the cave be aTeleportation Array? Did I get teleported here? I don’t understand what’s happening! Where am I?

Even after Jared had unleashed his spiritual sense to the maximum, he still couldn’t detect any sourceof aura. Well, since I’m already here, I might as well check out the area. Who knows? I might end upfinding something mysterious here!

There, Jared noticed that the skeletons were shining brightly. Afterward, phantoms would emerge sky.from the skeletons and float into the Jared then lifted his gaze to see where the phantoms wereheading to. Upon lifting his gaze, he saw a black hole swirling in the air and devouring the phantoms.

“What? Did I fall through there?” Jared stared at the black hole in the sky and understood something. Imust’ve fallen through that black hole. Meanwhile, these phantoms are making their way to themountains through the black hole! That must be it! Otherwise, why would these phantoms float into thesky and get devoured by the black hole?

Seeing that, Jared swung Dragonslayer Sword in the air. There are plenty of phantoms in the sky, so Ican kill a dozen with one swing! That way, my Ultimate Force will increase!

To Jared’s surprise, something bizarre happened. After he took a swing at the phantoms, the lightemitted from his Dragonslayer Sword merely passed through the phantoms without causing them anydamage..

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