The Man's Decree

Chapter 2363
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Chapter 2363

“Mr. Chance, since there are living creatures here, could there be people here as well?” Archer askedcuriously. “I don’t know either. In any case, this place is quite peculiar, so everyone needs to stayvigilant,” Jared replied..

With that, the party followed closely behind Jared with the utmost caution, slowly moving forward.Although they were being extremely careful, they couldn’t avoid stepping on the numerous white bonesscattered everywhere.

The number of bones was so overwhelming that it layered the entire valley. They couldn’t avoidstepping on the bones even if they practiced caution.novelbin

Crack! Crack! Crack! Suddenly, a rhythmic sound rang out. The noise was exceptionally ear-piercing,echoing through the hushed valley. Jared stopped abruptly and scanned his surroundings alarmedly.

Everyone else was also in a state of panic, trying to pinpoint the source of the disturbance. However, itdidn’t take long for them to realize that the clattering sound was now reverberating throughout theentire valley.

“Mr. Chance, look!” Skyler shouted. The next second, everyone saw that the bones strewed across thefloor had started moving. The white bones slowly levitated and began reattaching to form humanoidskeletons.

Gradually, more and more of those humanoid skeletons were formed until almost all the bones on theground were used up. Thousands of skeletons surrounded Jared and his party. The sudden turn ofevents filled everyone’s chest with dread and helplessness.

“W-What’s happening?” Even Matthew panicked. Soon, thousands of weapons-wielding skeletonsclosed in on Jared and his group. They had no room to retreat further. Jared waved his hand andbrandished Dragonslayer Sword.

“We’ll fall back for now. Let’s not move deeper into the valley.” Jared planned to lead Matthew and theothers out of the valley first. Now that something like that was happening. right after they entered, hecouldn’t fathom what other perilous situations might await them if they ventured deeper.

Jared took the lead and swung his sword at the skeletons, smashing a dozen or so into smithereens.After he dispatched the dozen or so skeletons, several faint and undetectable auras seeped intoJared’s body. However, he didn’t notice the auras because they were too indistinct..

“Attack!” Matthew and the rest also drew their weapons and charged at the skeletons. However, theysoon discovered a problem. The skeletons that Matthew and the others defeated were shattered, butthey were able to quickly reassemble themselves.

Only the skeletons Jared slashed with his sword disintegrated into dust and truly disappeared.Everyone was perplexed by the circumstances. Even Jared didn’t understand the reason behind. it.

After fighting for some time, Matthew and the others failed to defeat even one skeleton with theircombined effort. Although the skeletons were not particularly strong, their numbers were overwhelming,and they were mindless entities that didn’t fear. death, focused only on rushing forward relentlessly.Soon, Matthew and the rest began to feel tired, and they slowed down..

“Mr. Chance, don’t worry about us. Why don’t you escape first?” Matthew said to Jared. Matthew knewthat although they could still hold out for now, if the fight dragged on, they wouldn’t be able to persistmuch longer. After all, those skeletons were no different from immortals to them since they couldn’t killthe skeletons.

“I won’t abandon all of you.” With that, Jared’s Dragonslayer Sword emitted dazzling golden lights.“Nine Shadows!” Jared unleashed his Nine Shadows technique. In the next instant, six shadow clonesappeared.

The six identical Jareds shielded Matthew and the rest of the party. Then, Jared swung DragonslayerSword with all his might, turning a dozen skeletons into dust with every slash.

The auras emanating from the skeletons accumulated in Jared’s body.

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