The Man's Decree

Chapter 2353
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Chapter 2353

“Where’s Jared, Matthew?” Great Diviner asked when he glanced about and saw no sign of Jaredanywhere. “Come on, now. Surely a person of your capabilities would have already known where Mr.Chance is!” Matthew replied with a smile.

“Fair enough…” Great Diviner whipped out a copper coin, blew on it, and spun it in his hand a fewtimes before putting it back into his pocket.

– “Jared is on his way back, so I’ll wait here for him.” “You sure are amazing, Master Diviner! Asexpected of a half-immortal!” Matthew complimented him. All those compliments made Great Diviner sohappy that he was practically grinning from ear to ear at that point.

“Matthew, why would you get on the bad side of all the other sects in the hidden realm because ofJared? It’s not too late to change your mind about helping Jared out, you know? I could help you speakto Wrey and have him spare your life,” Great Diviner advised him.

“You don’t understand, Master Diviner. Wrey’s arrogance has consumed him entirely. All of our sectsused to coexist with none being regarded as greater than the other. However, Wrey is now demandingthat we all listen to him. Since Flying Star Sect and Stormwind Sect have teamed up, they will rule overeveryone in the hidden realm. There’s no guarantee that Wrey will listen to you even if you speak tohim in person.”

Matthew had deliberately said that to spite Great Diviner. “Hmph! Wrey might look down on everyoneelse, but there’s no way he’d dare look down on me! Why do you insist on helping Jared, – though?Does he have some kind of secret or something?”novelbin

Great Diviner had come by himself because he wanted to know if Jared had some kind of secret thatno one else knew about. He had tried to find out about Jared’s secret through the use of his divinationart, but it was to no avail. That was why Jared had piqued his curiosity.

“If I am not mistaken, you must have tried your divination art on Mr. Chance, right, Master Diviner? Didit not work on him?” Matthew asked. Great Diviner nodded. “That’s right. This is the first time I haveencountered something like this.”

“I’ll be honest with you here, Master Diviner. It is true that Mr. Chance has a big secret. I once tried touse my divination art on him as well. Not only was I unable to find anything, but it also nearly cost memy life,” Matthew whispered. Great Diviner’s curiosity levels skyrocketed when he heard that, whichwas exactly what Matthew wanted.

“It’s ridiculous how he was able to control that many demon beasts all by himself! When Jared getsback, I will use my divination art directly on him! We’ll see what secret this guy is holding!” GreatDiviner exclaimed excitedly.

Meanwhile, Jared had just returned to the cave. His eyes were instantly filled with murderous intentwhen he saw the disciples from Divination Sect standing’ outside the cave.

Realizing that Jared was about to attack them, Archer quickly ran up to him and said, “Welcome back,Mr. Chance! These men are from Divination Sect. Their master, Great Diviner, is waiting for you insidethe cave!”

“They didn’t attack you guys or anything, did they?” Jared asked, Archer shook his head. “No. Just soyou know, Master Diviner has a huge weakness. He really loves being complimented, so we used thatto talk him out of attacking us. Master is currently doing the exact same thing to him inside the cave.”

Jared burst out laughing when he heard that. Hahaha! How amusing! This is going to be a piece ofcake! The moment he entered, he saw Great Diviner sitting inside the cave.

“Mr. Chance, this is Master Diviner, the sect leader of Divination Sect,” Matthew introduced. Jaredsimply nodded in response and sat down at the side.

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