The Man's Decree

Chapter 2337
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Chapter 2337

“How… How is this possible? Jared is just nearby. Why are we suddenly out of tracking radius?”novelbin

Great Diviner’s expression changed. His copper coin divination was limited by distance. If the personwere too far away, he would not be able to divine the person’s location.

The sudden fall of the copper coins proved that Jared was already too far away from them and hadexceeded the regulated range.

“D*mn it! Are you putting on an act to dupe us? He was right ahead just now. Yet, you’re now claimingthat he’s suddenly too far and had gone beyond the range. Are you playing me for a fool?”

Wrey’s expression went chilly. He stalked. forward and grabbed Great Diviner by the collar. Verily, hewas on the brink of losing his mind.

Not only is Jared injured, but his capabilities are also not as impressive as rumored. How could hepossibly go so far in the blink of an eye? Well, unless he has teleportation magecraft and can traversefreely in space. But it’s the secret realm here. Even if he does have that skill, he can’t use it! Judgingfrom that, there’s only one possibility -Great Diviner has been spouting nonsense, and he can’t divinethe man’s location!

Following the man’s reaction, Great Diviner’s face went as black as thunder. “Are you doubting mydivination skills?” “Calm down, Master Diviner! Wrey is just too anxious!”

At that turn of events, Hugh hurriedly stepped forward and smoothed things over. Wrey likewiserealized that he had crossed the line. After all, Divination Sect’s status in the hidden realm was notinferior to that of Flying Star Sect’s. In fact, it was a notch higher..

“I was too anxious, Master Diviner. My apologies.” He lowered himself and apologized. Seeing that,Great Diviner did not pursue the matter. Wrey was the overlord of a sect, so it was already sufficient

that he could admit to being at fault and apologize.

“Please perform another divination to ascertain which direction Jared had gone, Master Diviner.Otherwise, we’d be totally clueless, hunting around like headless chickens,” Hugh said to Great Diviner.“Okay, I’ll try again. I can’t allow my reputation. to be ruined by Jared!”

After saying that, Great Diviner bit his finger and dribbled three drops of blood on the three coppercoins respectively. The three copper coins started buzzing before turning bright red and emanating ascarlet light.

Whoosh! He tossed the three copper coins into the air, upon which they disappeared without a trace.As he gestured with his hands, cold sweat dotted his forehead. It appeared that he was exerting greateffort this time.

Right then, Jared was still carried by the giant lion that sprinted at top speed. Despite giving everythinghe had, Great Diviner could not divine Jared’s whereabouts, for the latter was already hundreds ofkilometers away from them by then.

Panting heavily, Great Diviner gasped, “He’s not stationary, and it’s simply too difficult to divine hislocation. There’s nothing more I can do, I. wish you both all the best!”

He then left, having expended too much of mental energy to divine Jared’s location. Wrey and Hughlooked at each other. In the end, they could only search slowly and try to find Jared.

Meanwhile, when the giant lion reached the top of a mountain with Jared in its mouth, it placed himdown. Subsequently, it licked the man with its tongue. However, Jared remained unconscious.

Left with no other choice, it nestled beside him and kept guard over him. Various demon beasts passedby that place everywhere. While some of them took an interest in Jared and wanted to devour him, the

giant lion stopped them from doing so.

Time passed, and Jared was unconscious for seven whole days. Throughout it all, countless demonbeasts wanted to make him their meal, but they were all thwarted by the giant lion.

There were also people who happened by, but there were too many demon beasts there with highcultivation levels. Hence, they only moved about the foot of the mountain and did not hike up to the top.If they had done so, they would have found Jared.

In those seven days, all the sects from the hidden realm made their way there due to the existence ofnumerous demon beasts on top of the mountain. After all, demon beasts’ beast cores were rareresources.

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