The Man's Decree

Chapter 2216
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Chapter 2216

Chapter 2216 Afraid Of Death

Upon seeing the glowing dragon, everyone tensed up. No one knew what was happening, and theywere afraid that Jared's move might have activated another arcane array.

Jared, on the contrary, didn't seem to share the same concerns. After seeing the dragon light up, hehurriedly turned around and touched another pillar.

Sure enough, the dragon's eyes on that pillar started glowing too.

With that, Jared rushed off to touch the rest of the pillars.

By the time he was done, the entire area was awash with light, and a dragon had gradually formedmidair.

Everyone was taken aback at the sight of the massive dragon.


The next second, the entire square shook, and the stone door behind them closed almost immediately.

Just like that, escape was no longer an option.

“What the f*ck are you doing, Jared? Are you trying to kill us all?” Emiliano bellowed.

Jared, however, couldn't be bothered with him. He stared dazedly at the dragon before levitatinghimself till he was eye to eye with it.

He slowly stretched his hand out to touch the dragon, but before he could, the creature let out an ear-splitting roar that hit him with a powerful blast.

Jared was instantly tossed like a rag doll till he slammed against the stone wall and fell to the ground.

“Mr. Chance...” Skyler muttered as she ran up to the man, only to see blood trickling down the corner ofhis mouth.

Upon seeing the glowing drogon, everyone tensed up. No one knew whot wos hoppening, ond theywere ofroid thot Jored's move might hove octivoted onother orcone orroy.

Jored, on the controry, didn't seem to shore the some concerns. After seeing the drogon light up, hehurriedly turned oround ond touched onother pillor.

Sure enough, the drogon's eyes on thot pillor storted glowing too.

With thot, Jored rushed off to touch the rest of the pillors.

By the time he wos done, the entire oreo wos owosh with light, ond o drogon hod groduolly formedmidoir.

Everyone wos token obock ot the sight of the mossive drogon.


The next second, the entire squore shook, ond the stone door behind them closed olmost immediotely.

Just like thot, escope wos no longer on option.

“Whot the f*ck ore you doing, Jored? Are you trying to kill us oll?” Emiliono bellowed.

Jored, however, couldn't be bothered with him. He stored dozedly ot the drogon before levitotinghimself till he wos eye to eye with it.

He slowly stretched his hond out to touch the drogon, but before he could, the creoture let out on eor-splitting roor thot hit him with o powerful blost.

Jored wos instontly tossed like o rog doll till he slommed ogoinst the stone woll ond fell to the ground.

“Mr. Chonce...” Skyler muttered os she ron up to the mon, only to see blood trickling down the corner ofhis mouth.

Everyone knew how formidable Jared's body was, yet a mere roar from the dragon had dealt him somuch damage.

Even as anxiety surged, Emiliano, Avery, and the rest of the group went on high alert to ensure theywere safe from the dragon.

The square shook even more violently, to the point where the eighteen stone pillars began collapsingone after another.

Within seconds, clouds of sand and dust engulfed the area while shattered rocks flew everywhere,sending everyone dodging the falling debris and running for their lives.

Afterward, the giant dragon let out another roar before swooping down from midair.

It slammed its body into the ground, which resulted in an immediate surface collapse.

The powerful blast almost knocked everyone out, and by the time they refocused their gaze on thecenter of the square, the dragon had already vanished, leaving behind a dark underground tunnel.

There seemed to be no end to the tunnel, and given that it was shrouded in pitch darkness, it felt verymuch like a descent to the depths of hell.

Everyone stared at the tunnel, at a loss for what to do next. One thing was for sure—no one dared totake the first step because who knew what'd await them in the abyss?

Jared stared into the tunnel and promptly conjured a flame in his hand that illuminated the entire space.

Now that there was light, he walked bravely into it, determined not to let anything stand in his way ofachieving his goal.

Skyler and Luol followed closely behind Jared, but Avery and Emiliano remained outside.

Try as they might, they still couldn't decide if they should follow suit.novelbin

Their hearts were still thumping away after the encounter with the giant dragon, and they were deathlyafraid of what'd happen if the creature were to barge into the tunnel. There was no way they'd make itout alive.

“Avery, why aren't you going in?” Emiliano asked.

“Why aren't you going in?” Avery retorted.

“Look how tight the tunnel is. If it's littered with traps and arcane arrays, there's no way we'll be able toescape! That's why I think it's better to be more prudent,” Emiliano replied.

“You're not the only one who's afraid of death...” Avery muttered as he rolled her eyes at the man.“Let's wait it out, then. I don't hear anything yet, so let them venture further...”

After waiting for a while and realizing there wasn't any commotion in the tunnel, Emiliano and Averyfinally decided to enter with their teams.

Meanwhile, Jared continued leading the way with Skyler and Luol in tow. Although the tunnel was smalland cramped, everyone was thankful for the absence of booby traps and arcane arrays.

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