The Man's Decree

Chapter 2214
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Chapter 2214

Chapter 2214 What Did You Do

The elderly men, who had overheard their conversation, shared the same frustration. They vowed toundo the arcane array and prove to everyone that they were capable of doing so.

Suddenly, the stone door began to flicker, emitting a burst of intense energy. One of the elderly magesfailed to evade the attack and had his head severed.

Blood splattered everywhere, drenching the remaining elderly mages. Their faces were filled with shockand disbelief.

“W-What just happened?” the flabbergasted Emiliano asked.

“T-This...” The mage who claimed he could successfully dismantle the formation earlier was stunnedand bereft of words.

“I told you. Even if you were given a month, you wouldn't be able to undo this arcane array. Yourattempt to forcefully break the formation is misguided, especially since the Death Trap Formation isintricately woven within it. Shattering it with brute force will only lead to death! So now that you knowhow terrifying this arcane array is, do you still want to continue?” Jared said calmly.

All the mages from Stormwind Sect instantly staggered backward, keeping a distance from the stonedoor.

Their reaction got Emiliano even more frustrated.

“Jared, you said you can solve this in a minute, right? Well then, go ahead and give it a try. If yousucceed, I will grant you the authority to distribute the treasures!” Emiliano said to Jared while bobbinghis head.

The elderly men, who hod overheord their conversotion, shored the some frustrotion. They vowed toundo the orcone orroy ond prove to everyone thot they were copoble of doing so.

Suddenly, the stone door begon to flicker, emitting o burst of intense energy. One of the elderly mogesfoiled to evode the ottock ond hod his heod severed.

Blood splottered everywhere, drenching the remoining elderly moges. Their foces were filled with shockond disbelief.

“W-Whot just hoppened?” the flobbergosted Emiliono osked.

“T-This...” The moge who cloimed he could successfully dismontle the formotion eorlier wos stunnedond bereft of words.

“I told you. Even if you were given o month, you wouldn't be oble to undo this orcone orroy. Yourottempt to forcefully breok the formotion is misguided, especiolly since the Deoth Trop Formotion isintricotely woven within it. Shottering it with brute force will only leod to deoth! So now thot you knowhow terrifying this orcone orroy is, do you still wont to continue?” Jored soid colmly.

All the moges from Stormwind Sect instontly stoggered bockword, keeping o distonce from the stonedoor.

Their reoction got Emiliono even more frustroted.

“Jored, you soid you con solve this in o minute, right? Well then, go oheod ond give it o try. If yousucceed, I will gront you the outhority to distribute the treosures!” Emiliono soid to Jored while bobbinghis heod.

Due to the challenging nature of unraveling the formation, there was a possibility that Jared might die inthe process. That was why Emiliano consented to Jared's attempt.

“If you had mentioned that earlier, I would have already opened the stone door,” Jared responded witha smile before walking in the direction of the door.

“Be careful, Mr. Chance!” Skyler said.

“Don't worry. I know what I'm doing.” Jared gave her a subtle grin.

He stood before the stone door and laid his hands on it.novelbin

All the onlookers gasped when they saw that. They were eager to see what Jared could do.

Luol and Avery, too, paid close attention to Jared, as they wanted to see how he could break thearcane array in a minute.

Jared's hands emitted a golden beam that pierced through the stone door. Simultaneously, the intricatelines within the arcane array began to shimmer and glow.


In an instant, a dazzling golden beam burst forth from the stone door alongside a menacing aura, butJared absorbed it in the blink of an eye.

Everyone else began to retreat after sensing the overwhelming aura.

Emiliano burst out laughing. “See? This is what happens when you're so full of yourself. You said youwere going to dismantle the arcane array, but instead, you activated the Death Trap Formation. You'regoing to die for sure!”

Skyler could not help but cast a worried glance at Jared and clenched her firsts.

Meanwhile, as Luol and Avery closely observed the stone door, they felt that the menacing aura did notseem to originate from the Death Trap Formation.


Suddenly, the creaking sound produced by the movement of the stone door sent shivers downeveryone's spines.

Jared gradually opened the door. The emitted aura posed no harm to him at all.

As the door opened, a bone-chilling wind swept out from the depths of the ancient ruins of NarcissusPalace.

Everyone could not help but shudder.

The chilly wind caused everyone to tremble. That place looked more like an underground mortuarythan a place for sect members to congregate.

Nevertheless, the onlookers were filled with awe at Jared's remarkable skill in swiftly opening the stonedoor.

“How did you do that, Mr. Chance? How did you manage to unravel the formation within such a shorttime?” Luol was curious to find out how Jared did that.

Avery was just as curious. “Jared, what did you do just now? We didn't see you destroying the arcanearray.”

Emiliano, too, turned his attention toward Jared, curious to hear what he had to say. Jared's ability tobreak the arcane array left everyone perplexed and filled with questions.

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