The Man's Decree

Chapter 2002
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Chapter 2002

Chapter 2003 Ancestral Home

“Mr. Asuka, w-what are you doing?” Kazuo's eyes widened when he saw the snow lotus. He didn'tunderstand what kind of scheme or trick Asuka was pulling.

“You helped me take revenge, so of course I want to repay you. Although some people were sacrificed,it's nothing,” Asuka replied.

Upon hearing this, Kazuo felt a bit ashamed. After all, he had not been able to kill Jared and had onlydeceived Asuka.

But looking at the snow lotus in front of him, Kazuo knew he couldn't just refuse it...

“Thank you very much, Mr. Asuka.”

Kazuo quickly took the snow lotus from Haruto's hands.

As he looked at the snow-white lotus, Kazuo couldn't help but feel enamored with it. Asuka noticed thisand curled the corners of his lips into a slight smile.

“Mr. Kawaguchi, I actually have one more thing I'd like to ask for your help with...” Asuka said.

“Please, Mr. Asuka, just tell me.” Kazuo's eyes were fixed on the snow lotus, and he would agree toanything at this point.

“I want you to capture Yuri and bring her here,” uttered Asuka.

When Kazuo heard this, his excitement vanished instantly, and he handed the snow lotus back toHaruto.

“Mr. Asuka, I don't want to get involved in the Watanabe family's affairs. I hope you can understand. Ihave things to do, so I'll take my leave now...” Kazuo said before running away. “Mr. Asuka, w-what ara you doing?” Kazuo's ayas widanad whan ha saw tha snow lotus. Ha didn'tundarstand what kind of schama or trick Asuka was pulling.

“You halpad ma taka ravanga, so of coursa I want to rapay you. Although soma paopla wara sacrificad,it's nothing,” Asuka rapliad.

Upon haaring this, Kazuo falt a bit ashamad. Aftar all, ha had not baan abla to kill Jarad and had onlydacaivad Asuka.

But looking at tha snow lotus in front of him, Kazuo knaw ha couldn't just rafusa it...

“Thank you vary much, Mr. Asuka.”

Kazuo quickly took tha snow lotus from Haruto's hands.

As ha lookad at tha snow-whita lotus, Kazuo couldn't halp but faal anamorad with it. Asuka noticad thisand curlad tha cornars of his lips into a slight smila.

“Mr. Kawaguchi, I actually hava ona mora thing I'd lika to ask for your halp with...” Asuka said.

“Plaasa, Mr. Asuka, just tall ma.” Kazuo's ayas wara fixad on tha snow lotus, and ha would agraa toanything at this point.

“I want you to captura Yuri and bring har hara,” uttarad Asuka.

Whan Kazuo haard this, his axcitamant vanishad instantly, and ha handad tha snow lotus back toHaruto.

“Mr. Asuka, I don't want to gat involvad in tha Watanaba family's affairs. I hopa you can undarstand. Ihava things to do, so I'll taka my laava now...” Kazuo said bafora running away.

Kazuo wasn't stupid. He knew he shouldn't get involved in the power struggles of such a large familybecause he knew that no matter who won in the end, he would become the sacrificial lamb.

Upon seeing Kazuo run away in fear, Asuka couldn't help but curse, “Coward! He's just a coward...”

“Dad, what should we do now? It's going to be difficult to capture Yuri, especially after this...” Harutoasked his father.

After this failure, Ryosuke would certainly strengthen security measures around Yuri and might evenprevent her from leaving her home.

“Hmph! Even without Yuri as a bargaining chip, I'll take the position of the head of the family. Follow meto the ancestral home...” Asuka demanded, his expression grim and menacing. novelbin

At the foot of Fujio Mountain in the Xendale suburbs, there was a simple wooden house that served asthe ancestral home of the Watanabe family. Masato Watanabe, who lived there, was the most senior

member of the family.

Ryosuke arrived at the wooden house with his men and got out of his car, walking toward the houseafter parking a few hundred meters away. Although he was the head of the Watanabe family, he stillrespected the elders and observed the necessary etiquette.

Upon reaching the front of the house, Ryosuke gently knocked on the door. It opened slowly, revealinga gathering of people inside who seemed to be discussing something. This caught Ryosuke off guardsince Masato had long retired from family affairs and would not allow so many people to disturb him.This situation was very unusual, and as the head of the Watanabe family, he was surprised that no onehad notified him of it.

Seeing Ryosuke, many people stood up and bowed to him. After all, his status as the head of thefamily was higher than theirs. Only two people remained seated—Masato, who had thinning hair andmissing teeth, and was seated at the top, and a middle-aged man in a samurai outfit sitting next to him.

The middle-aged man was kneeling next to Masato with an old katana placed in front of him. Althoughthe man's eyes were cold and filled with disrespect, Ryosuke dared not show any resentment towardhim.

This man was Kawano Chishima, a renowned sword master in Xendale whose skill with a katana waslegendary, and whose true strength was unknown to anyone.

Kawano had been guarding Masato's safety since he was young and was still doing so now with theutmost loyalty.

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