The Man's Decree

Chapter 3744
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Chapter 3744

After a moment of contemplation, Alastair whispered, ��I know of an auction, but to enter, each person has to pay a million spiritcoins, SO...��

��I'll pay for you. Bring me there.�� Jared fathomed Alastair��s intention. He doesn��t want to spend his money!

After listening to Jared��s response, Alastair beamed with joy and said, ��Okay. I'll take you there right now. I��ve never even enteredthat place before.��

Alastair navigated through the bustling market with Jared. Eventually, they arrived in front of a grand hall. At the entrance of thehall, two Seventh Level Tribulators stood guard.

Jared was astounded to see the strength of those guards. The more he observed, the more he realized the extraordinary natureof the person running that underground market.

Upon seeing Alastair and Jared arrive, one of the guards extended his hand.Jared was taken aback. Alastair quickly chimed in, ��You need to pay.��Only then did Jared gain clarity. He quickly pulled out two purple spirit coins and handed them over.

Upon seeing the purple spirit coin, the two guards immediately stepped aside. Then, both simultaneously made a light sweepinggesture with their hands.

Subsequently, Jared and Alastair were both shrouded in an enigmatic aura. The aura, akin to a spiritual energy shield, envelopedthe two of them.

Jared furrowed his brows slightly, instinctively wanting to resist.

��Don't move. It��s okay. This is to prevent the leakage of our aura. Anyone who enters here isn��t allowed to reveal their aura. Also,we need to alter your appearance a bit. That way, no one will know who anyone is. That��s because there are some items in thisauction that are worth a fortune. This is done to ensure the safety of the buyers. After all, it would be dangerous if someone settheir sights on the buyers,��

Alastair explained the rules to Jared.

Upon hearing that, Jared finally understood. So, this is all in the interest of protecting the buyers. This is also to prevent theinevitable conflicts that will arise when multiple people vie for the same item. The final buyer will undoubtedly become a target.However, if the buyer's identity remains unknown and even their aura is undetectable, no one will know who they are even afterthey leave this auction place.

Jared followed Alastair into the hall, which was already filled with numerous cultivators.However, Jared couldn't be certain whether those cultivators had altered their appearances.Jared followed Alastair to a spot toward the back and settled down, quietly waiting.novelbin

Roughly fifteen minutes later, a few more cultivators gradually made their entrance.Immediately after, the doors to the hall were shut, and the entire hall was enveloped by a force.

An elderly man with white hair slowly ascended the stage and spoke in an icy tone. ��The time has come. The auction is about tocommence. Among you, we have both familiar faces and newcomers, so allow me to go over the rules once again. Here, everyitem goes to the highest bidder. No one knows who you are, so don��t expect to intimidate others with your status. Whether you��rean ordinary individual or a sect elder, everyone is treated equally. This auction only recognizes money, not individuals. No oneshould even think about causing trouble here, or they will bear the consequences!��

Surprisingly, the elderly man made no

anh to ira ig auras clearlyrevealing his suffi fon level as a

Top Level Tribulator. The content is

on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Jared figured perhaps that was also meant to intimidate those present at the scene better.The elderly man��s words were indeed effective.The scene, which was somewhat noisy just a moment ago, had now become incredibly quiet.

Seeing everyone quiet and settleddown, the elderly man continued,��There's another rule around here.Once you've moat eryething, theeis fia Noel eo or exchanges

� allowed. Before you bid, makesure you've accurately assessed theitem's value. If it seems worth it, goahead and bid. If not, don��t. Onceyou've won the item, don��t come tous claiming it��s a fake. We won't takeresponsibility for that.�� The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Jared thought. The elderly man��swords made sense. That's just howauctions work. One should assessite iter��s value ate} (yf qnef����ls

its wort it \n6&t, i Shouldn't bid.No one is going to pay for another'sdecisions. At this point, everyone'sexperience will be put to the test. Ifone ends up buying a counterfeit, it'llbe utterly embarrassing. That'll be nodifferent from suffering a doubleloss. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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