The Man's Decree

Chapter 3710
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Chapter 3710

The Fifth Level Tribulator thought that made sense. He frowned slightly, asking, “You’re Jared, the one targeted by the DemonSeal Alliance?”

“Yes, that’s me. If you end my life, you'll be rewarded with a century’s worth of offerings from the Demon Seal Alliance.”Surprisingly, Jared affirmed without a moment's hesitation.

This bold admission left everyone present perplexed. They couldn't fathom why Jared would be bold enough to openly confess.Does he not know that by admitting it, he’s essentially dead meat?As a mere Third Level Tribulator among many formidable cultivators, his audacity seemed reckless.

“Very well, since you’ve admitted it, you’ve left me no choice,” the Fifth Level Tribulator declared coldly. “I'd rather eliminate thewrong person than let this golden opportunity slip through my fingers!”

With resolve in his eyes, he wasted no time in taking action against Jared.With a swift motion, he aimed his palm at Jared, believing that the vast gap in their levels would ensure Jared’s swift demise.

However, in a surprising turn of events, as he launched his attack, Jared reacted with lightning speed. Meeting the strike head-on, Jared’s palm shot out, delivering a devastating blow before the Fifth Level Tribulator could react.


The force of Jared’s counterattack was overwhelming. With a thunderous impact, the Fifth Level Tribulator was propelledbackward, hurtling through the air until he crashed heavily onto the ground before the stunned onlookers.

His body convulsed momentarily before he spat out a mouthful of blood, his life extinguished in an instant.

After his physical demise, a remnant of his soul attempted to flee the confines of the airship.

With a mere flick of Jared’s finger, a sinister blaze of demonic fire erupted, ensnaring the soul remnant in its merciless grasp.The chilling wails echoed through the air as the flames devoured the remnants, leaving nothing behind but smoldering ashes.

In a cruel twist of fate, not only did his mortal form meet its end, but even his soul was consumed by the relentless inferno,extinguishing any hope of redemption or reincarnation.novelbin

As the horrifying spectacle unfolded before their eyes, the other cultivators aboard the airship stood frozen in shock, theirdisbelief palpable in the stunned silence that permeated the atmosphere.

Never in their wildest dreams could they have envisioned such a scene: a mere Third Level Tribulator effortlessly killing aformidable Fifth Level adversary with a single, devastating blow.

That's just ridiculous!

Jared’s gaze swept over the hushed crowd, his demeanor unyielding and cold. “If any of you still desire to claim the Demon SealAlliance’s bounty, make your move now,” he declared, his voice cutting through the tense silence like a blade.

Under the weight of Jared’s stern stare, many of the cultivators lowered their heads uneasily.

In that moment, they comprehended why the Demon Seal Alliance had set such a generous reward for Jared’s demise, despitehis comparatively modest cultivation level.

Knowing he had managed to intimidate the cultivators into submission, Jared made his way out.

He understood that he couldn’t evade the confrontation any longer, these people had come seeking him, and he was prepared toconfront them head-on.

Dillon and his group were probably no match for these people.

Outside, One-Eyed’s patience had worn thin. His voice carried a chilling edge as he said to Dillon, “Hand him over, or I'll killeveryone on board.”

“If you guys fail to guarantee thesafety of your passengers, let's seehow many would dateltd poate youralrships again...” One-Eyed’s wordsdripped with malice, his imposingaura weighing heavily on the airship.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!Read the latest chapter there!

Around him, a cadre of about ten Demonic Cultivators bristled with hostility, their readiness to strike palpable in the air.

The young cultivators aboard theairship shivered involuntarily as theyfelt the malevolent aurae patingfrom theargupcThe} d embarkedofthis journey with hopes ofenjoying themselves at LunariusPalace, but now, they foundthemselves facing death halfwaythrough their journey. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“My friend, think it through. If it really

comes down to a tMatnelodiayget what yppawant r’s voicecherldd a warning edge, his gazepiercing. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latest

chapter there!

Despite his shock at Jared's true identity, Dillon couldn’t fathom betraying him.

Jared had provided him with invaluable communication devices and, more importantly, had saved Moses’ daughter.Even if Jared were merely an ordinary passenger, Dillon wouldn’t have surrendered him.

Doing so would jeopardize Pathfinder Sect’s reputation. How are we going to do business in the future?

“You're the one who wants a fight. All | asked was for you to surrender Jared. Why won't you do it? Are you also after thebounty?” One-Eyed asked.

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