The Man's Decree

Chapter 3526
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Chapter 3526

The middle-aged man gave Dalton a cold glance before snorting. An indescribable aura quietlyemerged, causing Dalton to collapse to his knees.

“You ignorant child, how dare you speak to me in such a manner? In the past, you would have beenreduced to a pool of blood by now,” the middle-aged man scoffed.

Igor’s face instantly turned grim as he witnessed the situation. His body shuddered slightly, and a surgeof energy rose within him as he confronted the middle-aged man.

“This is Blood Spirit Valley, not a place for you to behave with impunity. If you’re looking for someone,speak respectfully. If you wish to fight, I’m ready to oblige!”

Igor spoke with a cold expression, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

The middle-aged man looked at Igor, who was brimming with murderous intent, yet he showed no fear.Instead, a faint smile played on his lips. “Indeed, while the cat’s away, the mice will play…”

After finishing his statement, the aura around the middle-aged man surged dramatically, sending Igorflying backward!


Upon witnessing the situation, Montane Daemon launched his palm at the middle-aged man!

He felt that the man was too arrogant, and he was certain that he needed to teach him a lesson.novelbin

In response to Montane Daemon’s strike, the middle-aged man casually countered with a punch.

A flash of white light streaked across the sky, its immense aura akin to a cannonball, fiercely collidingwith Montane Daemon’s palm strike.

Montane Daemon was unexpectedly sent flying backward, backpedaling dozens of steps before finallymanaging to steady himself.

“Not bad at all. Despite being a new Seventh Level Tribulator, you have encountered the demonictribulation cloud and even managed to withstand it.”

The middle-aged man looked at Montane Daemon with a hint of admiration as he spoke. MontaneDaemon was utterly shocked, his mouth agape as he exclaimed, “Who exactly are you? Why do youknow the Sacred Light Fist?”

From the eyes of Montane Daemon and his companions, this person was brimming with the aura of thebeast race and was clearly a member of the beast race. Thus, they were surprised to see him wield theSacred Light Fist of Whalreth Descent.

This seemed impossible. One must know that even Montane Daemon didn’t know the Sacred LightFist. The technique was a unique skill belonging to Whalreth, who would never casually teach it toothers.

The only time Montane Daemon had ever witnessed the Sacred Light Fist was when Jared used it.Could it be that this person was also personally taught by Whalreth?

“You don’t need to concern yourself with why I can use the Sacred Light Fist. All you need to do is tellJared to come out,” the middle-aged man said flatly.

“Mr. Chance is indeed not here. If you’re looking for him urgently, you can wait here for the time being.He should be back soon.”

Montane Daemon stepped forward, his demeanor becoming significantly more respectful.

Setting aside how this middle-aged man learned the Sacred Light Fist, the fact that he knows it provesthat he had a connection with Whalreth Descent.

Since there was a connection, Montane Daemon had to be polite and respectful. He was well aware ofthe status of someone who could wield the Sacred Light Fist among those in Whalreth Descent.

Upon seeing Montane Daemon’s respectful demeanor and accepting that Jared was not in Blood SpiritValley, the middle-aged man nodded and said, “Alright, I will wait here for his return…”

After speaking, the middle-aged man walked straight into the Blood Spirit Valley. As he passed byDalton, Dalton carefully scrutinized him. Then, his eyes widened in realization, “Oh, I remember now. Iknow who you are…”

Upon hearing Dalton’s words, both Montane Daemon and Igor turned their gazes toward him.

“He was the robust man who had set up a stall at Creston Sect. Mr. Chance had even purchased anitem from him, which appeared to be a timepiece carved out of a gem,” Dalton exclaimed, suddenlyrealizing the significance.

Upon hearing this, both Montane Daemon and Igor were momentarily at a loss for words. What doesthis information imply? We now know that he used to run a street stall, but what does it matter? Hepossesses immense power. If he insists on entering Blood Spirit Valley, no one can prevent him!

Dalton turned to the middle-aged man and inquired, “Are you seeking Mr. Chance because you’ve hada change of heart and wish to reclaim what you sold?”

However, the middle-aged man merely smirked, said nothing, and proceeded to enter Blood SpiritValley directly.

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