The Man's Decree

Chapter 3358
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Chapter 3358

Stepping forward, Jared pushed Dalton and Rosetta aside before saying to Proclus, “Does CrestonSect take action before getting the facts straight? I told you that he attacked me first, and I was merelydefending myself.”

Proclus let out an icy snort. “Do you take me for a kid? He’s a Forth Level Tribulator cultivator. If he hadstruck you first, you would be crippled by now.”

Jared argued, “I can withstand the attack of a Fifth Level Tribulator cultivator like you, let alone him.That’s my own skill, and it doesn’t prove he didn’t attack me.”

His words instantly fueled Proclus’ anger. Claiming that a Fifth Level Tribulator cultivator like Procluscouldn’t harm a First Level Tribulator cultivator was clearly an insult.novelbin

“Kid, your arrogance knows no bounds! Disparaging Mr. Lunawick like that?” Dimas, seizing theopportunity, further instigated, “Mr. Lunawick, teach this young one a lesson in humility. He’sunderestimating us Demonic Cultivators. Despite the challenges we’ve faced from human cultivators inrecent years, we haven’t fallen so low. How dare he boast about enduring an attack from a Fifth LevelTribulator cultivator?”

Dimas had escalated the conflict from a personal dispute to a confrontation between the humans andthe demons.

Proclus anger intensified, and he fixed a cold gaze on Jared, remarking, “Young man, these are yourown words. If you can withstand my attack, it’ll substantiate your honesty.”

“Okay!” Jared nodded.

“Mr. Chance,” Dalton hurriedly stopped him. “I would advise against that. Mr. Lunawick is a Fifth LevelTribulator cultivator. Resisting his attack head-on is not a good idea.”

“That’s right. Mr. Chance, I recognize your talent and your ability to confront opponents of higherstrength, but enduring a strike from a Fifth Level Tribulator cultivator is no trivial matter,” Rosettaadded.

Even Feenix and Cloud were concerned about Jared.

With his current strength, Jared could indeed contend with a Fifth Level Tribulator cultivator in battle,but standing still and withstanding a strike was a different matter.

“Don’t worry. I know my limits,” Jared reassured them. Seeing Jared’s determination, the othersstopped trying to persuade him. However, Dimas wore a sinister smile as he watched the scene unfold.

Jared calmly stood before Proclus, “Go ahead.”

“You brought this upon yourself. With numerous witnesses, should you meet your demise, CrestonSect bears no responsibility,” Proclus cautioned.

Jared nodded in agreement. “Of course. If I die, it is my own fault. Creston Sect won’t have to bear theresponsibility.”

Jared had opted for this path because, following his breakthrough to the Tribulation level, his physicalform had achieved an elevated state of refinement.

When Dimas delivered a blow earlier, Jared had refrained from activating his Golem Body and his bodysustained no damage.

Bolstered by this newfound confidence, Jared sought to assess his capacity to withstand the force ofProclus, a cultivator at Fifth Level Tribulator, relying solely on his physical prowess.

He was confident that Proclus wouldn’t be able to kill him with just one strike. Spectators observed theunfolding scene, and some felt uneasy for Jared.

Under the gazes of the onlookers, Proclus began channeling his aura, unleashing the unmistakableenergy of a Fifth Level Tribulator cultivator.

Despite not fully grasping Jared’s confidence, Proclus recognized the intricate task he faced: causingsubstantial harm without endangering Jared’s life. This was a difficult balance to maintain, especiallyconsidering their vastly differing levels of strength.

Gathering his aura, he launched a strike against Jared.

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