The Man's Decree

Chapter 3347
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Chapter 3347

At the same time, the five Demonic Cultivators near Jared’s group had detected their presence andgrew tense. Those five Demonic Cultivators were from Blood Spirit Valley, which included Dalton andRosetta.

There was also an old man, who was the master of Blood Spirit Valley, Rosetta’s father, and Dalton’smentor, Igor Lothian. Dalton turned to Igor, asking, “What do we do, Master? Should we hide?”

During their journey, they had been avoiding anyone they spotted to prevent conflicts. After all, theywere Demonic Cultivators, and if they met human cultivators, there would be trouble.

However, there were also plenty of cultivators on Demonia Mountain who wouldn’t attack the DemonicCultivators because it was the Demonic Cultivators’ territory. Human cultivators were only there insearch of treasures, not to eliminate the Demonic Cultivators. If the Demonic Cultivators didn’t causetrouble, the human cultivators wouldn’t attack them.

“No. They have already discovered us. I hope they harbor no ill will toward us,” said Igor before leadinghis group toward Jared.

Meanwhile, Jared frowned because he could feel the Demonic Cultivators approaching them. He wasunsure if the incoming party was hostile, so he asked everyone to be ready.

Misho asked the weaker individuals to stand in the middle of the group while the others surroundedthem, creating a battle formation.

Soon, Igor and his group revealed themselves, and everyone sensed the demonic aura emanatingfrom that group. Those Demonic Cultivators needed not to conceal their aura on Demonia Mountain.

“You lot have some nerves! You know we’re here, but you still dare to approach us! Are you lookingdown on us? Today, I shall do society a favor and eliminate you all!” Upon finishing his sentence, Misho

wielded his sword and charged toward Igor. When the others saw that, they charged forth, too.

Jared tried to stop them, but he was too slow. Igor hadn’t anticipated the depth of animosity Mishoharbored towards the Demonic Cultivators. Matching Misho’s intensity, he too unsheathed his sword,his face a mask of fury.

The others instantly joined the battle. The Demonic Cultivators had harmed Misho in the

past, so he resented them and didn’t hesitate to assault them.

Seeing that, Jared turned to Feenix and Cloud somewhat resignedly. “You all stay behind and keepyour eyes peeled. I don’t want any Demonic Cultivators ambushing us.”novelbin

Then, he leaped forward with Dragonslayer Sword in hand. Just as he was about to make his move, hespotted Dalton and Rosetta. Those two also noticed Jared. Pleasantly surprised, they shouted withdelight, “Mr. Chance!”

“Why are you two here?” Jared was similarly shocked.

“Stop it, Father! Stop it!” Rosetta did her best to hold her father back. Jared also exclaimed, “Everyonestop!”

His roar thundered across the battlefield, instantly causing everyone to stop their attacks.

“What’s the matter, Rosie?” asked Igor.

“Dad, this is Mr. Chance, the one Dalton and I mentioned to you before. He was the one who saved usand treated me.” Rosetta pointed at Jared.

Igor was stunned. He studied Jared with a look of disbelief. He had assumed Jared would be older, butthe latter turned out to be a rather young man. Misho also turned to Jared. “You know these Demonic

Cultivators, Mr. Chance?”

Jared nodded. “I do. They’re from Blood Spirit Valley and my friends.”

“You’re friends with the demons?” Hamish was perplexed.

“Not just the demons, but members of the beast race, too. I never care about someone’s race when Ibefriend them so long as they don’t hurt innocent people. There are good demons, and there areabsolutely awful humans. That is why we can’t judge an individual by their race.”

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