The Man's Decree

Chapter 3342
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Chapter 3342

“This is lightning tribulation. It must be lightning tribulation!” Hamish shouted in shock. Even if he didn’tsay that, everyone knew that it was lightning tribulation.

They all wondered if Jared was sick of living to actually use his body to resist such a terrifying lightningtribulation.

“Master is tempering his physical body. After the lightning tribulation this time, his physical body will beeven stronger,” Feenix explained slowly, grasping Jared’s intention.

Her words had everyone gape at the sight before them. They were at a loss for words. Apart from usingthe word crazy to describe Jared, they could not think of any other adjectives.


Another streak of lightning tribulation shot down from the sky. Despite keeping a significant distanceand even forming a shield in front of themselves, they could still sense the terrifying might of it.

With that, nine flashes of lightning tribulation struck successively. The shield before them keptshattering and being mended repeatedly.

Under those nine strikes of lightning tribulation, Jared’s physical body did not suffer a burn. Instead, thegolden light glowed even brighter.

Shortly after, the lightning tribulation disappeared. The oppressive lightning tribulation clouds in the skyalso scattered gradually.

Jared slowly opened his eyes. He could sense that the aura within him had shot up a notch. At thesame time, he knew that he had broken through to Tribulator.

After Tribulator were greater heights, and he only had to make preparations for ascension henceforth.He got to his feet, the power within him seemingly still roiling violently.


A sudden scream snapped Jared back to reality. It turned out that he had long since been in hisbirthday suit, his clothes burned to a crisp by the lightning tribulation.

For that reason, Izolda and Kiara shrieked when he stood up. When Jared jolted back to his senses, healso realized that he was in the nude. At once, sheer embarrassment showed on his face, and he wasat a loss for action.

Feenix instantly ran over with some clothes in her hands. Positioning herself in front of him, shepersonally helped him put on the clothes. Having been intimate with him, she was already incrediblyfamiliar with his body.

“Mr. Chance, y-your lightning tribulation was simply too much. I’ve never seen such a terrifying lightningtribulation,” Hamish commented in shock, stepping forward.novelbin

“It’s not the lightning tribulation that’s terrifying, but Mr. Chance’s physical body is so strong that hecould even withstand such a lightning tribulation. Even if he doesn’t use any techniques now, theaverage cultivator cannot possibly injure him,” Misho complimented in envy.

“Mr. Chance, I really didn’t expect you to have such outstanding capabilities besides your extraordinarymedical skills. I was blind to not notice it previously.”

Atlas stepped forward, all smiles. As he spoke, he dragged Jared to the side and added, “I know youlooked at my daughter’s body to treat her, Mr. Chance. But I hope you can marry her. She’s consideredthe cream of the crop in terms of both looks and figure. And so long as the two of you are married, the

whole of Salinsburgh City will be yours. I only have a daughter. Consider it carefully. There’s no need tobustle around.”

He fervently hoped that Jared would stay, for he had seen the latter’s capabilities and future throughthe lightning tribulation this time. If Salinsburgh City were handed to Jared, he believed that it woulddefinitely prosper.

“I’m really sorry, Mr. Jablonski. I already have a girlfriend, and I promised she would be the first womanI marry and enjoy the first wedding. I truly don’t want to be an unfaithful man. I hope you canunderstand, Mr. Jablonski,” Jared declined firmly.

Atlas looked at him blankly, never having expected that the temptation of a city failed to entice him.

“Oh well, since you’re such a faithful man, I won’t put you in a difficult position.”

Atlas sighed as though having suffered a devastating loss.

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