The Man's Decree

Chapter 3332
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Chapter 3332

“You dare stop me?”

Atlas flew into a towering rage, for they were in Salinsburgh City, and he was the mayor. As such, hiswords were the law. Yet, someone actually dared to stop him right then.

What audacity!

Lifting a hand, he swung it at Misho. It was a casual move, but it blotted out the sun as infinite forcecame rushing down from the sky.

In the face of the attack, a sword promptly materialized in Misho’s hand. On the heels of that, a numberof sword flowers manifested with a single slash of it.novelbin

Each sword flower was beyond powerful. As they took shape, countless rays of light shot into the airand collided with Atlas’ blow.

“Hmph! You’re merely a Sixth Level Tribulator, but you dared act insolent with me!”

Snorting coldly, Atlas shattered the rays of light effortlessly before striking Misho on the shoulder,making the latter stumble back several steps.

He had held back while making that move, evidence that he did not want to kill Misho. However, it wasalso clear that there was a gap between the two men’s capabilities.

“Are you okay, Grandpa?”

When Izolda saw that Misho had suffered a blow, she hastily rushed forward and put that question forthin concern. Misho said nothing, fixing his eyes on Atlas solemnly.

“You’d best get out of the way, buddy. Mr. Jablonski has no intention of killing you. Otherwise, youwould’ve been long since dead,” Victor said to Misho.

Unexpectedly, Misho countered coldly, “I’m alive today because of Mr. Chance. Therefore, no one isallowed to take him away before my eyes unless I’m dead.”

Righteous by nature, he never threw his weight around despite being the strongest person on the team.Besides, he attached great importance to loyalty and honor. Jared helped to neutralize his poison, so itwas akin to saving his life.

Now that Jared was in trouble, he would never sit back and do nothing. It was also because of such apersonality of his that he had always been respected. Even if Izolda created trouble out there, peoplewould let things slide because of him.

“I initially didn’t want to kill you. Regretfully, you’re simply asking for it. In that case, don’t blame me forshowing you no mercy.”

Atlas’ eyes narrowed a fraction. In the next second, his body trembled slightly. His Eighth LevelTribulator cultivation instantly made the sky darken. It was as though it was the end of the world.

Both Feenix and Cloud wanted to step forward to intervene. Alas, the aura emanating from him made itimpossible for them to even raise their heads.

Gritting his teeth, Misho desperately stood his ground against the powerful aura.

“If you want to apprehend me, I’ll just go with you. There’s no need to hurt others.”

At that precise moment, Jared’s voice drifted out of the room. As soon as Atlas heard that, his aurawaned. Consequently, the initially dim sky likewise reverted to normal.

Jared slowly opened the door and stepped out.

“Mr. Chance!”


Feenix, Cloud, and the others immediately rushed up to him.

“You can’t go with him, Master. Otherwise, you’ll be in great danger,” Feenix dissuaded.

“Exactly! You definitely can’t leave with him, Mr. Chance. Otherwise, you won’t be able to return,” Cloudechoed anxiously.

“Mr. Chance, although I’m no match for Mr. Jablonski, I can still hold him off for a while. You can usethat time to flee.”

Misho was determined to fight to the death.

His attitude moved Jared greatly.

“What must be, must be. It doesn’t matter for me to go with him. Even if we were to resist, none of usare his match, and all casualties would only be in vain,” Jared murmured calmly.

“If you want to make a run for it, Master, I’m willing to give my life up to buy you time.”

Worry was written all over Feenix’s face.

“So am I, Mr. Chance. So long as you’re safe and sound, I don’t mind dying for you!” Cloud declaredwithout a shred of hesitation.

Atlas stood at the side, his curiosity inexorably piqued when he saw so many people willing to give theirlives for Jared.

He could not fathom the latter’s charm when he was only a young alchemist and a Body Fusion Realmcultivator.

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