The Man's Decree

Chapter 3300
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Chapter 3300

“Damn it. Encountering a silver tiger is a nightmare. They’re incredibly difficult to deal with. Fortunately,they typically avoid attacking humans.”

“Can’t you see it’s affected? Its eyes are red, and it’s in a state of insanity right now.”

“So, what’s the plan? Handling one is manageable, but if an ambush of tigers shows up, we’ll be indeep trouble.”

Panic swept through the crowd as the silver tiger made its appearance. Unfazed by Hamish and histeam of cultivators, the silver tiger roared and attacked with its sharp claws. Hamish, reacting swiftly,generated a protective shield with his surging aura.


The creature collided with the shield. However, the seemingly robust shield shattered upon thecollision, leaving a deep gash on Hamish’s chest.

He was thrown into the air, landing with a thud in front of the onlookers.

“Dad!” Kiara hurriedly went to Hamish’s aid, helping him to his feet. The crowd collectively gasped,witnessing the formidable power of the silver tiger.novelbin

After all, Hamish, an experienced individual with years of navigation between the central and southernregions, had been incapacitated by a single strike from the Tiger King.

“This is Tiger King. Everyone, be cautious!” Despite his injuries, Hamish issued a loud warning to thecrowd.

“Let’s unite and take it down now! Otherwise, we’ll be in serious trouble if it summons more of its kind!”Misho’s expression darkened as he spoke.

To protect the crowd from the recent poison veil, he had expended all his spiritual energy clanging thebell and hadn’t yet recovered. Following Misho’s guidance, the crowd drew their weapons.


The silver tiger roared in fury at the sight, quickly echoed by roars from its surroundings. As the voidvibrated, silver tigers began materializing out of thin air.

A dozen of them emerged, their eyes ablaze with red fury, while their silver fur shimmered in thedarkness. The crowd stood in stunned silence, faced with an unforeseen and overwhelming challenge.

Handling Tiger King alone was daunting, but the stakes escalated with the addition of a pack, plungingtheir circumstances into a more ominous state.

The color drained from Hamish’s face as he witnessed the unfolding scene. Desperation clouded hiseyes, and he uttered, “We’re doomed. Truly doomed. It seems this place will become our grave…”

At that moment, the once-unified team, initially ready to confront the peril with unwaveringdetermination, started to retreat in fear.

Misho keenly sensed the anxiety gripping the crowd, recognizing that, in moments like these, escapewas the wisest course of action. If everyone persisted, there would be no survivors left to recount theharrowing tale.

“Everyone, it’s every person for themselves now. If anyone intends to flee, do so immediately! I’ll staybehind to buy time for the rest,” Misho declared.

Turning to Jared, he added, “Jared, you should leave as well. But please, take my granddaughter,Izolda, with you.”

Misho’s plan was for Jared to escort Izolda to safety while he confronted the silver tigers.

“No, Grandpa, I want to stay with you!” Izolda shook her head and protested.

“Old Mr. Giuvali, I’ll be eternally grateful to you. I’m taking my leave now,” Rostom conveyed hisappreciation to Misho.

Without hesitation, he turned to Kiara and implored, “Kiara, grab Mr. Chevalier; let’s leave this place.Waiting any longer would make us dinner for the silver tigers.”

Kiara, torn by the decision, sought guidance from the severely injured Hamish.

With a heavy sigh, Hamish addressed the crowd, “I’m sorry, everyone. It’s every individual forthemselves now.”

Kiara and Rostom promptly guided Hamish away from the imminent threat.

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