The Man's Decree

Chapter 3246
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Chapter 3246

Chapter 3246 Pretend Like Nothing Happenednovelbin

Jared stepped into the luminous portal alongside Miya after understanding the situation. As the twowere enveloped by the radiant light, an overwhelming wave of aura emanated. The forms of Jared andMiya dissolved into the brilliance.

Ozrell, sighing once more, closed his eyes again. In an instant, Jared and Miya sensed a fleeting whiteglow flashing past them before finding themselves in a mountainous forest.

The air was filled with the enchanting fragrance of flowers, creating a serene and picturesque scene.

Jared understood that the Seizon family’s ancestral land was nothing more than a meticulously craftedworld fashioned by the elders using an arcane array.

Its primary objective was to preserve resources for the prosperity of future generations, ensuring thatthe Seizon family remained resilient through the centuries.

“Metal nascence dominates our ancestral land because all our ancestors comprehended this kind ofnascence in the past. While there are other supporting nascences, their presence is minimal comparedto metal nascence. This specific nascence is inherently defensive. Mastery of metal nascenceenhances the body’s defenses significantly. Regrettably, I don’t have a nascence space, so I can’tcomprehend nascence. Here in the ancestral land, I can only search for alternative resources,” Miyaexplained.

After all, individuals with exceptional talent, such as Jared, were a rarity. It wasn’t common forindividuals to active nascence space immediately upon reaching the Body Fusion Realm, let alonecomprehend multiple nascences at the same time.

Sensing the unclaimed nascence drifting in the surroundings, Jared instinctively located a suitable spot,sat down, and initiated the absorption process.

“What are you doing?” Miya asked.

“I’m comprehending nascence, of course. Despite the abundance of metal nascence here, I haven’tfully grasped it yet, so I can’t absorb and refine it. I need to comprehend it first,” Jared explained.

His plan was clear-to understand metal nascence, absorb the free nascence aura available, and attainan additional nascence power.

Once he achieved a complete understanding of metal nascence, his Golem Body would ascend to ahigher level. His Golem Body would surely become as robust as a rock with the boost of metalnascence.

“How long is it going to take to comprehend metal nascence by sitting cross-legged and meditating onthe ground?” Miya laughed.

“How else am I supposed to do it?” Jared asked with puzzlement.

“Nascence beasts inhabit this ancestral land, created from the abundant free nascence aura. Most ofthe nascence beasts here are metal nascence beasts. If you aim to comprehend metal nascenceswiftly, you’ll need to defeat these metal nascence beasts to expedite your understanding of it,” Miyaexplained.

Jared was taken aback by her words. The existence of nascence beasts in the Seizon family’sancestral land was an unexpected revelation. This offered him a potentially faster avenue tocomprehend nascence compared to his original method.

“If slaying nascence beasts leads to comprehending nascence, why haven’t you done it? This way, youcould have also gained nascence comprehension,” Jared questioned, his confusion apparent.

It seemed the Scizon siblings hadn’t mastered nascence, so if acquiring understanding throughdefeating nascence beasts was a viable method, they should have learned it by now.

Hearing Jared’s question, Miya couldn’t resist rolling her eyes. “That’s a rather silly question. Considerthis: without activating nascence space, what’s the use of slaying hundreds of thousands of nascencebeasts?”

Jared finally grasped her point and offered an awkward smile. “My apologies, I forgot about thenascence space.”

Understanding nascence power required the activation of the nascence space, which was difficult initself.

“Let’s go. I’ll guide you to find the nascence beasts, but I can’t help you slay them. It’s futile for me todo so, considering I haven’t activated my nascence space,” Miya offered.

“I understand. Thank you, Ms. Seizon,” Jared said with gratitude.

Miya’s expression shifted to one of displeasure at his expression of gratitude. Angrily, she confrontedhim, “You just slept with me. Are you going to pretend as though nothing happened?”

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