The Man's Decree

Chapter 3164
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Chapter 3164

Horror-struck, Fayzon wanted to evade but realized there was no escape. And just like that, he wasinstantly killed by Jared’s palm strike on the spot.

Witnessing how effortlessly and unhesitantly Jared had murdered the head of a subbranch of DemonSeal Alliance, the other cultivators gulped in stupefaction, not daring to make a sound. Fortunately, webacked out at the last minute instead of siding with the Demon Seal Alliance. Otherwise, we would besharing Mr. Leaveden’s fate.

Zordey was feeling especially relieved. The frightening sight of Jared ending Fayzon with a single palmstrike had caused him to wet his pants and his legs to turn to jelly. Since Jared dares to kill even thehead of the Demon Seal Alliance’s subbranch, there’s no way he’ll take me, a mere Zupakie family’sscion, seriously.

His forehead drenched with cold sweat, Zordey felt utterly grateful inwardly. The remaining lackeys ofthe Demon Seal Alliance turned tail and fled after witnessing Fayzon’s tragic death. However, Jareddidn’t give chase.

“Mr. Chance, we should tie up all loose ends by rooting out the enemy. Otherwise, they’ll go back andspread the news. The Demon Seal Alliance will never let this matter slide,” Renault hastily advisedJared.

“I intentionally let them go. Since I dared to kill Fayzon, I’m not afraid of letting the Demon Seal Allianceknow. An organization like the Demon Seal Alliance shouldn’t exist in this world,” Jared said.

Renault fell silent. He understood that Jared was determined to fight the Demon Seal Alliance to deathby saying that.

Even if the Demon Seal Alliance didn’t seek Jared out to settle the scores, he wouldn’t let them goeither.novelbin

“Mr. Chance, we’re deeply grateful for your benevolence. As we actually sneaked out withoutpermission, we must hurry back now to avoid worrying our master. Mr. Chance, given the opportunity,please visit us at Blood Spirit Valley. It’s near Demonia Mountain and is rich in resources and raretreasures. I believe you will find the trip there rewarding.” Dalton stepped forward to bid Jared farewell.

“Dalton, I’ll definitely visit when I get the chance. Also, I must drop by Demonia Mountain. Take care,both of you.” Jared patted Dalton’s shoulder.

Dalton nodded. Then, under Jared’s watchful gaze, he left with Rosetta. Montane Daemon also cameforward and said, “Mr. Chance, I’ll head back to Demonia Mountain now and await your visit. I hopeyou’ll get to meet Elder Whalreth when you come to Demonia Mountain, Mr. Chance. I’ll also beblessed to feast my eyes on Elder Whalreth’s glorious might in that case.”

“Sure!” Jared smiled.

He knew even if he visited Demonia Mountain, he might not necessarily meet Whalreth, and the latterwould certainly not show himself either.

The Celestial Battle was shrouded in mysteries. It was obvious their suppression was premeditated.Before the truth was out, the demons wouldn’t carelessly show themselves.

If an ill-intentioned party learned about their release, they would be in grave danger. Moreover, onlytheir spirits had escaped, so the demons needed time to regain their physical form and strength. Thatwas all the more reason they couldn’t easily let their presence known and expose themselves.

Following Montane Daemon’s departure, Jared, Renault, Cloud, and Quinley were the only ones left atthe scene.

Even with the few of them remaining, the few Tribulator experts from the Zupakie family led by Zordeywere still trembling, not daring to make any reckless move.

In fact, if Zordey were to launch an attack on Jared with his subordinates, Jared would be powerless toresist because the battle with the four Demon Seal Alliance elders just now had significantly weakenedhim.

In addition, now that Montane Daemon was gone, Renault was the only Tribulator cultivator left onJared’s side. It would be quite challenging for them to deal with the several Tribulator cultivators fromthe Zupakie family.

Nevertheless, Jared’s overpowering display of strength earlier had scared Zordey out of his wits. Evenif Jared were alone, Zordey would still lack the courage to harm him.

Jared glanced at Zordey, terrifying him so much that he slumped to the ground. Taking in Zordey’sdemeanor, Jared merely! sneered and ignored him and walked away with Quinley and the others.

The other cultivators frantically made way. distancing themselves from Jared, fearing they mightaccidentally do something to infuriate him.

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