The Man's Decree

Chapter 3123
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Chapter 3123

Upon hearing Montane Daemon's words, Cloud heaved a sigh of relief. He was glad to learn that Jaredwas unharmed.

After all, Jared had gone over for him. If something unfortunate were to occur to Jared, he would beoverwhelmed with guilt.

There were no treasures to be found, only numerous corpses scattered throughout the area. Strictrules were enforced for those within the vicinity, prohibiting flight. Without the discovery of an exit, theyrisked becoming trapped in that place.

Fortunately, no malevolent spirits lurked in the vicinity. A spirit spring, allowing the absorption ofspiritual energy, also helped maintain order and prevent the potential outbreak of chaos. Otherwise,given the number of people trapped there, chaos would have erupted long ago.novelbin

Three days later, Jared quietly absorbed the last trace of the draconic energy. Although he had beenabsorbing spiritual energy and increasing his strength, his level remained at Fifth Level Body FusionRealm.

However, he was in no rush to progress to the next level. In fact, he had deliberately held himself back.At this moment, he had reached the peak of Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm. Whenever necessary, hecould ascend to the sixth or even the seventh level at any time!

Thanks to the draconic essence, the draconic energy was stored within it. At first glance, Jared'scultivation level did not appear to have progressed, but his strength had undergone at substantialenhancement.

"Are you deliberately suppressing your cultivation level?" the middle-aged man asked, his tonecomposed.

"I just want to avoid drawing too much attention. I entered this place when I was at Fifth Level BodyFusion Realm. If I suddenly progress to the sixth or even seventh level, I'm certain people will becurious about what I've gained here. That will make me a target for everyone," Jared explained with aslight smile.

"You're right. Not only are you a man of courage, but you're also an excellent strategist. The fact thatyou managed to absorb such a vast amount of spiritual energy in just three days demonstrates that youare truly an outstanding individual among the Draconians. Now that you've absorbed all the draconicenergy, I can take you to see your gift," the middle-aged man said, turning toward the spirit spring,

Jared stood up and noticed that many cultivators, including Montane Daemon and Cloud, weregathered around him.

Jared had been so engrossed in his cultivation. that he was completely unaware of the arrival of thoseindividuals. He was a little taken aback when he realized he was surrounded by so many people. Havethese people been by my side all this time while I was cultivating?

He also found it puzzling that those individuals seemed oblivious to his presence even though theywere by his side.

"Are these individuals your friends?" Sensing Jared's confusion, the middle-aged man. grinned."They've been searching for you for several days, but there's no way they'll see you."

"Did you lay an illusion array to conceal me from their view?" Jared asked, his curiosity. piqued.

"Illusion array?" The middle-aged man. chuckled. "Illusion arrays are child's play. Why would I usethem? Besides, they're merely tricks that deceive the mind. Regardless of how potent an illusion arrayis, it only manipulates perception. What I've used here is teleportation magecraft. While you and thesepeople occupy the same physical space, you exist in different dimensions. They can sense yourpresence but lack the ability to see you. This isn't an illusion or a mind trick. It's the undeniable fact thatthey can't see you."

The middle-aged man's explanation immediately reminded Jared of the secret realm in the mundaneworld. The secret realm was also created by immortals using magecraft, right?

"Sir, I'm deeply impressed by your teleportation magecraft." Jared buttered the man up. He must be aCelestial Draconian!

Upon hearing Jared's praise, the middle-aged man chuckled and responded, "Please don't flatter me.What I possess is the most basic form of teleportation magecraft. The truly advanced arts can createworlds from scratch and reshape the very fabric of reality. I've merely shifted this small area into adifferent dimension, rendering us invisible to others. It's nothing remarkable. When you grow stronger,you'll understand what true power is."

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