The Man's Decree

Chapter 3087
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Chapter 3087

Before he could even react, the cultivator had been knocked over by the jets of pitch-black water andfallen into the Night Sea. For a brief second, he struggled to stay afloat before vanishing into the depthsof the Night Sea without a trace.

“What an idiot. How dare he insult the divine turtles by calling them animals? He might as well wishdeath upon himself.”

“These divine turtles have long developed higher-order thinking. Did he think that they couldn’tunderstand our language just because they have not taken the form of a human being?”

Not a hint of grief could be found among the crowd as they spectated the sudden, brutal death of thecultivator. Instead, they were all sneering gleefully.

The divine turtles were powerful, yet they had never attacked humans unprovoked. Unsurprisingly,most of the cultivators had grown fond of them.

Despite the cultivator’s instant death, the crowd believed he had been let off easy for bad- mouthingsuch divine creatures.

While the masses were discussing the gruesome death of the cultivator, the gigantic divine turtle hadalready taken Jared more than five kilometers away.

Squinting their eyes to focus better, the crowd searched the sea surface for a glimpse of Jared, but tono avail. When they realized that Jared was nowhere to be found, the people sighed wistfully.novelbin

“How silly to give up one’s own life to tame a divine turtle.” “He sure overestimated himself. He’s merelyat Fifth Level Body Fusion Realm, yet he dared to try taming not only any divine turtle but the biggestone there is!”

“What if that guy manages to tame the biggest divine turtle? We’ll have to eat our words.”

“If that’s the case, Mr. Leaveden would be the most embarrassed.” As the crowd of cultivatorsdiscussed with each other, they turned their gazes toward Dalton,

Earlier, most of them were focusing on Jared, with not many of them paying Dalton any attention.Hence, with Jared no longer in their field of sight, the crowd instinctively turned to watch Dalton.

In the meantime, at the realization of Jared’s disappearance, Quinley and Cloud felt as though icyfingers had wrapped around their hearts.

Even though the two of them were well aware of Jared’s capabilities, the fact remained that he was atthe Night Sea and not on land. If anything were to happen to him, there would be no escape!

“Ms. Tall, your brother might not be powerful, but he sure is courageous. I’m surprised he dared to tryand tame a divine turtle, not to mention the biggest one there is!” Just then, Zordey felt a newfoundsense of admiration for Jared. Regardless of what his opinion of Jared was, the latter’s ruthless vigorwas something to be in awe of.

Quinley merely turned a deaf ear to Zordey’s comments. As of then, her mind had been taken captiveby anxious thoughts of Jared’s safety. She was so consumed by worry that she could not spare asingle second for Zordey.

Meanwhile, Dalton had gone from standing to laying flat on his stomach and holding tightly onto thedivine turtle’s shell. His hands had long turned into a horrendous blend of blood. and flesh from thesheer force of gripping the shell’s sharp edges.

There were a few near misses where he almost got thrown into the Night Sea, but Dalton had no planson giving up. He knew what was at stake. If he could not tame a divine turtle, his and Rosetta’spresence in the spirit ship would eventually be detected. It was only a matter of when..

If they were discovered by Demon Seal Alliance, there would be no chance of escaping! For Rosetta’ssake, Dalton was determined to give it his all. At the sight of Dalton’s preservation, many cultivators onthe spirit ship grew to respect him.

“Who’s that guy? He seems to be trying hard. Just look at the extent of the wounds on his hands!”

“No clue. There’s no sign of an aura from him. He must be a different breed to tackle a divine turtlepurely on brute strength.”

“Wow. I can’t believe people are actually willing to forsake their lives to tame a divine turtle.”

Once again, the crowd began to murmur as they took in the scene in front of them. Amid theirnonchalant faces, Rosetta stood out as she kept her eyes on Dalton with a panicked expression.

As of that moment, Jared was more than five kilometers away from the spirit ship. He was still trying tocommunicate with the divine turtle with his spiritual sense. To his dismay, the divine turtle wasextremely stubborn. It kept resisting with all its might, refusing to allow Jared’s spiritual sense totrespass its consciousness field.

Half an hour had passed since Jared began to try and tame it. Even though the divine turtle wasenormous, exhaustion was beginning to chip away at its strength as it slowly decelerated.Nevertheless, it still refused to surrender to Jared.

Seeing how stubborn the divine turtle was, Jared turned around to make sure the spirit ship wasnowhere to be seen before unleashing the Power of Dragons within his body.

A mighty Golden Dragon appeared with a roar and circled above Jared’s head.

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