The Man's Decree

Chapter 3062
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Chapter 3062

Jared briefly recounted everything to Quinley, Feenix, and the others. Only then did they realize theintricate emotional entanglement between the Tall family and the Archaic Body cultivators They couldn'thelp but regard Hester with a sympathetic look.

After all, Hester had put in so much effort, expending vast resources to maintain Ginevra's soul, evengoing to the extent of letting her become the countess of Jipsdale while he busied himself with all otheraffairs.

In the end, his efforts only benefitted another. Such sacrifice and devotion were truly beyond what anaverage person could muster

Hester and Roman took the main seats while Ginevra and Mason stood before them hand in hand.Their union was a testament to love eventually finding its way. Although the wedding was modest, itwas apparent that the couple was overjoyednovelbin

With Jared and the others bearing witness, the duo knelt down and bowed deeply to Roman andHester

At that moment, Mason truly submitted himself to Hester. They were love rivals in the past, but now, hewillingly addressed the latter with respect Hester's magnanimity was not a trait commonly displayed byordinary men.

After the simple wedding ceremony, Mason and Ginevra planned to leave. From then on, Ginevrawould no longer be present in Jipsdale.

It was also time for the two-story building and the Soul Nourishing Formation to vanish.

"Mr. Chance, I entrust my little sister to you. I hope you can protect her. She made the decision to walkdown this path, and I won't stop her. I trust her judgment, too. Given your capabilities, you'll surelystand out in the future, Mr. Chance. If you're ever in need of assistance, come to the far north to seekme out. From now on, we're family," Mason said to Jared prior to his departure.

"Rest assured, Mr. Mason. I won't let any harm befall them as long as I'm alive. However, I cannot beoverly emotionally invested in the girls at the moment because I still have many tasks on hand." Jaredknew he couldn't always solely indulge himself in romance.

"A man should be ambitious and not be held back by women. Since Quinley chose to be with you, Itrust she'll stay by your side no matter the challenges. I have faith in the daughter of the Tall family, butif you ever betray her, you should be prepared to face the consequences." Even though Mason spokein a gentle tone, a hint of warning laced his voice.

"Mason, what are you talking about?" Quinley was displeased when she heard her brother warningJared.

Mason laughed in response. "You two aren't even officially dating, yet you're already speaking up forhim. The saying that women's loyalty toward their family would sway upon growing up couldn't be moretrue."

"Jared, you should practice extra caution now that you've offended the Demon Seal Alliance. Also,Thunderhawk has been searching for you," Hester reminded Jared.

"The Demon Seal Alliance upholds the pretense of slaying demons and keeping peace but actuallyconspires with demons in secret, cultivating demons in hopes of harnessing their power to control theentire Ethereal Realm. As despicable as they are, I don't fear them at all! And now that Yuven hasregained his strength, I believe our combined forces will be sufficient to .put up a fight againstThunderhawk," Jared said confidently.

If Yuven hadn't recovered, Jared would undoubtedly have avoided a confrontation with Thunderhawk,but now that Yuven had recovered, Jared had nothing to be afraid of.

"You may not be scared of the Demon Seal Alliance, but since they can collude with demons, they'recapable of anything. Can you still ensure the safety of the women by your side?" Hester asked.

Jared immediately turned to look at Aislin, Feenix, Viola, and Quinley. Their cultivation levels are nothigh. If the Demon Seal Alliance truly targets them, I indeed can't be sure I can perfectly safeguardthese girls.

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