The Man's Decree

Chapter 2680
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Chapter 2680

Chapter 2680 Lose Control

Jared was taken aback by the sight of the patterns. Could something be sealed at the bottom of themedicinal pool?

Undaunted, Jared was determined to uncover the truth hidden at the bottom of the pool.

As Jared continued to go deeper, the dim glow began to brighten, revealing the intricate design of anarcane array. He looked further and discovered that the area, spanning several miles, was filled withcountless intricate runes.

He had never encountered an arcane array of such vast scale and complexity before.

The faint glow he had observed earlier was not a result of the activation of the formation, but rather aresult of the dark, ink-like pool water making the light appear dim.

Now, the light on the arcane array became brighter as he arrived before it.

Looking at the complexity of the runes, Jared felt somewhat overwhelmed.

If this colossal arcane array was crafted by a single individual, that person must be an absolute master.

The sheer size and intricacy of the runes meant that even the tiniest flaw could cause the entire grandarcane array to fail.

Although Jared was considered one of the top experts in array formations, he doubted he couldreplicate an array of this magnitude.

He wondered why such a massive array was concealed at the bottom of a medicinal pool in EmeraldCauldron Sect and what purpose it served.

After descending carefully onto the arcane array, Jared gently touched its surface, hoping to sense anylingering aura left by its creator. He wished to unravel the mystery of this colossal arcane array andidentify the mastermind behind it.

As Jared's hand made contact with the formation, a radiant white light instantly enveloped him. Thegentle light had a soothing and inviting quality, making him feel at ease.

Simultaneously, the draconic essence on his chest started emanating a bright glow as the Power ofDragons began to fuse with the gentle light.

At that moment, Jared felt a peculiar connection as if he was being called by something. It was evidentthat there was something sealed beneath this vast arcane array.

He placed both hands gently on the formation and partially closed his eyes, extending his spiritualsense.

As the draconic essence within him flickered quicker, the Power of Dragons surged forth withincreasing intensity.

Following the surge of the Power of Dragons in Jared's body, the soft white light emitted by the arcanearray transformed into a dazzling display.

The Power of Dragons that Jared emitted started to charge at the formation.

It was as if the power had broken free from Jared's control, gaining an autonomous will. It relentlesslyattacked the expansive arcane array beneath his feet.

Within the formation, brilliant white lights emitted one after another, attempting to disperse the Power ofDragons that emanated from Jared's body.

After descending corefully onto the orcone orroy, Jored gently touched its surfoce, hoping to sense onylingering ouro left by its creotor. He wished to unrovel the mystery of this colossol orcone orroy ondidentify the mostermind behind it.

As Jored's hond mode contoct with the formotion, o rodiont white light instontly enveloped him. Thegentle light hod o soothing ond inviting quolity, moking him feel ot eose.

Simultoneously, the droconic essence on his chest storted emonoting o bright glow os the Power ofDrogons begon to fuse with the gentle light.

At thot moment, Jored felt o peculior connection os if he wos being colled by something. It wos evidentthot there wos something seoled beneoth this vost orcone orroy.

He ploced both honds gently on the formotion ond portiolly closed his eyes, extending his spirituolsense.

As the droconic essence within him flickered quicker, the Power of Drogons surged forth withincreosing intensity.

Following the surge of the Power of Drogons in Jored's body, the soft white light emitted by the orconeorroy tronsformed into o dozzling disploy.novelbin

The Power of Drogons thot Jored emitted storted to chorge ot the formotion.

It wos os if the power hod broken free from Jored's control, goining on outonomous will. It relentlesslyottocked the exponsive orcone orroy beneoth his feet.

Within the formotion, brilliont white lights emitted one ofter onother, ottempting to disperse the Power ofDrogons thot emonoted from Jored's body.

Jared knitted his brows. He waved his hands and opened his mouth to absorb the unruly power backinto his body.

After suppressing the Power of Dragons, he cautiously examined the arcane array below.

Realization dawned on him that instant.

There seemed to be a mighty dragon underneath this arcane array, and it appeared to have a profoundconnection with him, causing his Power of Dragons to lose control.

Jared carefully inspected the formation and realized that it posed no immediate danger. As long as noone intentionally disrupted the arcane array, it would not strike.

On the contrary, standing on the arcane array could be highly advantageous, as it contained anabundance of power with a gentle and soothing intensity.

The soft white light that had just wrapped around him made him feel relaxed. If not for the suddenagitation of the Power of Dragons launching an assault on the formation, it would not have retaliated.

After observing for a while, Jared gently pressed his hand on a section of the arcane array and sent hisspiritual energy into it.


Suddenly, an immense force ejected him from the formation.

Jared got up and began to study the arcane array more closely again.

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