The Man's Decree

Chapter 2636
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Chapter 2636

Chapter 2636 This Is Mutiny

Following Ebenez's command, his disciples swarmed forward to seize Jared.

Upon seeing that, Zebediah quickly led Ghaylen's disciples to shield Jared behind them.

“What right do the lot of you have to seize him? Even if he's to be punished, it should be on the ordersof Mr. Holt. Mr. Erdell has no right to do so!” Zebediah declared loudly.

He was right in that all rewards and punishments in the sect had to be ordered by the sect leader.Ebenez was not in charge of that, merely given the responsibility to distribute resources and evaluatethe sect members.

He had no right to punish other elders' disciples in Emerald Cauldron Sect, and that was why Zebediahmade that statement.

Unbeknownst to Zebediah, his remark hit Ebenez where it hurt. Ebenez was the second elder, yet hehad no right to reward or punish Emerald Cauldron Sect's disciples. If Hosen were away, his power waseven beneath that of Sigurd, the principal disciple. novelbin

“How dare you speak to me in such a manner when you're nothing more than an insignificant disciple!You're simply asking for it!”

Zebediah's words seemed to trigger something within Ebenez, causing him to frown. With a swiftmotion of his hand, he lightly waved at the man, sending him flying in the blink of an eye.

Zebediah hit the ground hard. His expression contorted into a mask of pain, making it evident that hewas severely injured.

“Seize Jared immediately!” Ebenez instructed in a booming voice after sending Zebediah flying with asingle slap.

At that moment, Jared's eyes were narrowed a fraction and stained with murderous intent. WhenEbenez's disciples rushed forward, a terrifying aura burst forth from his body.

Like a tornado, it swiftly swept over Ebenez's disciples. The dozen of them were immediately sentflying. They all landed heavily amidst the ruins, and it was uncertain if they were still alive or dead.

When Ebenez saw that Jared even dared to make a move against his disciples right in front of him, hesaw red.

“Great, just great, kid! This is mutiny!”

Having said that, he shot his hand out to grab the man. An enormous palm suddenly manifested in mid-air and engulfed Jared.

Seeing that, Jared tightened his grip on the Dragonslayer Sword in his right hand, his gaze turningrazor-sharp.

In his current condition, dealing with Ebenez alone posed no problems for him. However, if Ebenezwere to team up with Bilius, it would prove more challenging. The situation would be taxing on himsince his Dragonslayer Sword could only unleash half its capabilities, as the sword spirit, Zelda, hadnot fully recovered yet.

Worse still, he had also lost Divine Bow, so Dragon Bell was his only ace in the hole. Nonetheless, hedid not dare use it at will either, for many people were bound to set their sights on him if he were to givetoo much away.

While Jared was racking his brain for a solution to resolve the situation, Sigurd appeared out of theblue.

With the sect leader token in hand, Sigurd shouted at Ebenez, “Are you attempting to destroy the wholesect, Mr. Erdell?”

Hearing that, Ebenez retracted his hand.

“Sigurd, this kid right here not only beat up his fellow disciples but also destroyed their residences. Doyou have any objections if I want to apprehend him?” he asked, fixing his gaze on Sigurd.

“Since the Master is away, Mr. Erdell, all rewards and punishments in the sect fall under my authority.By taking matters into your own hands, are you coveting the position of sect leader?” Sigurdquestioned firmly.

Ebenez never expected Sigurd to dare speak to him in such a manner. However, given that Sigurd heldthe sect leader token and was addressing him before numerous disciples, Ebenez found himself in noposition to argue. Reluctantly, he relented, saying, “Fine, then. If that's the case, you can issue theorders. Hurry up and give the command to have Jared detained.”

“How could I simply give such a command before getting to the bottom of the matter, Mr. Erdell?”Sigurd countered.

“In my thinking, Sigurd, you're just favoring this kid! The truth is right before your eyes. Are you blind?”Bilius cursed.

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