The Man's Decree

Chapter 2611
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Chapter 2611

Chapter 2611 Not A Bad Choicenovelbin

“Mr. Samoll, I can get into the medicinal pool just like that? And what exactly is that medicinal pool?”Jared asked.

“Of course not. You'll need to undergo evaluations to get into the medicinal pool. But given yourcapabilities, I believe you can pass it easily,” Ghaylen said. “As for what the medicinal pool is, I'm notvery sure either. But according to Emerald Cauldron Sect's ancient manual, it's the place where thesect's elder performs alchemy. Through years of accumulation, the pool is now rich in spiritual energy.This type of energy is at least a hundred times stronger than that from the heavens and earth. Butthere's a limit to how long one can soak in the pool every time it's opened.”

“A limit? Could it be that they're worried that the spiritual energy in the medicinal pool will be completelyabsorbed?”

“Completely absorbed?” Ghaylen laughed. “That medicinal pool is thousands of years old. The spiritualenergy in there is as vast as the sea. How is it possible that it'll be completely absorbed? It's just thatthe spiritual energy inside there is too strong. Even though it can improve one's capabilities veryquickly, there are side effects to that too. If one's physique is too weak, staying inside for too long willcause an explosion of the body and death. That's also why one has to go through evaluations. Even ifyou pass the evaluation, that doesn't mean you can stay in there for long. That's been tested bygenerations of disciples. You can't soak for any longer than an hour. Otherwise, there'll be side effects,ranging from damage to your organs to an explosion of the body.”

“No one has ever made it pass an hour?”

Jared was in disbelief. How is it possible that the body can't withstand an hour of soaking in that pool?

“There are, of course. But there's only a handful. Based on the records, a supreme elder stayed in themedicinal pool for three hours. He's the one who stayed the longest in the pool. He's still alive, but noone knows what cultivation level he has attained. I've never seen him before too!”

Ghaylen's gaze was filled with respect when he spoke. It was easy to tell the status the supreme elderheld in Emerald Cauldron Sect.

Jared was even more fascinated by the medicinal pool after listening to Ghaylen's words. Now that hewas increasing his cultivation level, he needed more resources. It would take him a long time if he onlyrelied on the spiritual energy of the heavens and earth to cultivate.

To rapidly improve his capabilities, he would require a substantial amount of spiritual energy andresources. It seems like this medicinal pool is indeed not a bad choice!

While Jared and Ghaylen were still chatting, Sigurd returned after picking the herbs.

Seeing the two chatting happily, Sigurd could not help but feel slightly surprised. They were still fightingnot long ago, but why do they seem to have become close friends now?

“Put down the herbs and you can go now...” Jared said to Sigurd.

“Aren't you following me to the sect? To join the sect and become a disciple, you'll have to go throughthe inner court's assessment,” Sigurd shared the rules to join the sect with Jared.

As much as Sigurd knew Jared was merely putting on a show, he reckoned there were still rules that

needed to be adhered to. After all, he was only the principal disciple of the sect and had no right toallow Jared to skip the standard procedures.

“I don't intend to become Hosen's disciple anymore. Instead, I'll become Mr. Samoll's disciple. I'll still beconsidered a disciple of Emerald Cauldron Sect and gain entry to the medicinal pool, right?” Jared said.

“Yes. B-But...”

A troubled look crossed Sigurd's face.

“But what? Hurry and get lost...” At the sight of the expression on Sigurd's face, Jared grew a littleannoyed.

“Mr. Chance, even if you become the disciple of Mr. Samoll, you'll still need to go through the innercourt's assessment. That's the rules of Emerald Cauldron Sect. You can't disregard that.”

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