The Man's Decree

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Could The Debtor Have Taken Off

Troy finally came to a realization, so he chased after Jared. Meanwhile, gratification crept onto Jared’sfeatures when he saw that the man had decided to go with him.novelbin

He patted Troy on the shoulder, assuring, “Don’t worry. With me here, you won’t suffer a beating!”

In response, Troy could only smile helplessly. Part of the reason he bit the bullet and decided to go withthe man was to keep his job. They were in the same team, so he was afraid that the higher-ups wouldsack him if they learned that Jared went alone.

In no time, Jared and the others arrived at Dexter’s company based on the address in the information.The company was small with only two floors, and the signage at the entrance was very old.

“Don’t tell me this company has gone bankrupt? Will there still be people inside?” Hilda fretted as shestared at the signage at the entrance.

If the company has gone bankrupt and the debtor has taken off, this debt will be uncollectible!

“Let’s go in and have a look.” After saying that, Jared took the lead and walked in.

The moment they entered the building, a racket drifted into their ears. Thick cigarette smoke hung inthe air, choking one so much that one could not quite breathe.

Seven or eight shirtless men with tattoos snaking all over their bodies were smoking and playing cardsin the lobby, their eyes bloodshot.

At the sight of that scene, regret deluged Troy. He tugged at Jared’s sleeve lightly. “Why don’t we comeanother day, Jared?”

Hilda’s face had also gone a touch pale. No matter how I look at it, this doesn’t seem like a company atall! Instead, it appears to be more of a bandit’s lair!

“Since we’re here, we’ve got to at least meet the boss before leaving,” Jared stated airily.

Right then, one of the men noticed them. He stood up and strutted over to them. “You three, what isyour business here?”

“We’re from Sentiment Chemical Limited, and we’re here to look for Mr. Murphy,” Jared answeredplacidly.

“To collect the debt?” The man instantly discerned the purpose of their visit. With a slight frown, hegrowled, “Mr. Murphy isn’t in, so hurry up and leave. Don’t disrupt our game of cards!”

Upon saying that, he headed back to the table to resume his game. Yet, just after he had taken twosteps, a sultrily-dressed girl with heavy makeup sashayed down from the second floor. She was notthat old, but her dressing and appearance made it clear that she had long since lost the innocence of agirl.

“Lux, Mr. Murphy wants to see them,” the girl uttered to the burly man who stopped Jared and theothers from going any further earlier.

The burly man nodded in acknowledgment and turned to the trio. “Go on up.”

After saying that, he returned to his game of cards without a backward glance. Meanwhile, the girlstudied Hilda for a bit before ordering, “Come with me.”

Jared and the others followed her upstairs. Troy was so scared that he was trembling and almosttripped while ascending the stairs.

At the same time, Dexter was smoking a cigar in the office with both his legs propped up on the tableas he hummed leisurely. Wads of tissue were scattered all over the ground, and a musty smell lingeredin the air. At a single glance, one could tell what had transpired there earlier.

Soon, the girl led Jared and the others into the office. Dexter continued holding the cigar between hislips, but his eyes roamed all over Hilda.

“You’re from Sentiment Chemical Limited?” he queried mildly.

“Yes.” Jared nodded in affirmation.

“I’ve prepared the money I owe your company long ago.” While saying that, he threw the girl who ledthe trio upstairs a look. Understanding his meaning at once, the girl promptly opened the safety depositbox at the side.

Stacks of bills were arranged neatly in there, the amount far exceeding a million.

Exhilaration swept over Troy and Hilda like a tidal wave when they saw Dexter’s ready acquiescence.They did not expect things to be so smooth sailing. He doesn’t seem to be as described in theinformation, refusing to repay his debt and even beating up those who come to collect it!

Jared, however, smirked slightly. He knew that the man could not possibly be so sporting to return themoney.

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